con. XXX. iv. Penitent sinners are to be absolved from censures, con. xxx. 2. Censuring. Rash, harsh, and partial cen- suring sinful, cat. 145. Ceremonial law. See Law.
Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it consists, cat. 135, 141, 144, 147. What con- trary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, 148. Giving and lending freely according to our ability, and the necessities of others, is a duty, con. xxvi. 2. cat. 141.
Charms unlawful, cat. 113. Chastity, cat. 138.
Children that die in infancy, how saved, con. x. 3. The children of such as profess the true religion are members of the visible church, con. xxv. 2. cat. 62. And are to be baptized, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166. Christ, why so called, cat. 42. Is the only Me- diator between God and man, con. viii. 1. cat. 36. Who being very God, of one sub- stance, and equal with the Father, con. viii. 11,36. In the fulness of time became man, con. viii. 2. cat. 36, 37. The necessity of his being God and man, cat. 38, 39, 40. He was ordained by God from eternity to be Mediator, con. viii. 1. He was sanctified and anointed with the Holy Spirit to execute the office of Mediator, con. viii. 3. cat. 42. To which he was called by the Father, con. viii. 3. And willingly undertook and dis- charged it, con. iv. 8. By his perfect obe- dience and sacrifice of himself, he pur- chased reconciliation and eternal life for all the elect, con. viii. 5. cat. 38. To whom, in all ages, the benefits of his mediation are effectually applied, con.viii. 6, 8. Christ's offices of prophet, priest, king, cat. 43, 44, 45. See Acceptance, Access, Body of Christ, Church, Death of Christ, Exaltation, Ex- piation, Humiliation, Imputation, Inter- cession, Judge, Merit, Messiah, Name of Christ, Personal Union, Propitiation, Reconciliation, Redemption, Resurrection, Righteousness, Sacrifice, Salvation, Satis- faction, Surety.
Christian liberty. See Liberty.
Church, the, is the object of God's special providence, con. v. 7. cat. 63. Christ the only head of it, con. viii. 1. xxv. 6. The catholick church invisible, what, con. xxv. 1. cat. 64. Given to Christ from all eter- nity, con. viii. 1. The benefits which the members of it enjoy by Christ, cat. 65, 66, 69, 82, 83, 86, 90. The catholick church visible, what, con. xxv. 2. cat. 62. Out of it no ordinary possibility of salvation, con. xxv. 2. Its privileges, con. xxv. 3. cat. 63. Particular churches more or less pure, con. xxv. 4. The purest subject to mixture and error, con. xxv. 5. There shall always be a church on earth to worship God ac- cording to his will, ib.
Church-censures. See Censures. Church-government appointed by the Lord Jesus in the hand of church-officers, dis- tinct from the civil magistrate, con. xxx. 1. cat. 45, 108. But they are not exempted from obedience to the magistrate, con. xxiii. 4. They have the power of the keys committed to them, con. xxx. 2. What that power is, and its use, con. xxx. 2, 3, 4. They are not to be opposed in the law- ful exercise of their powers upon pretence
of Christian liberty, con. xx. 4. See Corm cils. There are some circumstances con- cerning church-government, which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Chris- tian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, con. i. 6. Circumcision, one of the ordinances by which the covenant of grace was administered unto the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34.
Civil magistrate, or civil powers. See Magis trate.
Commandments, the Ten, are the sum of the moral law, con. xix. 2. cat. 98. They are a perfect rule of righteousness, con. xix. 2. Rules for understanding them, cat. 99. The preface explained, cat. 101. The first Com- mandment, cat. 103-106. The second, cat. 107-110. The third, cat. 111-114. fourth, cat. 115-121. The fifth, cat. 123-133. The sixth, cat. 134-136. The seventh, cat. 137-139. The eighth, cat. 140-142. The ninth, cat. 143-145. The tenth, cat.146-148. The sum of the first four commandments, which contain our duty to God, cat. 102. The sum of the other six, which contain our duty to man, cat. 122. No man is able to keep the commandments of God per- fectly, cat. 149.
