: 240073 ERRATA in this VOLUME. P. 144, 1. penult. for modes, read mode. - 209, 1. 8, for still the unforced, read the ftill unforced, &c. ۱ - 221, par. 2, 1. 13, 14, for than the present, read than the time present. - 238, Art. 36, 1. 1. for remonstrance read remontrance. 352, par. 4, 1. 2. for contrivance of economy or the animal creation, read contrivance or cæconomy of the animal creation. 377, par. 2, 1. 11, for but too feldom, read but seldom. 393, Art. 24, 1. 3, for recites in a plaintive yet shandyan kind of drollery, read in a plaintive ftyle, yet in a shandyan kind of drollery. 419% ... : In the account of Gordon's arithmetic, 1. ult. for with us ibex fually learn. fet to learn, rea with us they are usually set 10 : TABLE TITLES, AUTHORS NAMES, &c. of the Publi- BRITISH PUBLICATIONS. |