And festive joy sedate; that ancient garb He leaps, and, lighting, shakes a dusty cloud all round. Youths, maids, and matrons, take their several ways; The Impressed Sailor Boy. [From the 'Birds of Scotland."] Low in a glen, Down which a little stream had furrowed deep, "Tween meeting birchen boughs, a shelvy channel, And brawling mingled with the western tide; Far up that stream, almost beyond the roar Of storm-bulged breakers, foaming o'er the rocks With furious dash, a lowly dwelling lurked, Surrounded by a circlet of the stream. Before the wattled door, a greensward plat, With daisies gay, pastured a playful lamb; A pebbly path, deep worn, led up the hill, Winding among the trees, by wheel untouched, Save when the winter fuel was brought homeOne of the poor man's yearly festivals. On every side it was a sheltered spot, So high and suddenly the woody steeps Arose. One only way, downward the stream, Just o'er the hollow, 'tween the meeting boughs, The distant wave was seen, with now and then The glimpse of passing sail; but when the breeze Crested the distant wave, this little nook Was all so calm, that, on the limberest spray, The sweet bird chanted motionless, the leaves At times scarce fluttering. Here dwelt a pair, Poor, humble, and content; one son alone, Their William, happy lived at home to bless Their downward years; he, simple youth, With boyish fondness, fancied he could love A seaman's life, and with the fishers sailed, To try their ways far 'mong the western isles, Far as St Kilda's rock-walled shore abrupt, O'er which he saw ten thousand pinions wheel Confused, dimming the sky: these dreary shores Gladly he left-he had a homeward heart: No more his wishes wander to the waves. But still he loves to cast a backward look, And tell of all he saw, of all he learned; Of pillared Staffa, lone Iona's isle, Where Scotland's kings are laid; of Lewis, Skye, And of the mainland mountain-circled lochs; And he would sing the rowers timing chant And chorus wild. Once on a summer's eve, When low the sun behind the Highland hills Was almost set, he sung that song to cheer The aged folks; upon the inverted quern To My Son. Twice has the sun commenced his annual round, The Thanksgiving off Cape Trafalgar. Upon the high, yet gently rolling wave, The floating tomb that heaves above the brave, Soft sighs the gale that late tremendous roared, Whelming the wretched remnants of the sword. And now the cannon's peaceful thunder calls The victor bands to mount their wooden walls, And from the ramparts, where their comrades fell, The mingled strain of joy and grief to swell: Fast they ascend, from stem to stern they spread, And crowd the engines whence the lightnings sped: The white-robed priest his upraised hands extends; Hushed is each voice, attention leaning bends; Then from each prow the grand hosannas rise, Float o'er the deep, and hover to the skies. Heaven fills each heart; yet home will oft intrude, And tears of love celestial joys exclude. The wounded man, who hears the soaring strain, Lifts his pale visage, and forgets his pain; While parting spirits, mingling with the lay, On hallelujahs wing their heavenward way. Geo: Crasse. witnessing the celebrity of his son, and to transcribe, with parental fondness, in his own handwriting, his poem of The Library. Crabbe has described the unpromising scene of his nativity with his usual force and correctness : Lo! where the heath, with withering brake grown Lends the light turf that warms the neighbouring poor; So looks the nymph whom wretched arts adorn, The poet was put apprentice in his fourteenth year to a surgeon, and afterwards practised in Aldborough; Birthplace of Crabbe. While under to only three pounds. Having completed some poetical pieces, he offered them for publication, but they were rejected. In the course of the year, however, he issued a poetical epistle, The Candidate, addressed to the authors of the Monthly Review. It was coldly received, and his publisher failing at the same time, the young poet was plunged into great perplexity and want. He wrote to the premier, Lord North, to the lord-chancellor Thurlow, and to other noblemen, requesting assistance; but in no case was an answer returned. At length, when his affairs were desperate, he applied to Edmund Burke, and in a modest yet manly statement, disclosed to him the situation in which he stood. Burke received him into his own house, and exercised towards him the most generous hospitality. his happy roof, the poet met Mr Fox, Sir Joshua friends. In the same year (1781) he published his Reynolds, and others of the statesman's distinguished poem, The Library,' which was favourably noticed by the critics. Lord Thurlow (who now, as in the case of Cowper, came with tardy notice and ungraceful generosity) invited him to breakfast, and at parting, presented him with a bank-note for a hundred pounds. Crabbe entered into sacred orders, and was licensed as curate to the rector of his native parish of Aldborough. In a short time, Burke procured for him the situation of chaplain to the Duke of Rutland at Belvoir castle. This was a great advancement for the poor poet, and he never afterwards was in fear of want. He