Communion, the. See The Lord's Supper. Communion of Saints, wherein it consists, con. xxvi. 1, 2. The enjoyment of it is one of the privileges of the visible church, cat. 63. In the Lord's supper communicants testify their mutual love and fellowship each with other, cat. 168. That sacrament being a bond and pledge of believers' com- munion with Christ, and with each other, as members of his mystical body, con. xxix. 1. The communion of saints doth not in- fringe a man's property in his goods and possessions, con. xxvi. 3.
Communion which the elect have with Christ, con. xxvi. 1. In this life, cat. 69, 83. Im- mediately after death, cat. 86. At the resurrection and day of judgment, cat. 87, 90. It is a consequence of their union with him, con. xxvi. 1. It doth not make them partakers of his Godhead, nor equal with him, con. xxvi. 3. It is confirmed in the Lord's supper, cat. 168.
Company, unchaste, not to be kept, cat. 139. Nor corrupt communications to be used or listened to, ib.
Condition. Perfect, personal, and perpetual obedience, the condition of the covenant of works, con. vii. 2. xix. 1. cat. 20. God requires faith as the condition to interest sinners in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, cat. 32.
Confession of sin always to be made in private to God, con. xv. 6. And is to be joined with prayer, cat. 178. When to be made to men, con. xv. 6. Upon confession the of- fending brother is to be received in love, ib. Conscience. See Liberty of Conscience. Peace of conscience a fruit of the sense of God's 13 love, con. xviii. 1, 8. cat. 83. Believers may fall into sins which wound the con- science, con. xvii. 8. xviii. 4. The wicked are punished with horror of conscience, cat. 28, 83.
Contentment. Submission to God is our duty, cat. 104. Discontent at his dispensations is sinful, cat. 105. A full contentment
with our condition is our duty, cat. 147. Cursing sinful, cat. 113. Discontentment with our own estate a sin,
cat. 148. Controversies. It belongs to synods and councils ministerially to determine contro- versies of faith, and cases of conscience, con. xxxi. 3. The Spirit speaking in the scriptures is the supreme judge of all con- troversies in religion, con. i. 10. The ori- ginal text of the scriptures is that to which the church is finally to appeal, con. i. 8. Conversation, our, ought to be in holiness and righteousness, answerable to an holy profession, cat. 112, 167.
Corruption of nature, what, con. vi. 2, 4. cat. 25. A consequence of the fall of man, ib. Actual sin a fruit of it, con. vi. 4. cat. 25. How it is propagated, con. vi. 3. cat. 26. It doth remain during this life in the re- generate, and all its motions are truly sin, con. vi. 5. xiii. 2. cat. 78. But it is pardoned and mortified through Christ, con. vi. 5. Covenant. No enjoying of God but by way of covenant, con. vii. 1.
Covenant of works, what, and with whom made, con. iv. 2. vii. 2. xix. 1. cat. 20, 22. Perfect, personal, and perpetual obedi- ence, the condition of it, con. vii. 2. xix. 1. cat. 20. It is called a law, and a command, con. iv. 2. and a law given as a covenant, con. xix. 1. and a covenant of life, of which the tree of life was a pledge, cat. 20. Covenant of grace, what, con. vii. 3. cat. 30, 32. It was made with Christ as the second Adam, and with all the elect in him, as his seed, cat. 31. In it God requireth of sinners faith in Christ, that they may be justified and saved, con. vii. 3. cat. 71. Faith being required as the condition to interest them in Christ, cat. 32. Who is the Mediator of this covenant, con. viii. 1. cat. 36. Why it is called a testament, con. vii. 4. It was differently administered in the time of the law, and in the time of the gospel, con. vii. 5. cat. 33. How it was administered under the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34. How under the gospel, con. vii. 6 cat. 35.
