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Author does not presume to draw the line absolutely, but generoufly leaves it to their own discretion where to ftop in this respect.

This glorious and disinterested act of the stockholders, as our Author allows it to be, must, he hints, have its proper effect on the minds of the gentlemen landholders, and induce them also to contribute to the exigencies of government, perhaps one per cent. of their net yearly income, or at least one per cent. of what they stand charged at in the poors rates, which every one knows is not above one-fourth part of their property in many parts of England.

Time alone can shew, with certainty, whether the holders of stock will think one per cent. of the net yearly income of a landed gentleman, as he may have been pleased to give it in to the affeffors of the poors rates, equivalent to two per cent. of their whole property; for it must be remembered, that although the consolidated three and four per cent. annuities fell now for about fixty pounds, they cost many of the present proprietors upwards of one hundred pounds.


Art. 42. The Natural History of English Song-Birds, including such foreign Birds as are usually brought over, and esteemed for their Singing: their proper Management, Diseases and Cures. To which are added, Figures of the Cock, Hen, and Egg of each Species, exactly copied from Nature. By Mr. Eleazar Albin. A new Edition, corrected, with several Improvements under the Article of Canary Birds. 8vo. 3 s. plain, and 7 s. coloured. Lowndes. 1779.

Albin's Natural History of English Song-Birds is a work well known, and esteemed for the accuracy of the drawings. The present Edition, thus reduced, in fize and price, cannot fail of meeting with a due acceptance from the public, - and especially from young readers, who are bird-fanciers. The engravings are neat; the history, &c. plain and intelligible to all capacities; and, on the whole, this is a very pretty book to be given, by way of present, to youth of both sexes.

Art. 43. Descriptions and Figures of Petrifactions found in the Quarries, Gravel pits, &c. near Bath. Collected and drawn by John Walcott, Efq. 8vo. 2 s. 6 d. sewed. Matthews, &c. Although the engravings are not very elegant, the enumeration and description of the many fubjects here collected, wall, no doubt, prove acceptable to the curious enquirer into this extenfive branch of Natural History.


Art. 44. Shenstone Green; or, the New Paradise Lost: Being a History of Human Nature. In three Volumes. Witten by the Proprietor of the Green. The Editor Courtney Melmoth.

7s. 6 d. sewed. Baldwin.



The idea of this entertaining tale was suggested by a paffage in the works of Mr. Shenstone, in which he says, had I a fortune of eight or ten thousand pounds a year, I would build myself a neighbourhood.'-This plan Mr. Melmoth supposes carried into execution by a worthy knight, who has more good nature than penetration, and more money than wit. The narrative discovers no inconfider


able powers of invention; the style is in general more correct, and at the same time more easy and inartificial than that of some of the Author's former works; and feveral of the characters are conceived with boldness, and drawn with lively strokes of humour: Mr. Melmoth has, however, fuffered his favourite idea, maintained at large in his liberal opinions, 'that to be good is not the way to be happy," to give a general tincture to the work, entirely different from that which univerfally distinguishes the writings of the benevolent Shenstone. It has led him so far to depart from the spirit, and even mistake the meaning of his Author, as to admit into his village needy adventurers, broken spendthrifts, gamb'ers, sharpers, reps and demireps, who overturn the economy of the place by introducing horfe-races, cock-fights, and every instrument of gaming and diflipation. No wonder that such a selection should produce nothing but diforder and ruin. Surely, had Shenstone executed his own plan, his elegant taste and fine feelings would have taught him to have made choice of better company.

Art. 45. The Sorrows of Werter. A German Story, founded

on Faft. 12m0. 5 s. fewed. Dodfley. 1779.

In this little work is drawn, by a masterly hand, a lively picture of the horrors of a mind disordered by the phrenfy of a disappointed paffion, and at length abandoning itself to despair, and seeking refuge from its forrows in a voluntary death. An excellent moral may be deduced from it-if the reader pleases.


Art. 46. An Elegy on Winter, and other Poems. To which is added, an Inscription to the Memory of the late Lord Lyttelton. By John Jones, Schoolmatter in Kidderminster, &c. 4to. Buckland, &c. 1779.

