Page Page 280 Eastern Manners and Language- Epistle to the Countess of Cumber- land, Extract from, i.. 97 651 Epistle to a Friend, i 13:3 33 Eastern Travellers, ii. 676-682 Epitaph, an, i. 119 Devils in the Head, i. 284 Eblis, the Hall of, ii. 542 Epitaph-Jack and Joan, i. 535 Diana, Hymn to, i. 113 ECHARD, LAWRENCE, i. 659 Epitaph on the Living Author, i. 318 Diana, the Priestess of, i. 138 Echo and Narcissus, i. 148 Epitaph upon the Year 1806, ii. 423 Diana, the Votaress of, i. 138 Eclogue - Hassan, or the Camel DIBDIN, CHARLES, IL. 152 Driver, ii. 31 630 Economy, Domestic, i. 234, 414 687 Eden, the Garden of, 1. 339 Epithalamion, Passage from the, i. Dinner Given by the Town Mouse EDGEWORTH, Miss, ii. 568-571 Eternal Providence, ii. 74 to the Country Mouse, i. 38 Dirge (What is the existence of man's life), i. 118 Dirge (Blessed is the turf, serenely blessed), ii. -424 Edinburgh, the High Street of, ii. 495 Eternity, Musings on, ii. 456 1 ETHEREGE, SIR GEORGE, i. 392 305 Eton College, Ode on a distant Pro- spect of, ii. 53 696, 702 EUSTACE, J. C. ii. 672 Dirge in Cymbeline, ii. 34 Edinburgh, a Sunday in, ii. 132 EVELYN, JOHN, L 419 Dirge of Rachel, ii. 454 Education, a Complete, i. 398 Evelyn's Account of his Daughter Disappointment - [Pastoral Bal- lad], ii. Education, Gentleness in, i. 437 Mary, i. 429 Evening, i. 198 Discretion in Giving, i. 43 Government and, ii. 56 Evening Primrose, to the, ii. 440 Disdain Returned, i. Discretion in Taking, i Disorder, Delight in, i. Disputation, i. D'ISRAELI, BENJAMIN, ii. 43 Education Confined too much to Evening Scene by Lake Leman, ii. 390 121 Language, i. 413 Excursion, the, ii. 457 143 Dispensary the-[Sir S. Garth], i. 567 . 516, 640 Education, on Female-[Lady Mary Exequies, the, i. 320 Exercise, Different Kinds of, i. 64 653 Exhortatory Letter to an old Lady 611 D'ISRAELI, ISAAC, ii. 688 Distinction, Means of Acquiring, ii. 656 Education, Importance of Moral, i. 515 that Smoked Tobacco, i. 529 Exile's Song, the, ii. 506 345 Eye and Ear, Pleasures of the, ii. 209 Divine Government, View of the, Afforded by Experimental Philo- sophy, i. 448 Education-What it Embraces, i. 265 EYRE, LIEUT. VINCENT, ii. 680 FABIAN, ROBERT, i. 55 487 Fable, i. 596 Doctrines, Opposition to New, i. 516 EDWARDS, RICHARD, I. 164 Fair Recluse, the, ii. 447 668 Edwin and Angelina, ii. 63 FAIRFAX, EDWARD, i. 103 of a Daughter, i. Doddridge on the Dangerous Illness Doddridge, Happy Devotional Feel- Edwin, Description of, ii. 106 Fairies of the Caldon-Low-a Mid- 670 Edwin and Emma, ii. 42 summer Legend, ii. 463 Elegy, ii. 133 Fairies, Farewell to the, i. 117 ings of, i. 671 DODSLEY, ROBERT, ii. 114, 255 Elegy on an Unfortunate Lady, i. 560 Fairy Queen, the, i. 36 FALCONER, WILLIAM, Ii. 87-91 DODWELL, EDWARD, ii. 671 yard, ii. 55 Falkland, Lord, Character of, i. 478 DONNE, JOHN, i. 109 Elegy, written in Spring, ii. 96 Falstaff Arrested by