Councils or Synods ought to be, c n. xxxi. 1. They may be called by the civil magis- trate,con. xxiii. 3.xxxi.2. When ministers may meet without the call of the civil magistrate, con. xxxi. 2. What power councils have, con. xxxi.3. What submis- sion due to their decrees, ib. Not infal- lible since the apostles' time, con.xxxi. 4. But their determinations are to be tried by the scriptures, con. i. 10. How far they may meddle in civil affairs, con. xxxi. 5. Creation of the world, con.iv. 1. cat. 15. Of man, con. iv. 17. Of angels, cat. 16. Creatures. Dominion over the creatures given to man, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. They are cursed for our sakes since the fall, cat. 28. Religious worship to be given to no creature, con. xxi. 2. cat. 105. Curiosity. Bold and curious searching into God's secrets discharged, cat. 105. Curious prying into God's decrees for- bidden, cat. 113. Curious or unprofit- able questions are to be avoided, ib. Curse, the, and wrath of God, man liable to it, both by original and actual sin, con. vi. 6. cat. 27. How it may be escaped, con. vii. 3. cat. 153.
Lascivious dancing forbidden,
Dead not to be prayed for, con. xxi. 4. cat. 183. Death, being the wages of sin, con. vi. 6. cat. 28, 84. It is appointed for all men, cat. 84. How it is an advantage to the righteous, cat. 85. The state of believers immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. of the wicked, ib.
Death, the, of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat. 49. In it he saw no corruption, con. viii. 4. cat. 52. The divine nature having sustained the human from sinking under the power of death, cat. 38. By his obedience and death, he made a proper, real, and full satisfaction to the justice of the Father, con. xi. 3. cat. 71. Through the virtue of his death and resurrection, believers are sanctified, con. xiii. 1. Believers have fellowship with Christ in his death, con. xxvi. 1. And from his death and resur- rection they draw strength for the mortify- ing of sin, and quickening of grace, cat. 167. The Lord's supper is a memorial of his death,con.xxix. 1. cat. 168. And in that sacrament worthy communicants medi- tate affectionatelyonhis death andsuffer- ings, cat. 174. And receive and feed upon all the benefits of his death, con. xxix. 7. Decalogue, the. See Commandments. Decrees,the,of God,the nature,end, extent, and properties of them,con. iii. 1, 2. cat. 12. The decree of predestination, con. iii. 3,4. Of election and reprobation, con. iii. 5,6,7. cat. 13. How God executeth his decrees, cat. 14. How the doctrine of decrees is to be handled, and what use to be made of them, con. iii. 8. Curious prying into God's decrees forbidden, cat. 113. Desertion. Wilful desertion unlawful, cat. 139. Such as cannot be remedied by the church or civil magistrate, is cause sufficient of dissolving the bond of marriage, con. xxiv. 6.
Despair sinful, cat. 105. Believers always supported from utter despair, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81.
Devil, all compacts and consulting with him sinful, cat. 105.
Diligence in our calling a duty, cat. 141. Dipping in baptism not necessary, con. xxviii. 3.
Discontent at the dispensations of God's providence sinful, cat. 105, 113. Discon- tentment with our own estate sinful, cat. 148.
Divorce, lawful in case of adultery after marriage, or of such wilful desertion as cannot be remedied, con. xxiv. 5, 6. A publick and orderly course of proceed- ing is to be observed in it, con. xxiv. 6. Dominion. See Sovereignty, Creatures, Sin. Doubting of being in Christ, may consist with a true interest in him, con. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 81, 172. And therefore should not hinder from partaking of the Lord's supper, cat. 172.
Drunkenness forbidden, cat. 139. Duty to God bythe light of nature,con.xxi.1. Duties required in the first command- ment, cat. 104. In the second, cat. 108. In the third, cat. 112. In the fourth, cat. 116. Duties of inferiors to their superiors, con.
xxili. 4. cat. 127. What is required of su- periors, con. xxiii. 2. cat. 129. Duties of equals, cat. 131. Duties of the sixth com- mandment, cat. 135. Of the seventh, cat. 138. Of the eighth, cat. 141. Of the ninth, cat. 144. Of the tenth, cat. 147.