1 S.

In a biographical Preface, which our Author has prefixed to his works, after modelly acquainting us with the difficulties that attended him through the early part of his life, he adds, that by the encouragement of Dr. Johnstone, an eminent physician of Kidderminter, he opened a school, in which undertaking he has been conflantly fupported by most of the principal inhabitants; and, fome years ago, he was intrusted with the office of vestry clerk, the duties of which fill up his vacant hours." When his situation and opportunities of attainment are confidered, his poems will appear not deftitute of merit.

Addressed to Euphorbus,




Art. 47. The Scotch Hut; a Poem. or the Earl of the Grove. 4to. This poem is meant, it seems, as a fatire on the Earl of C. for building a thed decorated with the infignia of Scotland, and for feeding Lis crun bogs. De Gustubus non est difputandum.

Art. 48. Caufilicus; a poetic * Lash: In Three Parts. Containing a real Picture of the Times; the Study at the Temple; with a Viût to a certain Jodge; and a most extraordinary Trial. 400.

28. Cd. Bowen, &c.


* Erratum, for a poetic lash read poetic trash.


Art. 49. Parnassian Sprigs; or, Poetic Miscellanies. By William Mavor, of Oxford. 8νο. 2 s. 6d. Bew. 1777. The most fignificant lines in this publication are the motto:

Cacoethes fcribendi

Tenet infatiabile multos

Art. 50. The Sacrifice: A Sacred Ode. To which is added, an Elegy, dedicated to the Rev. Mofes Brown, Vicar of Olney, Bucks, and Chaplain of Morden College. By William Augustus Willis, M. D. 4to. IS. Bew. 1779.

From perusing this irregular ode, we have formed a much more favourable idea of the Author's theological learning than of his poetical talents. The elegy on the death of a much-lamented wife, whien he has fubjoined, convinces us that, if he is not an eminent poet, he is, what is much more meritorious, a good man.

Art. 51. Poetical Tales. By Sir Gregory Gander, Knt. Small 4to. 15. Bath, printed by Cruttwell. Sold by Newbery in London.

This Gander is no way related to the Roman Geese, who saved the capitol by their cackling. From the licentiousness of his manner, we fear his cackling will be attended by no fuch salutary effects. For the fake of those into whole hands these tales may accidentally fall, we could with this remark had been unnecessary.

Art. 52. Pygmalion. A Poem; from the French of J. J.

Rouneau. 4to. 2 s. 6 d. Kearfly, &c. 1779. A pleasing dramatic production of the pen of Rouffeau is here imitated, in verses which are by no means destitute of harmony or fpirit. The Tranflator has printed the original piece at the bottom of the pages.

Art. 53. Sixteen Sonnets. By John Bampfylde. 4to. I S.

Prince, Oxford. Brown, London.

These short but successful excursions of the Muse will be acceptable to fuch as can relish the simple beauties of poetic imagery. The diction is, throughout, fo uniform, and the numbers are fo fimilar, that the following fonnet On the Evening, will give the Reader a perfect idea of the degree of entertainment he may expect from these pieces :

Slow finks the glimmering beam from western sky,
The woods and hills, obfcured by evening grey,
Vanith from mortal fight, and fade away.
Now with the flocks and yearlings let me hie
To farm, or cottage lone, where perch'd hard by
On mossy pale the red-breast tunes his lay,
Soft twittering, and bids farewell to-day:
Then whilft the watch dog barks, and ploughmen lie
Lull'd by the rocking winds, let me unfold
Whate'er in rhapsody, or train most holy,
The hoary minstrel fang in times of old;
For well I ween, from them the Nine inspire
Wisdom shall flow, and Virtue's facred fire,
And Peace, and Love, and heavenly Melancholy.


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Art. 54. An Epistle from a young Lady to an Ensign in the Guards, on his being ordered to America. 4to. 1 s. Sewel, &c. 1779. Some infignificant perfonage" seems to be here exhibited, for the entertainment of the Public, in the character of a military fribble. The Epistle is written in the character of a Demi-rep; and the poetry, which runs in the mock Ovidian strain, is too good for the frivolous subject.

Art. 55. Ode to the Privateer Commanders of Great Britain : Being a Parody on Mr. Mason's Ode to the Naval Officers, &c. [see our Catalogue for April) 4to. 6d. Oxford printed, and fold by Rivington in London.

In this animated parody, the poet ironically excites and applauds the piratical spirit of privateering; which he seems to confider as the meanest and most fordid species of warfare.

Art. 56. Odes on feveral Subjects. By Robert Alves, A. М. