To the REMARKABLE PASSAGES in this Volume.
N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, fee the Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.
DULTERY, the den of, defcribed, 109. ESCHYLUS, his dramas characterized, 510. AGRICULTURE, as yet but imperfectly known in England, 127. Peculiar difficulties attending the. ftudy and improvement of, 128. Advantages of experimental knowledge in, 133. A periodical publication of improvements in farming recommended, 135. Benefits probably refulting from a performance of that kind, 136. Model for recording experiments, 243. Obfervations on Scientific agriculture, 246. AGUE, Jumping, curious account of, 197. AIR, experiments relative to, 161, 273. AMPUTATION of the extremities,
new method of performing, 493. ANCIENS Mineralogifles. See Go
BAILLY, M. his memoir concerning the diminution of the length of the year, 497. BARK, the best remedy for the putrid and ulcerous fore throat, 30. BARTHELEMY, Abbé, his remarks on the number of pieces that were customarily reprefented on the fame day, on the Athenian theatre, 527.
BASALTES of the ancients, inquiry concerning, 499.
BATTEUX, Abbé, his memoir on Ariftotle's poetics, 524.. On tragedy, 525. On comedy, ib. His comparison of Epic poetry with tragedy and hiftory, 526. BAUER, M. his memoirs of Wallachia, 304.
BEWLY, Mr. his experiments on pyrophori, 171.
BIBLE, Vulgate, account of a va
luable manuscript of, 545BIRDS, anatomy of, memoir concerning, 494. Surprizing analogy between their forms and that of the human fpecies, 494. BLOOD, obfervations and experiments on, 341, 381. BOEHMB's acad. differtations, 60. Books, introduction to the know
ledge of, by M. Denis, 303. BRAVERY diftinguished from cou. rage, 201. BRIDGE, remarkable one in Wales,
CAROLINA, South, extraordinary D'AZYR, M. Vicq, his memoir relative to the anatomy of birds, 494. DE MALUS, M. his description of the Mines in the Pyrenees republished, 221.
ftory of certain fanatics there, 445. Curious account of a congrefs held there with the Creek Indians, 448. CATALOGUES, descriptive and cri- tical, of the writings of ancient authors, their great use, 543. CATECHISM of the church of England, hiftory of, 209. CHARLEMAGNE, obfervations on his reign, 215-218. CHRIST, his high character as a preacher, 104. Critical account of the duration of his miniftry, 266. Obf. on his discourse on the Mount, 270. On the tranf- actions of the day of his refur- rection, 272. CHURCHES, rife and progrefs of their temporal jurifdiction, 529. CONNOISSANCE de l'aftronomie, 223.
CONSIGLIO ad un giovane poeta, 460. CONVERSATION, critically invefti- gated, 47.
COPTIC language, an interefting tudy, 560. Rudiments of, by whom published, ib. CORNISH MS. account of, 282. COTILLON, objections to the in- troduction of that mode of dan- cing, in England, 115. COURAGE diftinguished from bra. very, 201.
COURTSHIP between the fexes investigated, 421. COWLEY, remarks on his poetical
character, 2-7. COYER, Abbé, his obfervations on England, 220. CROWN, legislative power of, over conquered countries, difcuffed, 177.
D'ALBON, Count, his difcourfes
concerning the government of certain countries in Europe, 454. 1D'ALEMBERT, his Eulogy of G. Keith, Lord Marthal, &c. 299. DAME Jenkins, her dialogue with Eugenius concerning religion, 96. DANCING, ftrictures on the diffe- rent modes of, 115.
DENIS, M. Aufschers der Garell. Biblioth. &c. See Books. DES ESSARTS, M. his historical account of the tribunals of an- cient nations, 222. DESMAREST, M. his memoir on the bafaltes, Part III. 498. DESPOTISM, lefs extreme in the Oriental parts of the globe than generally imagined, 553- DIALOGUE between Dame Jenkins and Eugenius, 96.
between Sufanna and
between John the Foot- man and Clement, 99.
between an Englishman and a Frenchman, concerning royal prerogative, 174.
between a bookfeller and a Grubstreet writer, 468. DICQUEMARE'S aftronomy, new edition, 223. DISCOURS politiques, hiftoriques, et critiques fur quelques gouverne mens de l'Europe, &c. 454.
prononcé dans l'Acad. Françoife. See Ducis. DоHм, M. his edition of Kæmp. fer's Japan, from the original
DONNE, Dr. a metaphyfical poet, 4. Specimen, ib. DRALIA of the most ancient Greeks characterized, 510. Their tra gedy philofophically eftimated, ib. Their comedy, 511. Their poetry under Alexander and the Ptolemies, 512. Farther ac counts of, 524. See alfo ARIS-
DRESS, of a page in Queen Eli zabeth's time, curious defcrip- tion of, 15. DRYDEN, his merit as a profe wri ter confidered, 186. His letter to his fons in confirmation of his being addicted to aftrology, 187.