ECCLESIASTICAL powers not to be opposed upon pretence of Christian liberty, con. xx. 4. Ecclesiastical persons not exempted from obedience to the civil magistrate, con. xxiii. 4. Effectual calling, what, con. x. 1. cat. 67. It is of God's free grace, not from any thing foreseen in man, con. x. 2. cat. 67. All the elect, and they only, are effectually called,
con. x. 1, 4. cat. 68. The elect united to Christ in their effectual calling, cat. 66. Election, out of God's mere free grace, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. From all eternity in Christ, ib. Election not only to eternal life and glory, but also to the means thereof, con. iii. 6. cat. 13. All the elect, and they only, are effectually called and saved, con. iil. 6. x. 1, 4. cat. 68. Though others may be outwardly called by the word, and have some common operations of the Spirit,ib. Elect infants, and other elect persons who are incapable of being called by the word, how saved, con. x. 3. What use to be made of the doctrine of election, con. iv. 8. And how men may be assured of their eternal election, ib. See Assurance. Envy sinful, cat. 128, 136, 142, 145, 148. Equals, their duties and sins, cat. 131, 132. Equivocation. Speaking the truth in doubt-
ful and equivocal expressions, to the pre- judice of truth or justice, sinful, cat. 145. Eucharist. See Lord's Supper. Exaltation of Christ, con. viii. 4 cat. 51. In his resurrection, cat. 52. In his ascension, cat. 53. In his sitting at the right hand of God, cat. 54. In his coming to judge the world, cat. 56. Self-examination, cat. 171. Excommunication, con. xxx, 2, 8, 4. Expiation. Sin cannot be explated but by the blood of Christ, cat. 152.
FAITH, what, con. xiv. 2. cat. 72. God re- quireth nothing of sinners that they may be justifled, but faith in Christ, con. xi. 1. cat.71. Which he requireth as the con- dition to interest them in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, cat. 32. It justifies a sinner in the sight of God only as it is an instrument by which he receiveth Christ and his righteousness, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. Faith is the gift of God, con. xi. 1. cat. 71. It being the work of the Spirit, con. xiv. 1. cat. 59, 72. It is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the word, con. xiv. 1. Increased and strengthened by theword,sacraments, and prayer ib. Often weakened, but always gets the victorycon. xiv.3. Growing up in manyto a full assur- ance, con. xiv. 3. cat. 80. Good works the fruit and evidence of true faith, con. xvi. 2. cat. 52. Which is never alone, but always accompanied with all other sav- ing graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love, con. xi. 2. cat. 78. Fall of man, the nature and effects of it,con. 21, 23,25,27, 28, 29. Why permitted,
con. vi. 1. How all mankind concerned in it, con. vi. 3. cat. 22.
Falling away. See Perseverance. Family worship daily, required of God, con. xxi. 6.
Fasting. Religious fasting a duty, cat. 108. Solemn fasting a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5.
Fellowship. See Communion. Foreknowledge. All things come to pass in- fallibly according to the foreknowledge of God, con. v. 2.
Forgiveness. See Pardon. Fornication committed after contract of mar riage, a just ground of dissolving the con tract, con. xxiv. 5. Fortune. To ascribe any thing to fortune is sinful, cat. 105. Free-will. See Will.
Frugality a duty, cat. 141.
GAMING. Wasteful gaming forbidden, cat. 142. Glory. The communion in glory with Christ, which believers enjoy in this life, con. xviii. 1, 2, cat. 83. Immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. At the resurrection and day of judgment, con. xxxii. 3. xxxiii. 2. cat. 87, 90.
Glory, the, of God the end of his decrees, con. iii. 3. cat. 12. The glory of his grace the end of election, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. The glory of his justice the end of the decree of reprobation, con. iii. 7. cat. 13. The glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and good- ness, the end of the creation, con. iv. 1. The manifestation of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy, is the end of all God's works of providence, con. v. 1. cat. 18. The end of God's appointing the last judgment is the manifestation of the glory of his mercy and justice, con. xxxii. 10. To glorify God is the chief end of man, cat. 1. God is glorified by good works, con. xvi. 2. Gluttony a sin, cat. 139.