his Hostess, Donne's Satires, a Character from, i. 111 Elephant in the Moon, i. 349-352 Dame Quickly, i. 190 Dorax and Sebastian, Scene between, Eliza, Death of, at the Battle of Falstaff, Character of, ii. 693 i. 384-386 Minden, ii. 272 Falstaff's Cowardice and Boasting, L. 189 DORSET, EARL OF, I. 377 Dorset, Earl of, Epistle to the, i. 569 Elizabeth, L. H. Epitaph on, i. 114 Fame, i. 531 Familiar Faces, the Old, ii. 356 DOUCE, FRANCIS, ii. 688 Character, ii. 184 Family Library, ii. 702 DOUGLAS, GAVIN, L. 44 Elizabeth's Reign, Sports upon the Fanaticism, Ludicrous Image of, i. 628 Drama, the-its Rise in England, i. 163 Ice in, i. 250 Fancy, to, ii. 101 Dramatic Literature-its Decline, 509 ELLIOTT, EBENEZER, ii. 457 FANE, H. G. ii. 680 127 FANSHAWE, SIR RICHARD, L. 153 DRAYTON, MICHAEL, I. Dream, the, i. 98 ELLIOT, SIR GILBERT, ii. 129 Farewell to Ayrshire, ii. 492 703 Farewell Hymn to the Valley of Ir- Dream-Children-a Reverie, ii. 357 ELLIS, HENRY, ii. 680 wan, ii. 74 Dreams and Prophecies, i. 284 Drelincourt on Death-Recommend- ELLIS, SIR HENRY, ii. 700 Farewell, Sweet William's, to Black- 465 Eyed Susan, i.. 575 ed by the Apparition of Mrs Veal Ellwood's Intercourse with Milton, i. 465 Farewell to Tobacco, ii. 356, 357 1 -[Daniel Defoe], i. 618-621 Dress, Directions Respecting-[John Eloisa to Abelard, from the Epistle FARMER, HUGH, ii. 217 559 FARQUHAR, GEORGE, L. 598 Tobin), ii. . 532 ELPHINSTONE, THE HON. MOUNT- Fashion, Picture of the Life of a Dress, Fashions in, i. 423 STUART, ii. . 644, 680 Woman of, i. 596 Drinking, i. 315 ELYOT, SIR THOMAS, i. 64 Fatal Curiosity, i. 592 Drum, Ode on Hearing the, ii. 121 EMERSON, JAMES, ii. 644 Father's Grief for the Death of his 1 DRUMMOND, WILLIAM, і. 158, 308 Emulation and Envy, i. 268 Daughter-[Note], i. 309 Drummond to his Lute, i. 160 Encyclopædias, &c. ii. 255, 703 FAWKES, FRANCIS, ii. 118 Drury Lane, a Tale of By W. S. [Rejected Addresses], ii.. 432 Druses, Sketch of, ii. 407 DRYDEN, JOHN, i. 359-362, 379, 492 Dryden to his Honoured Kinsman Endymion, the Story of, i. 319 Feast in the Manner of the Ancients, 438 ii. 168 Feelings, Lost, ii. 456 Felon, Dream of the Condemned, ii. 313 54 FELLOWS, CHARLES, ii. 678 1 John Dryden, Esq. i. 365, 366 Dryden's Translation of Virgil, i. 497 Duelling, against, i. 286 DUGDALE, SIR WILLIAM, і. 527 in a Blank Leaf of, ii. DUNBAR, WILLIAM, i. Duncan, King, Murder of, i. DUNCAN, REV. DR, ii. Dungeon, Picture of a, ii. DUNLOP, JOHN, ii. Durandarte and Belerma, ii. D'URFEY AND BROWN, i. Dwarfs, on the Marriage of the, i. DYER, JOHN, ii. Dying Bequest, i. EARLE, JOHN, 1. Early History of Nations, i. Early Rising and Prayer, i. 318 Envy and Emulation, i.. Earth, Insignificance of this, ii. Dugdale's Monasticon, Lines Written English, Commencement of the Pre- English Country Seat, Ancient- 40 English Liberty, ii. 181 English Mansion, Ancient, Descrip- 344 English Scenery, Recollections