DUCIS, M. his oration in honour of Voltaire, 220.
DUKE, his poetry briefly charac-
terifed, 189. DUMONT's inquiry into the admi- niftration of lands among the Romans, 219.
EARTH, new theory of the for-
mation of, EDWARD (William) extraordi- nary bridge built by him, 11. ELECTRICITY, experiments to fhew the advantage of pointed conductors, 401. The con trary opinion maintained, 402. Decifion in favour of the Frank- linian construction, 406. Va- rious experiments on the Ley- den phial, &c. 407. ELECTRICAL Conductors, the fu- periority of thofe that are ele. vated and pointed, proved by experim. made in France, 490. ELEPHANTS, bones of, and of
other huge Southern animals, found in Siberia, 536-551. ELOGE de Milord Marechal, See
EPOCHAS of Nature, Buffon's ac-
count of, 531. ERSTE Grundlehren des ietzigen Europæifchen Voelker rechts,
ESSAI fur l'Hiftoire de la Maifon d'Autriche, 52
fur la Jurifprudence Univer- felle. See JACOB.
Sur l'Hiftoire des tribunaux, &c. See DES ESSARTS. ESTABLISHMENTS, religious, de- fended, 324. EVANGELIST&, critical account of the latitude with which they use certain forms of expreffion, 264. EVENING, fonnet or, 75: EURIPIDES, his dramatic compo-
fitions characterized, 511. EXPERIMENTING in agriculture, recommended, 128. Forms for recording the farmer's experi- ments, 246. EZOUR Vedam tranflated, 500. EZRA, his reformation of the Jew-
ish religion, 102. Curious ac count of his preaching, 103. ARMING. See AGRICULTURE. FAULKNER, George, his ac- count of Sacheverel, 358. FEMALE Conduct, rules and obfer- vations relative to, 45. FENTON, Elijah, his fanciful idea of the periods of intellectual growth and decay, 9. FEUTRY, M. his Opufcula, 56. FLINT-GLASS, inquiry into the compofition of, and the means of giving it an higher degree of perfection, 496. FOUCHER, Abbé, his Supplement to his treatife on the Religion of the ancient Perfians, 529. FRIENDSHIP, the temple of, de- fcribed, 109. GALLOWAY, Mr. account of him, and his evidence refpect- ing American affairs, 71. GARRAULT's account of the filver mine at Chitty in Nivernois, re- published, 221.
GENEALOGIES of Matthew and
Luke's Gospels harmonized, 263. GENERAL of an army, qualifica-
tions of a complete one, 202. GENEVA, catalogue of the library there, 543.
GENIUS diftinguished from bright parts, 202.
GEORGICAL Society, plan for a new one, 137.
GOBET's ancient mineralogists of France, 221.
GOSPELS, Harmonies of, their uti- lity, 259.
GOUT, fuccefsfully treated by blif- tering, 206.
GREEKS, ancient, their poetry philofophically investigated,510. Farther accounts of, 523. GRIFFITH, John, his ridiculous fanaticifm, 372.
GUTHRIE, Dr. his account of the means by which the Ruffians are preferved from the fcurvy, 279,
HALIFAX, his poetry depreciated, JEFFERY'S, Judge, anecdote rela-
HIGGINS, Bryant, on the ufe of an amalgam of zinc, in electri cal excitation, 407. HIPPONE, city of. See LE BLOND.
HISTOIRE naturelle, &c. du Ton
quin, &c. 54. critique des opinions des
ILIAD and Odyffey ftrangely fym- bolized, 483. The Heroes and Deities of, faid to be allegori- cal beings, ib. INDIANS, Creek, noble speech of, at a congrefs held at Charles C Town, 449..
-, Oriental, curious ac- count of their facred books, and different fects of Brahmins, &c.