God. The light of nature sheweth that there is a God, con. xxi. 1. cat. 2. What it declares concerning him, and of our duty to him, con. 1. 1. xxi. 1. It is not. sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is necessary unto salvation, con. i. 1. cat. 2. The attributes or perfections of God, con. ii. 1, 2. cat. 7, 101. There is but one only God, con. ii. 1. cat. 8. There are three persons in the Godhead, distinguished by personal pro- perties,con. ii. 3. cat. 9,10. The co-equality of the persons proved, cat. 11. To him is due from all his creatures, whatsoever worship, service, or obedience, he is pleased to require, con. ii. 2. Our duty to God, cat. 104, 108, 112, 116. What contrary to it, cat. 105, 109, 113, 119. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Christ, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179, 181. God is to be worshipped in that way only which he hath instituted in the scriptures, con. xxi. 1. cat. 109. To glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever, is the chief end of man, cat. 1. Good works. See Works. Gospel. How the covenant of grace is ad-
ministered under the gospel,con.vii. 6. cat.
85. Without the gospel no salvation, con. x. 4. cat. 60. In it Christ doth not dissolve but strengthen the obligation to the obedience of the moral law, con. xix. 5. Believers under the gospel have a greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, con. xx. 1.
Government. See Church, Magistrate. Grace, the, of God. Election is of God's mere free grace,con. iii. 5. cat. 13. How the grace of God is manifested in the second covenant, con. vii. 3. cat. 32. Effectual calling is of God's free and special grace, con. X. 2. cat. 67. Justification is only of free grace, con. xi. 3. cat. 70, 71. Adoption is an act of free grace, con. xii. cat. 74. The communion in grace which believers have with Christ, cat. 69. All saving graces are the work of the Spirit, con. xiii. xiv. xv. cat. 32, 72, 75, 76, 77. And do always accompany faith, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. Perseverance in grace, con. xvii. cat. 79. Increase in grace, con. xiii. 1, 3. cat. 75, 77. Assurance of grace, con. xviii. cat. 80, 81.
HARDEN. Why and how sinners are hardened, con. v. 6. Believers may have their hearts hardened, con. xvii. 3.
Head. The elect are inseparably united to Christ as their head, con. xxv. 1. xxvi. 1. cat. 64, 66. He is the only head of the church, con. xxv. 6.
Hearing. What is required of those that hear the word preached, con. xxi. 5. cat. 160. Heaven, the state of the blessed, con. xxxii. 1. xxxiii. 2. cat. 86, 90.
Hell, the state of the damned, con. xxxii. 1. xxxiii. 2. cat. 29, 86, 89. The meaning of these words in the Creed, He descended into hell, cat. 50.
Hereticks to be rejected, cat. 105. Holiness. God is most holy in all his counsels, works, and commands, con. ii. 2. Man was created holy after the image of God, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. But by the fall he became wholly defiled, con. vi. 2. Believers are, by the sanctifying Spirit of Christ, quickened and strengthened to the practice of holiness, con. xiii. 1, 3. cat. 75. And are made perfectly holy in heaven, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86, 90. See Sanctification. Holy Ghost, the, equal with the Father, con. ii. 3. cat. 11. He is promised to the elect in the covenant of grace, con. vii. 3. cat. 32. By him they are united to Christ, con. xxvi. 1. For by him the redemption purchased by Christ is applied to them, con. viii. 8. xi. 4. cat. 58, 59. By him they are effectually called, con. x. 1. cat. 67. And have faith wrought in their hearts, con. xiv. 1. cat. 59, 72. He is given to them in adoption, con. xii. cat. 74. And applying the death and resurrection of Christ to them, by his powerful operation, they are sanctified, con. xiii. 1. cat. 75. Having repentance wrought, and all other saving graces infused into their hearts, con. xiii. 1. cat. 32, 75, 76, 77. Through the continual supply of strength from him, believers grow in grace, con. xiii. 3. cat. 75. The outward means are by him made effectual to the elect for salvation, con. vii. 5, 6. xxv. 3. cat. 155, 161. Prayer is to be
made by his help, con. xxi. 3. cat. 182, Ability to do good works is from him, con. xvi. 3. Assurance of faith is attained by his witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God, con. xviii. 2. cat. 80. By his abiding within believers, they are secured from falling totally away from the state of grace, and are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, con. xvii. 2. cat. 79.