of, ii. 376 English Travellers Visit a Neapolitan 326 Englishman, Characteristic of an, i. 278 Envious Man and the Miser, i. 54 Ferrex and Porrex, i. 599 287 275 664 Epic Poem, Receipt to Make an, i. 641 Feudal System, Effects of the, ii. Filial Vow, the, ii. Fingal's Airy Hall, ii. 4 Female Beauty, a Description of, ii. 79 Fen, an English, ii. 314 . FERGUSON, DR ADAM, ii. 249 638 FERGUSSON, ROBERT, ii. 265 FERRIER, MISS, ii. 555 490 51 78 Fireside, the, ii. 129 375 First Love's Recollections, ii. 427 25 FISCHER, JOHN, i. 62 531 FITZROY, CAPTAIN, Iii. 687 . 268 Flatterers and Agreeable Compa- nions, i. 606 315 Flattery of the Great, i.. 624 708 Genius, Pictures of Native, ii. Greece, Picture of Modern, ii. 30 Greece, Satan's Survey of, i. 567 GREEN, MATTHEW, i. 289 GREENE, ROBERT, і. 570 Greenland, ii. 594 Greenland Missionaries, the, ii. 671 Greenwich Hill, ii. 428 Greenwich Pensioners, the, ii. 327 Gregory, Lord, Ballad of, ii. Grief, against Excessive, i. 698 Grief controlled by Wisdom, i. 458 Grief, Moderation in, i. 5 GRIFFIN, GERALD, ii. Grongar Hill, ii. 450 Health, Duty of Preserving, i. 315 Heart, to his [Scot], i. Heaven and Hell, i. 424 Heaven, Thoughts of, ii. 608 Heaven, What is in, i. 3, 418 Heavens, the Starry, ii. 294 HEBER, DR REGINALD, ii. 439 Heber's Journal, Verses from, ii. 389 Henderson, on Captain Matthew, ii. 485 192 578 Henry III. Extract from a Charter 168 of, i. 6 416 Henry VII.'s time, a Yeoman of, i. 65 259 HENRY, MATTHEW, i. 458 294 Henry, Prince, Epitaph on, i. 160 346 HENRYSON, ROBERT, i. 38 300 HERBERT, GEORGE, i. 136 502 HERBERT, LORD, i.. 269 Ghosts, i. 47 Gulliver in Brobdingnag, i. 576-578 302 Gunpowder, Invention and Use of, ii. 200 known to public view), i. 278 HEAD, SIR FRANCIS, ii. 683 516 155 314 505 11 455 407-410 409 6 Hunter, William, Notable History JESSE, EDWARD, ii. 68 139 Hussey, to Mistress Margaret, i. 45 Jesus, Hymn to the Name of, i. 152 וי 53 Joan of Are, ii. 473 Chamouni, ii. 142 Hymn before Sunrise in the Vale of JOCELYN, LORD, il. Get 343 JOHNSON, DR SAMUEL, ii. 26-30, 173, 221 473 Hymn of the Captive Jews, ii. 446 Johnson and Hannah More, ii. 578, 579 Hester, to, ii. . 356 Hymn for Family Worship, ii. 303 HEYLIN, PETER, İ. 281 Hymn-Fifteenth Sunday after Tri- Johnson's Dictionary, Extract from 오21 HEVWOOD, JOHN, i. 163 nity, ii. 409 Johnson's Letter to Lord Chester- HEYWOOD, THOMAS, I. 221 Hymn of the Hebrew Maid, ii. 385 field, ii. 27 High Life Below Stairs, Scene from, Hymn, Missionary, ii. 409 JOHNSTON, DR ARTHUR, L. 161 ii. 148 Hymn to the Name of Jesus, i. 152 JOHNSTONE, CHARLES, ii. 176 High Life, Scandal and Literature Hymn to Pan, ii. 405 JOHNSTONE, MRS, ii. in, i. 595 Hypocrite, the, i. 277 JONES, REV. RICHARD, ii. Highland Girl, to a, ii. 331 Hypocritical Sanctimony, i. 444 JONES, SIR WILLIAM, IL 115 Highland Poor, the, ii. 281 I do Confess thou'rt Smooth and JONSON, BEN, L 