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THE improvements contained in the THIRD EDITION of the OCTAVO grammar, consist of many corrections and alterations of particular passages, in the first volume, and of more than forty pages of additional matter, dispersed in various parts of it: and also of a considerable modification of the first part of the second volume; namely, the Exercises which respect the nature and principles of Parsing. The last section under the head of Parsing, contains a large number of recent exercises on some of the more difficult rules of grammar: and they are exhibited in a peculiar form, calculated to give the student a radical and satisfactory view of those rules.

The author indulges a hope, that these enlargements and variations will meet the approbation of the judicious reader; and render the new edition, what he has sedulously endeavoured to make it, a material improvement of the work.

He also ventures to presume, that the numerous exemplifications, of a moral and improving nature, with which all the editions of the work are interspersed; and the short subsidiary disquisition of the present edition, as well as those of former impressions; will afford some relief to the subject of grammar, and render it less dry and uninteresting to the student. Perhaps they will be found to contribute, in some degree, to invite and encourage him to acquire an art, which, in its own nature, does not, to young minds especially, present many attractions. Holdgate, near York,-1816.


ENGLISH GRAMMAR is the art of speaking and writing the English language with propriety. It is divided into four parts, viz.


3. SYNTAX, And



This division may be rendered more intelligible to the stu dent, by observing, in other words, that Grammar treats,

First, of the form and sound of the letters, the combination of letters into syllables, and syllables into words;

Secondly, of the different sorts of words, their various modifications, and their derivation;

Thirdly, of the union and right order of words in the formation of a sentence; and

Lastly, of the just pronunciation, and poetical construction of sentences.

Grammar may be considered as consisting of two species, Universal and Particular. Grammar in general, or Universal Grammar, explains the principles which are common to all languages. Particular Grammar applies those general principles to a particular language, modifying them according to the genius of that tongue, and the established practice of the best speakers and writers by whom it is used.

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