seems, however, to have felt all the ills of dependence on the great, and in his poem of The Patron, and other parts of his writings, has strongly depicted the evils of such a situation. In 1783 appeared his poem, The Village, which had been seen and corrected by Johnson and Burke. Its success was instant and complete. Some of the descriptions in the poem (as that of the parish workhouse) were copied into all the periodicals, and took that place in our national literature which they still retain. Thurlow presented him with two small It livings then in his gift, telling him at the same the unassumingness of his manners with the origitime, with an oath, that he was as like Parson nality of his powers. In what may be called the Adams as twelve to a dozen. The poet now married ready-money small-talk of conversation, his facility a young lady of Suffolk, the object of an early at- might not perhaps seem equal to the known calibre tachment, and taking the curacy of Stathern, ad- of his talents; but in the progress of conversation, I joining Belvoir castle, he bade adieu to the ducal recollect remarking that there was a vigilant shrewdmansion, and transferred himself to the humbleness that almost eluded you, by keeping its watch parsonage in the village. Four happy years were so quietly.' This fine remark is characteristic of spent in this retirement, when the poet obtained Crabbe's genius, as well as of his manners. the exchange of his two small livings in Dorset-gathered its materials slowly and silently with inshire for two of superior value in the vale of Bel- tent but unobtrusive observation. The Tales of voir. Crabbe remained silent as a poet for many the Hall' were received with that pleasure and apyears. Out of doors,' says his son, he had always probation due to an old and established favourite, some object in view-a flower, or a pebble, or his but with less enthusiasm than some of his previous note-book in his hand; and in the house, if he was works. In 1822, the now venerable poet paid a not writing, he was reading. He read aloud very visit to Sir Walter Scott in Edinburgh; and it is often, even when walking, or seated by the side of worthy of remark, that, as to the city itself, he soon his wife in the huge old-fashioned one-horse chaise, got wearied of the New Town, but could amuse heavier than a modern chariot, in which they usually himself for ever in the Old. His latter years were were conveyed in their little excursions, and the spent in the discharge of his clerical duties, and conduct of which he, from awkwardness and absence in the enjoyment of social intercourse. His atof mind, prudently relinquished to my mother on tachment to botany and geology seemed to increase all occasions.' In 1807 he published his Parish with age; and at threescore and ten, he was busy, Register, which had been previously submitted to cheerful, and affectionate. His death took place at Mr Fox, and parts of this poem (especially the story Trowbridge on the 3d of February 1832, and his of Phoebe Dawson) were the last compositions of parishioners erected a monument to his memory in their kind that 'engaged and amused the capacious, the church of that place, where he had officiated for the candid, the benevolent mind of this great man.' nineteen years. A complete collection of his works, The success of this work was not only decided, but with some new pieces and an admirable memoir, nearly unprecedented. In 1810 he came forward was published in 1834 by his son, the Rev. G. Crabbe. with The Borough, a poem of the same class, and The Village,' 'Parish Register,' and shorter tales more connected and complete; and two years after- of Crabbe are his most popular productions. The wards he produced his Tales in Verse, containingTales of the Hall' are less interesting. They relate perhaps the finest of all his humble but happy delineations of life and character. The public voice,' says his biographer, was again highly favourable, and some of these relations were spoken of with the utmost warmth of commendation, as, the Parting Hour, the Patron, Edward Shore, and the Confidant.' In 1814 the Duke of Rutland appointed him to the living of Trowbridge, in Wiltshire, and he went thither to reside. His income amounted to about £800 per annum, a large portion of which he spent in charity. He still continued his attachment to literature, and in 1817 and 1818, was engaged on his last great work, the Tales of the Hall. He fancied that autumn was, on the whole, the most favourable season for him in the composition of poetry; but there was something in the effect of a sudden fall of snow that appeared to stimulate him in a very extraordinary manner.' In 1819 the Tales were published by Mr Murray, who, for them and the remaining copyright of all Crabbe's previous poems, gave the munificent sum of £3000. In an account of the negotiation for the sale of these copyrights, written by Mr Moore for the life of his brother poet, we have the following amusing illustration of Crabbe's simplicity of manner :- When he received the bills for £3000, we (Moore and Rogers) earnestly advised that he should, without delay, deposit them in some safe hands; but