112-115, 191-193 L Highway Robbery, a Game of, ii. 536-538 Fair, i. 161 Jonson, Ben, Character of, i. 493 r Highways in England, Fabulous Ac- count of the First, i. 8 Ice, Sports upon, in Elizabeth's Jonson, Ben, Letter to, i. 119 250 JORTIN, DR JOHN, IL. 216 Hills o' Gallowa', the, ii. 506 Ideas, Fading of, from the Mind, i. 515 Judgment, the Day of- [Jeremy Hind and Panther, the, i. 364 Ignorance in Power, i. 444 Taylor], i.. 297 Hindoo Widow, Sacrifice of a, ii. 679, 680 II Penseroso, i. 336 Judgment, the Day of-[Version of Historian, Qualifications of, i. 79 III-Natured and Good-Natured Men, the 'Dies Iræ'], i. 356 History-How to Read it, i. 515 i. 443 Judgment, the Day of- [HН. Н. Міп- History and Biography, i. 493 Imagination, Fears of, ii. 513 man], ii. 447 History, on the Credit due to, i. 456 Immoderate Self-Love, i. 438 Judgment, Hasty, i. 65 History of John Bull, i. 642-645 Immortality, Longing after, i. 439 Julia, i. 142 HOADLY, DR BENJAMIN, і. 665 Immortality of the Soul, Opinion of Julia's Recovery, i. 142 HOBBES, THOMAS, L. . 266, 267 the Ancient Philosophers on the, ii. 195 JUNIUS, ii. 234-238 HOBHOUSE, J. C. ii.. 671 HOGG, JAMES, ii. 496-499 Improvisatrice, from the, ii. 450 Junius's Celebrated Letter to the 531, 553 King, ii. 238-941 Hohenlinden, il. 373 Independence, Ode to, ii. 66 HOLCROFT, THOMAS, ii.. .531, 546 Indian Gold Coin, Ode to an, ii. 289 KAMES, LORD-[Henry Home], ii. 208 402-407 Holiness and Sin, i.. 436 Indian's Account of a London Gam- KELLY, HUGH, ii. 141 HOLINSHED, RAPHAEL, i. 250 ing-house, i. 529 Kemble, John, Portraiture of, ii. 525 HOLLAND, DR, ii. 671 Industry, i. 433, 658 KENDAL, TIMOTHY, i. HOLLAND, LORD, ii. 645 INGLIS, H. D. ii. 683 KENNEDY, R. H. ii. 680 Holland, a Whimsical Satire on, i. 345 INGOLDSBY, THOMAS, ii. 625 KENNEDY, WILLIAM, ii. 473 282 INGRAM, MR, ii. 642 KENNETT and POTTER, I. 600 Holy Scriptures, Some Considera- Ingratitude, i. . 425 KEPPEL, HON. GEORGE, IL. 677 tions Touching the Style of the, i. 519 Home, ii. 420 Home among the Mountains, ii. 434 HOME, JOHN, ii.. 138, 139 HOME, HENRY-[Lord Kames], ii. 208 Ingratitude an Incurable Vice, i. 445 Khubla Khan, Passage from, fi. 337 142 Killigrew, Mrs Anne, Ode to the Me- 599 mory of, i. 365 40 Killing a Boar, i. 390 Kilmeny, from the Queen's Wake, ii. 497 Homes of England, the, ii. 4.38 Homicide, against, ii.. 140 Mary W. Montagu to Mrs S. C.], i. 652 King-What he is Made for, i. 284 284 KING, CAPTAIN, ii. 687 HONE, WILLIAM, ii. 700 Intellectual Beauty-[Pleasures of KING, DR HENRY, i. 117 Honour, against Titles of, i. 462 the Imagination], ii. 45 KING, EDWARD, ii. 943 Honour, Apostrophe to, i. 44 Invermay, the Birks of, ii. 43 King of Tars, i. 9,10 HOOD, THOMAS, ii. 464, 465 Ion, Passages from, ii. 522-524 Kingdom of Christ not of this World, Hood's Parental Ode to his Son, ii. 465 Iona, Reflections on Landing at, ii. 222 i. 665 HOOK, DR JAMES, ii. 