500. INGENHOUSz, Dr. his method of procuring inflammable air from vitriolic æther, 170. His in vention for lighting a candle by elearicity, 407. His experi- ments to fhew how far the phe- nomena of the Electrophorus may be accounted for by Dr. Frank- lin's theory of pofitive and ne- gative electricity, 408. INSURANCE, mercantile, plan re- commended for inftituting a court of merchants, &c. for de- termining difficult cafes in, 423. JOHN, the footman, his confer- ence with Mr. Clement, on re- ligion, 99.
St. his first Epistle ad Spar- tos. meaning of, 546. KEMPFER's history of Japan,
new edition of, from the Au- thor's original MS. 145. KEATE, Mr. account of his va-
HISTORY of the German empire,rious writings, 117.
59. HOLLAR, his view of St. James's,
&c. from the village of Charing,
13. IIOMER, whimsical hypothefis re- lative to, 483. A fabulous being, ib. His writings fymbo- lized, ib.
HUME, David, his literary fame ungenerously attacked by Lord Monboddo, 195. Extracts from his Dialogues on natural Reli- gion, 343. Cenfure of that work, 354.
KEITH, George, Lord Marthal of Scotland, his eulogy, 300. LABYRINTH, the famous one at
Lemnos, no traces of now re- maining, 484.
LA SERRE, his history of the en- try of Mary de Medicis into England, 12.
LASSONE, M. De, his new obser- vations on the analysis of cryf- tals of verdegris and falt of lead, &c. 495. On fome new phe- nomena produced by different faline mixtures, 496.
ICON on univerfal jurifpru- LEAR, King, and his three Daugh- dence, 222.
LEO X. Pope, more worthy of a
crown than a mitre, 522. LE ROY, M. his memoir on the
form of elect. conductors, 491. LETTER, Curious one from a Scotch warrior, 16.
LETTRES d'un voyageur Anglois, 462.
LESLIE, Sir John, his extraordi- nary epifle to Sir Thomas Rid- dle, 16. LIBERTY, religious, fpirited re-
marks on, 10l. LIGHT, its effects on water, evin- ced by experiments, 168. LIVER, obf. on the fituation of, in its natural ftate, 491. The : growth of, not proportionable to the other parts of the body, 492. Changes its fituation in different attitudes, ib. LOBSCHRIFT auf Winkelman, 223. LONDON (Old) views of, in cu.
MACQUER, M. his cerning the composition of flint- glass, 496.
MAGNET. See MONNIER. MAHOMET, Curious Latin poem in honour of, 547•. MANSFIELD, Lord, his opinions with respect to the power of the crown over conquered countries difcuffed, 177-179. MANUSCRIPTS, general account of thofe in the library of Gene va, 543.
MARTANO, Dr. his obfervations on the fcurvy, 412. MASERES, Baron, his arguments in oppofition to Lord Mansfield's opinion relative to the power of the crown in Canada, 172–180. MEASURES and Weights. See SCOTLAND.
MEDALS of Hippone, 528.. MEMOIRES Hiftoriques et Geo-
graph, fur la Valachia, &c. 304. MEMOIRS, aftronomical, by feve ral members of the French aca- demy, 497-498-
MERIAN, M. his differtation on the influence of the fciences on poetry, 509. MEYER, M. his letters concern- ing Ruffia, 58.
MICHAELIS, Dr. his account of the angy na polypofa, 222. MILTON, particulars of his life, 81. His education, 82. Com- mences teacher of the claffics, &c. 83. His political charac- ter, 86. His poetry, 87. His religion, 89. Critical remarks on his poems, 90.. MIND, Lord Monboddo's ftrange
MINES, accounts of those in France,
rious ancient drawings, 13. Lowтн, Bishop, poetical compli-hypothefis relating to, 192. ment to, 334- LULLIN, Amadeus, fome account of that eminent divine, 545. LYCOPHRON the poet characteri- zed, 513. MACERIDE, Dr. remarks by, on
the efficacy of wort, as a re- medy for the fcurvy, 276. MAGI, their vifit to the Holy Fa- mily, critical account of, 263.
MON BODDO, Lord, his fingular hypothefis of mind, 192. His unhandsome attack of the lite- rary fame of David Hume, 195. His account of the Jumping -Ague, 197. His extravagant admiration of Aristotle and an- cient metaphyfics, 198.
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