no-he must "take them with him to Trowbridge, and show them to his son John. They would hardly believe in his good luck at home if they did not see the bills." On his way down to Trowbridge, a friend at Salisbury, at whose house he rested (Mr Everett, the banker), seeing that he carried these bills loosely in his waistcoat pocket, requested to be allowed to take charge of them for him; but with equal ill success. "There was no fear," he said, "of his losing them, and he must show them to his son John."' Another poetical friend, Mr Campbell, who met him at this time in London, remarks of him-'His mildness in literary argument struck me with surprise in so stern a poet of nature, and I could not but contrast principally to the higher classes of society, and the poet was not so happy in describing their peculiarities as when supporting his character of the poet of the poor. Some of the episodes, however, are in his best style-Sir Owen Dale, Ruth, Ellen, and other stories, are all marked with the peculiar genius of Crabbe. The redeeming and distinguishing feature of that genius was its fidelity to nature, even when it was dull and unprepossessing. His power of observation and description might be limited, but his pictures have all the force of dramatic representation, and may be compared to those actual and existing models which the sculptor or painter works from, instead of vague and general conceptions. They are often too true, and human nature being exhibited in its naked reality, with all its defects, and not through the bright and alluring medium of romance or imagination, our vanity is shocked and our pride mortified. His anatomy of character and passion harrows up our feelings, and leaves us in the end sad and ashamed of our common nature. The personal circumstances and experience of the poet affected the bent of his genius. He knew how untrue and absurd were the pictures of rural life which figured in poetry. His own youth was dark and painful-spent in low society, amidst want and misery, irascible gloom and passion. Latterly, he had more of the comforts and elegances of social life at his command than Cowper, his rival as a domestic painter. He not only could have 'wheeled his sofa round,' 'let fall the curtains, and, with the bubbling and loud hissing urn' on the table' welcome peaceful evening in,' but the amenities of refined and intellectual society were constantly present with him, or at his call. Yet he did not, like Cowper, attempt to describe them, or to paint their manifold charms. When he took up his pen, his mind turned to Aldborough and its wild amphibious race-to the parish workhouse, where the wheel hummed doleful through the day-to erring damsels and luckless swains, the prey of overseers or justices-or to the haunts of desperate poachers and smugglers, gipsies and gamblers, where vice and misery stalked undisguised in their darkest forms. He stirred up the dregs of human society, and exhibited their blackness and deformity, yet worked them into poetry. Like his own Sir Richard Monday, he never forgot the parish. It is true that village life in England in its worst form, with the old poor and game laws and nonresident clergy, was composed of various materials, some bright and some gloomy, and Crabbe drew them all. His Isaac Ashford is as honourable to the lowly English poor as the Jeanie Deans or Dandie Dinmont of Scott are to the Scottish character. His story of the real mourner, the faithful maid who watched over her dying sailor, is a beautiful tribute to the force and purity of humble affection. In the Parting Hour' and the 'Patron' are also passages equally honourable to the poor and middle classes, and full of pathetic and graceful composition. It must be confessed, however, that Crabbe was in general a gloomy painter of lifethat he was fond of depicting the unlovely and unamiable and that, either for poetic effect or from painful experience, he makes the bad of life predominate over the good. His pathos and tenderness are generally linked to something coarse, startling, or humiliating-to disappointed hopes or unavailing sorrow Still we tread the same coarse way, mounted his horse and rode alone sixty miles from his house, that he might inhale its freshness and gaze upon its waters. [The Parish Workhouse and Apothecary.] Theirs is yon house that holds the parish poor, Here too the sick their final doom receive, The minuteness with which he dwells on such subjects sometimes makes his descriptions tedious, and apparently unfeeling. He drags forward every defect, every vice and failing, not for the purpose of educing something good out of evil, but, as it would seem, merely for the purpose of completing the picture. In his higher flights, where scenes of strong passion, vice or remorse, are depicted, Crabbe is a moral poet, purifying the heart, as the object of tragedy has been defined, by terror and pity, and by fearful delineations of the misery and desolation caused by unbridled passion. His story of Sir Such is that room which one rude beam divides, Eustace Grey is a domestic tragedy of this kind, And naked rafters form the sloping sides; related with almost terrific power, and with