Hope of glory, con. xviii. 1. cat. 83. The hope of hypocrites, con. xviii. 1. Humiliation of Christ, con. viii. 2, 4. cat. 46. · In his conception and birth, cat. 47. In his life, cat. 48. In his death, cat. 49. After death, cat. 50.
Hypocrisy. Making profession of religion in hypocrisy, or for sinister ends, sinful, cat. 113. The hypocrite's hope, con. xviii. 1. Hypostatical. See Personal. I
IDLENESS unlawful, cat. 139, 142. Idolatry, all the kinds of it forbidden, cat. 105, 109. All monuments of idolatry ought to be removed, cat. 108.
Ignorant, not to be admitted to the Lord's table, con. xxix. 8. cat. 173. Image. Man made after the image of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. This image is renewed by sanctification, cat. 75. And fully perfected in heaven, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86, 90. Image-worship of all kinds discharged, cat.
Imputation. The guilt of Adam's first sin is imputed to all his posterity, con. vi. 3. The obedience and satisfaction of Christ is imputed to believers, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. His righteousness is imputed to them, cat.71,77. Incarnation of Christ, con. viii. 2. cat. 37, 39. Incest discharged, cat. 139. Incestuous marriages, which are within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity forbidden in the scriptures, can never be made lawful,con.xxiv. 4. Inclosures and depopulations, unjust, forbidden, cat. 142.
Increase of grace is from a continual supply of strength from the sanctifying Spirit of Christ, con. xiii. 1, 3. cat. 75, 77. Infants, how saved, con. x. 3. Infants of one or both believing parents are to be baptized, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166. Ingrossing commodities to enhance their price, unlawful, cat. 142. Innocency. The state of man in innocency, con. iv. 2. cat. 17, 20. Inspiration. The books of the Old and New Testament are given by inspiration of God, con. i. 2. But the Apocrypha is not of divine inspiration, con. i. 3. Intercession. How Christmakes intercession, cat. 55. It is a part of his priestly office, cat. 44. He makes intercession, that the redemption which he hath purchased may be applied to all believers, con. viii. 8. cat. 55. And their perseverance depends upon his continual intercession for them, con. xvii. 2. cat. 79.
Jests. Perverting the scripture to profane jests, sinful, cat. 113.
Jesus, why so called, cat. 41. See Christ. Joy in the Holy Ghost, the fruit of assurance,
con. xviii. 1, 2. cat. 83. Believers, by fall
ing into some sins, may grieve the Spirit, and be deprived of some measure of their comfort, con. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. Judge. Christ the judge of the world, con. viii. 1, 4. xxxiii. 1. How he shall come at the last day, cat. 56. Judgments, the, of God upon sinners in this world, con. v. 6. cat. 28, 83. How believers may bring temporal judgments on themselves, con. xvii. 3. God is just and terrible in his judgments, con. ii. 1, Judgment, the last, what, con. xxxiii. 1. Appointed for angels and men, con. viii. 4. xxxiii. 1. cat. 88. The end of its appointment is the manifestation of God's mercy and justice, con. xxxiii. 2. Christ shall be the judge, con. viii. 4. xxxiii. 1. How he shall come to judge the world, cat. 56. Why he would have us certainly persuaded of it, con. xxxiii. 3. Why the time of it is concealed, con. xxxiii. 3. cat. 88. The judgment of the righteous, con. xxxiii. 2. cat. 90. The judgment of the wicked, con. xxxiii. 2. cat. 89.
Judicial law. See Law.
Justice, the, of God fully satisfied by Christ's
obedience and death, con. viii. 5. xi. 3, cat. 38, 71. It is manifested in the works of providence, con. v. 1. In the justification of sinners, con. xi. 3. In the last judgment, con. xxxiii. 2.
