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Containing instances of false ORTHOGRAPHY, arranged under the respective rulcs.


Monosyllables ending with f, 1, or s, preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant: as staff, only exceptions are, of, if, as, is, has, and thus.

mill, pass, &c. The was, yes, his, this, us

See Vol. 1. p. 23. and the Key. Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule 1.

It is no great merit to spel properly; but a great defect to do it incorrectly.

Jacob worshiped his Creator, leaning on the top of his staf. We may place too little, as well as too much stres upon dreams.

Our manners should be neither gros, nor excessively refined.


Monosyllables ending with any consonant but f, l, or s, and preceded by a single vowel, never double the final consonant ; excepting only, add, ebb, butt, egg, odd, err, inn, bunn, purr, and buzz.

See the Key, Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule 2.

A carr signifies a chariot of war, or a small carraige of burden.

In the names of druggs and plants, the mistake in a word may endanger life.

Nor undelightful is the ceaseless humm

To him who muses through the woods at noon

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The finn of a fish is the limb, by which he balances his body, and moves in the water.

Many a trapp is laid to insnare the feet of youth.

Many thousand families are supported by the simple business of making matts.


Words ending with y, preceded by a consonant, form the plurals of nouns, the persons of verbs, verbal nouns, past participles, comparatives, and superlatives, by changing y into i: as, spy, spies; I carry, thou carriest; he carrieth or carries; carrier, carried; happy, happier, happiest.

The present participle in ing, retains the y, that i may not be doubled as carry, carrying; bury, burying.

But y, preceded by a vowel, in such instances as the above, is not changed: as, boy, boys; I cloy, he cloys, cloyed, &c.: except in lay, pay, and say; from which are formed, laid, paid, and said; and their compounds, unlaid, unpaid, unsaid, &c.

See the Key, Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule 3.

We should subject our fancys to the government of reason. If thou art seeking for the living among the dead, thou wearyest thyself in vain.

If we have denyed ourselves sinful pleasures, we shall be great gainers in the end.

We shall not be the happyer for possessing talents and affluence, unless we make a right use of them.

The truly good mind is not dismaied by poverty, afflictions, or death.


Words ending with y, preceded by a consonant, upon assuming an additional syllable beginning with a consonant, commonly change y into i: as, happy, happily, happiness. But when y is preceded by a vowel, it is very rarely changed in the additional syllable as coy, coyly; boy, boyish, boyhood; annoy, annoyed, annoyance; joy, joyless, joyful, &c

See the Key, Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule 4.

It is a great blessing to have a sound mind, uninfluenced by fancyful humours.

Common calamities, and common blessings, fall heavyly upon the envious.

The comelyness of youth are modesty and frankness; of age, condescension and dignity.

When we act against conscience, we become the destroiers of our own peace.

We may be plaiful, and yet innocent; grave, and yet corrupt. It is only from general conduct, that our true character can be portraied.


Monosyllables, and words accented on the last syllable, ending with a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double that consonant, when they take another syllable beginning with a vowel as wit, witty; thin, thinnish; to abet, an abettor; to begin, a beginner.

But if a diphthong precedes, or the accent is on the preceding syllable, the consonant remains single: as, to toil, toiling; to offer, an offering; maid, maiden, &c.

See the Key, Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule 5.

When we bring the lawmaker into contempt, we have in effect annuled his laws.

By defering our repentance, we accumulate our sorrows. The pupils of a certain ancient philosopher, were not, during their first years of study, permited to ask any ques


We all have many faillings and lapses to lament and reco


There is no affliction with which we are visitted, that may not be improved to our advantage.

The Christian Lawgiver has prohibitted many things which the heathen philosophers allowed.


Words ending with any double letter but 1, and taking ness, less, ly, or ful, after them, preserve the letter double: as, harmlessness, carelessness, carelessly, stifly, successful, distressful, &c. But those words which end with double 1, and take ness, less, ly, or ful, after them, generally omit one \: as fulness, skilless, fully, skilful, &c.

See the Key, Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule 6.

Restlesness of mind disqualifies us, both for the enjoyment of peace, and the performance of our duty.

The arrows of calumny fall harmlesly at the feet of virtue. The road to the blisful regions, is as open to the peasant as to the king.

A chillness, or shivering of the body, generally precedes a fever

To recommend virtue to others, our lights must shine brightly, not dullly.

The silent stranger stood amaz'd to see
Contempt of wealth, and willful poverty.


Ness, less, ly, and ful, added to words ending with silent e, do not cut it off: as, paleness, guileness, closely, peaceful; except in a few words: as, duly, truly, anful.

See the Key, Part 2. Chap. 1. Rule. 7.

The warmth of disputation, destroys that sedatness of mind which is necessary to discover truth,

All these with ceasless praise his works behold,
Both day and night.

In all our reasonings, our mind should be sincerly employed in the pursuit of truth.

Rude behaviour, and indecent language, are peculiarly disgracful to youth of education.

The true worship of God is an important and aweful ser


Wisdom alone is truely fair: folly only appears so.


Ment, added to words ending with silent e, generally preserves the e from elision: as, abatement, chastisement, incitement, &c. The words judgment, abbridgment, acknowledg ment, are deviations from the rule.

Like other terminations it changes y into i, when preceded by a consonant : as, aecompany, accompaniment : merry, merriment.

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