lyrical Where the vile bands that bind the thatch are seen, energy of versification. His general style of versifi- And lath and mud are all that lie between; cation is the couplet of Pope (he has been wittily Save one dull pane, that, coarsely patched, gives way called Pope in worsted stockings'), but less flow-To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day: ing and melodious, and often ending in points and quibbles. Thus, in describing his cottage furniture, he says No wheels are here for either wool or flax, Here, on a matted flock, with dust o'erspread, His thrifty housewife, Widow Goe, falls down in Shakes the thin roof, and echoes round the walls; sickness Heaven in her eye, and in her hand her keys. This jingling style heightens the effect of his humorous and homely descriptions; but it is too much of a manner, and mars the finer passages. Crabbe has high merit as a painter of English scenery. He is here as original and forcible as in delineating character. His marine landscapes are peculiarly fresh and striking; and he invests even the sterile fens and barren sands with interest. His objects are seldom picturesque; but he noted every weed and plant-the purple bloom of the heath, the dwarfish flowers among the wild gorse, the slender grass of the sheep walk, and even the pebbles, sea-weed, and shells amid The glittering waters on the shingles rolled. He was a great lover of the sea, and once, as his son relates, after being some time absent from it, Anon, a figure enters, quaintly neat, Paid by the parish for attendance here, [Isaac Ashford, a Noble Peasant.] [From the Parish Register."] Next to these ladies, but in nought allied, (Bane of the poor! it wounds their weaker mind He had no party's rage, no sect'ry's whim; At length he found, when seventy years were run, His strength departed and his labour done; When, save his honest fame, he kept no more; But lost his wife and saw his children poor; 'Twas then a spark of-say not discontentStruck on his mind, and thus he gave it vent: 'Kind are your laws ('tis not to be denied), That in yon house for ruined age provide, And they are just; when young, we give you all, And then for comforts in our weakness call. Why then this proud reluctance to be fed, To join your poor and eat the parish-bread? But yet I linger, loath with him to feed Who gains his plenty by the sons of need: He who, by contract, all your paupers took, And gauges stomachs with an anxious look: On some old master I could well depend; See him with joy and thank him as a friend; But ill on him who doles the day's supply, And counts our chances who at night may die : Yet help me, Heaven! and let me not complain I feel his absence in the hours of prayer, [Phoebe Dawson.] [From the Parish Register."] Two summers since, I saw at Lammas fair, The sweetest flower that ever blossomed there; When Phoebe Dawson gaily crossed the green, In haste to see and happy to be seen; Her air, her manners, all who saw, admired, Courteous though coy, and gentle though retired; The joy of youth and health her eyes displayed, And case of heart her every look conveyed; A native skill her simple robes expressed, As with untutored elegance she dressed; The lads around admired so fair a sight, And Phoebe felt, and felt she gave, delight. Admirers soon of every age she gained, Her beauty won them and her worth retained; Envy itself could no contempt display, They wished her well, whom yet they wished away; Correct in thought, she judged a servant's place Preserved a rustic beauty from disgrace; But yet on Sunday-eve, in freedom's hour, With secret joy she felt that beauty's power; When some proud bliss upon the heart would steal, That, poor or rich, a beauty still must feel. At length, the youth ordained to move her breast, Before the swains with bolder spirit pressed; With looks less timid made his passion known, And pleased by manners, most unlike her own; Loud though in love, and confident though young; Fierce in his air, and voluble of tongue; By trade a tailor, though, in scorn of trade, He served the squire, and brushed the coat he made; Yet now, would Phoebe her consent afford, Her slave alone, again he'd mount the board; With her should years of growing love be spent, And growing wealth:-she sighed and looked consent. Now, through the lane, up hill, and cross the green, (Seen by but few and blushing to be seenDejected, thoughtful, anxious, and afraid) Led by the lover, walked the silent maid: Slow through the meadows roved they many a mile, Toyed by each bank and trifled at each stile; Where, as he painted every blissful view, And highly coloured what he strongly drew, The pensive damsel, prone to tender fears, Dimmed the false prospect with prophetic tears: Thus passed the allotted hours, till, lingering late, The lover loitered at the master's gate; There he pronounced adieu! and yet would stay, Till chidden-soothed-intreated-forced away! He would of coldness, though indulged, complain, And oft retire and oft return again; When, if his teasing vexed her gentle mind, The grief assumed compelled her to be kind! For he would proof of plighted kindness crave, That she resented first, and then forgave, |