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" ... of his saintly exercises, a prayer stolen word for word from the mouth of a heathen woman praying to a heathen god ?" The papers which the king gave to Dr. "
The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal - Page 88
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An Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of Charles I ...

William Harris - Great Britain - 1758 - 458 pages 'pop agree.that he was the author of them. The prayers pop into the hand of that grave bi/hop who attended him, as a fpecial relique of his faintly...mouth of a heathen woman, praying to a heathen god ; and that in no ferious book, but in the vain amatorious poem of fir Philip Sidney's Arcadia ; a book...
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Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 302 pages
...his death, to pop into the " hands of the grave bifhop that at'.' tended him, as a fpecial rclique of " his faintly exercifes, a prayer ftolen " .word...fcaffold the regicides took away, fo that they were at leaft the publifhers of this prayer ; and Dr. Birch, who examined the queftion with MIL .TO N. 53 great...
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Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 280 pages
...— as, immediately " before his death, to pop into the " hands of the grave bifhop that at" tended him, as a fpecial relique of " his faintly exercifes,...The papers which the king gave to Dr. Juxon on the fcaffoid the regicides took away, fo that they were at kaft the publifhers of this prayer; and Dr....
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Monthly Review; Or New Literary Journal, Volume 61

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - Periodicals - 1780 - 590 pages
...the grave Bifliop, that attended him, as a fpecial relique of his faintly exercifes, a prayer ftclen word for word from the mouth of a heathen woman praying to a heathen god f" 1 The papers which the King gave to Dr. Juxon on the fcafTold' the regicides took away, fo that...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1781 - 494 pages
...his faintly " exercifes, a prayer flolen word for word ** from the mouth of a heathen woman pray" ing to a heathen god ?" The papers which the King gave...fcaffold the regicides took away, fo that they were at leaft the publifliers of this prayer ; and Dr. Birch, who examined the queftion with great care, was...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1781 - 498 pages
...exercifes, a prayer ftolen word for word ** from the mouth of a heathen woman pray** ing to a heathen god r" The papers which the King gave to Dr. Juxon on the...fcaffold the regicides took away, fo that they were at leaft the pub*lifhers of this prayer; and Dr. Birch, who examined the queftion with great care, was...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 494 pages
...the hands of " the grave bifhop that attended him, as a fpecial re" lique of his faintly exefcifes, a prayer ftolen word for " word from the mouth of...Dr. Juxon on the fcaffold the regicides took away, fb that they were at leaft the publifhers of this prayer ; and Dr. Birch, who had examined the queftion...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The lives of the most eminent English poets

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - English literature - 1787 - 498 pages
...hands of " the grave bifhqp that attended him, as a fpecial re-r " lique of his faintly exereifes, a prayer ftolen word for * * word from the mouth of...?" The papers which the King gave to Dr. Juxon on tb,e fcaffold the regicides took away, fo that they were at leafl the publishers of this prayer ; and...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets,: With Critical ..., Volume 1

Samuel Johnson - Poets, English - 1790 - 508 pages
...** hands of the grave bifhop that attended ** him, as a fpecial relique of his faintly exer" cifes, a prayer ftolen word for word from " the mouth of...fcaffold, the regicides took away, fo that they were at leaft the,^publifhers of this prayer ; and Dr. Birch, who had examined the queftion with great care,...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson.LL.D..: The lives of the English poets

Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 478 pages
...** grave bifhop that attended him, as a fpecial re" lique of his faintly exercifes, a prayer ftolcn word " for word from the mouth of a Heathen woman...fcaffold, the regicides took away, fo that they were at Icaft the publifhers of this prayer; and Dr. Birch, Birch, who had examined the queflion with great...
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