Justice in contracts and commerce between man and man, cat. 141, 142. Justification, what, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. All the elect, and they only, are justified, con. iii. 6. Whom God did from all eternity decree to justify, con. xi. 4. But they are not justified till the Holy Spirit doth in due time actually apply Christ unto them, ib. How justification is of God's free grace, con. xi. 3. cat. 71. Faith is necessarily required for justification, cat. 71. But it justifies a sinner only as it is an instrument by which he receiveth Christ and his righteousness, con. xi. 1, 2. cat. 73. The exact justice, and rich grace of God, are both glorified in the justification of sinners, con. xi. 3. Justification the same under the Old Testament as under the New, con. xi. 6. It is inseparably joined with sanctification, cat. 77. How they differ, ib. Those that are justified are perfectly freed in this life from the revenging wrath of God, that they never fall into condemnation, con. xvii. 1. cat. 77, 79. But corruption remaining in them, con. vi. 5. xiii. 2. cat. 78. They fall into many sins, con. xvii. 3. cat. 78. Which God continues to forgive, upon their humbling themselves, confessing their sins, begging pardon, and renewing their faith and repentance, con. xi. 5.
KEYS. The power of the keys, what, con. XXX. 2. Committed to church-officers, ib. The civil magistrate may not assume this power, con. xxiii. 3.
King. Christ the King of his church, con. xxx. 1. How he executeth the office of a king, cat. 45. What meant by the coming of his kingdom, cat. 191. Knowledge. God's knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the creature, con. ii. 2. The knowledge which may be had of God and of our duty to him by the
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LABOUR is to be moderately used, cat. 135,136. Land-marks not to be removed, cat. 142. Law. The Ceremonial Law, what, con. xix. 3. It is abrogated now under the New Testament, con. xix. 3. xx. 1. How the covenant of grace was administered under the law, con. vii. 5. viii. 6. cat. 34. Law, the Judicial, expired with the state of the Jews, con.xix. 4. And obliges no further than the general equity of it requires, ib. Law, the Moral, what, cat. 93. Given to Adam with a power to fulfil it, con. iv. 2. xix. 1. cat. 92. The ten commandments the sum of it, con. xix. 2. cat. 98. Though believers are not under it as a covenant, con. xix. 6. And are not able perfectly to keep it, cat. 149. Yet it continues to be a perfect rule of righteousness, con. xix. 2. Binding all, as well justified persons as others, con. xix. 5. Christ, in the gospel, having not abolished, but much strengthened the obligation to the obedience of it, ib. And although no man since the fall can, by the moral law, attain to righteous ness and life, con. xix. 6. cat. 94. Which Christ alone hath purchased for the elect by his perfect obedience, con. viii. 5. Yet it is of great use to all, con. xix. 6. cat, 95. The use of it to the regenerate, con. xix. 6. cat. 97. The use of it to the unregenerate, cat. 96. Not contrary to the grace of the gospel, but doth sweetly comply with it, con. xix. 7. The Spirit of Christ subduing and enabling the will of man unto a free and cheerful obedience to the will of God, con. xix. 7. cat. 32.
Law-suits, unnecessary, to be avoided, cat. 141, 142.
Liberty. Christian liberty, what, con. xx. 1. Wherein it is enlarged under the gospel, ib. The end of Christian liberty, con. xx. 3. Liberty to sin inconsistent with it, ib. It is not intended to destroy ecclesiastical or civil powers, but to support and preserve them, con. xx. 4. Neither are men thereby allowed to publish opinions, or maintain practices, that are contrary to the light of nature, or to the known principles of Christianity, or such as are destructive of the peace and order of the church, ib. Liberty of conscience, what it is, and what repugnant to it, con. xx. 2. Making men the lords of our faith and conscience unlawful, con. xx. 2. cat. 105.
Life. Eternal life purchased by Christ's perfect obedience to the law, con. viii. 5. The tree of life was a pledge of the covenant of works, cat. 20. The life of any not to be taken away except in case of public justice, lawful war, or necessary defence, cat. 136. Light of nature, what may be known of God and of our duty to him by it, con. i. 1. xxi. 1. cat. 2. It is not sufficient to make us wise unto salvation, con. i. 1. x. 4. xxi. 1. cat. 2, 60. It is of the law of nature that a due portion of time be set apart for the worship of God, con. xxi. 7. Looks, wanton, sinful, cat. 139. Lord's Prayer. See Prayer.
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