601 Irish Serpents, the Last of the, ii. 614 Kings, the Strength of, i. 247 HOOK, THEODORE E. ii. 607 Irish Village and School-house, Pic- Kiss, the-a Dialogue, i. 141 HOOKER, JOHN, i. 250 ture of an, ii. 616-618 HOOKER, RICHARD, i. 235 IRVING, DAVID, ii. 647 Kiss, Stolen-Sonnet upon a, i. 196 451 Hop-Garden, Directions for Cultivat- IRVING, WASHINGTON, ii. 594 Knife-Grinder and Friend of Huma- ing a, i. 48 Irwan, Farewell Hymn to the Valley nity, ii. 295 HOPE, THOMAS, ii. 592 of, ii. 74 KNOLLES, RICHARD, I. 264 Hope [Pastoral Ballad], ii. Horace, Ode from, i. 584 38 Israelites, Scene of the Encampment Knowledge, Limitation of Human, i. 279 Knowledge, Love of, i. 268 . HORNE, DR G. ii. 216 ii. 678 Knowledge, Uses of, i. 243 HORSLEY, DR SAMUEL, ii. . Hosier's Ghost, ii. 654 Italian, the-Opening of the Story, ii. 555 KNOWLES, HERBERT, ii. 411 KNOWLES, J. S. ii. 518 Hospitality, Vulgar, i. 634 Brenta, ii. 392 KNOX, JOHN, i. 303, 304 Hours, the, ii. 378 Italian Landscape, an, ii. 558 KNOX, WILLIAM, ii. 453 How no Age is Content with his own Italian Song, an, ii. 320 Kuzzilbash's Return to his Native Vil- Estate, &c. i. 47 Italians and Swiss contrasted, ii. 60 lage, ii. 607 HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY, 1. 46 Italy, Letter from, i. 543 KYD, THOMAS, I. 167 Howard the Philanthropist, Charac- Jack Cade's Insurrection, i. 56 Labour overcomes apparent Impos- ter of, ii. 234 JAMES, G. P. R. ii. . 628 sibilities, i. 445 Howard, Lines on, ii. 273 JAMES L. of England, i. 271 Laconics, or New Maxims of State HOWELL, JAMES, i. 255 JAMES I. of Scotland, i. 36 Conversation, i. 529 Howell, to Capt. Thomas B. i. 257, 258 James L. a Prisoner in Windsor, i. 37 HOWITT, MARY, ii.. 462 James V. Character of, i. 305 HOWITT, WILLIAM, ii. 698 JAMES VI. i. 157 Ladies, Good, the Garment of, i. 30 145 Hudibras, Accomplishments of, i. 347 James VI. and a Refractory Preacher, Lady, Poet's Praise of his, i. 51 Hudibras, Personal Appearance of, i. 348 i. Hudibras, Religion of, i. 348 Jane Shore, Penitence and Death of, 307 Lady Veiled, to a, i. 138 Lady's Chamber in the Thirteenth HUGHES, JOHN, i. 615 i... 590 Century, ii. 585 Human Character, Fruits of Expe- Jeanie Morrison, ii. 503 LAING, MALCOLM, ii. 637 rience of, i. 454 JEFFREY, LORD, ii. . 695 LAING, SAMUEL, ii. 685,685 Human Greatness, Decay of, i. 123 Jenny Dang the Weaver, ii. 494 L'Allegro, i. Human Life, ii.. 318 Jenny's Bawbee, ii. 495 LAMB, CHARLES, ii. HUME, ALEXANDER, i. 156 JENYNS, SOAME, ii. 249 LAMB, LADY CAROLINE, ii. . HUME, DAVID, ii. 182-185, 202 JEPHSON, ROBERT, ii. 510 Lampoon, i. 335 Humility, i.. 283 JERROLD, DOUGLAS, ii. 625 Humorous Scene at an Inn, i. 599 Jerusalem before the Siege, ii. 446 Lanark, Scene at-[From Humphry 167 HUNT, LEIGH, іі. 422-425, 524 Jerusalem, Conquest of, by the Cru- LANDER, RICHARD, IL 068 HUNTER, MRS, ii. 278 saders, ii. 197 LANDON, L. E. ii. 449-451, 625 710 |