THE PUPIL TEACHERS' COURSE. EDITED BY THOMAS PAGE. FOURTH YEAR. PRICE 4s. Od. LONDON: MOFFATT AND PAIGE, 28, WARWICK LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. NEW CODE-FIRST SCHEDULE. QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES OF PUPIL TEACHERS AT THE END OF FOURTH (OR FIFTH) YEAR. 1. Certificate of Health from the Managers. 2. Certificate of Good Conduct from the Managers. 3. Certificate of Punctuality, Diligence, Obedience, and Attention to Duties from the Master or Mistress. 4. To Read with fluency, ease, and expression. 5. Recitation. To repeat 80 lines of prose. 6. English Grammar and Composition. (a) Recapitulation of the preceding exercises. (b) To know something of the Sources and Growth of the English Language. (c) To write an Original Composition on some simple subject selected by Her Majesty's Inspector. 7. Euclid, Book II. 8. Mensuration of Plane Surfaces. 9. Algebra to Quadratic Equations inclusive. (The same as for the previous year, and cube root, simultaneous equations of the first degree of two unknown quantities, quadratic equations involving one unknown quantity, with easy problems leading to them.) |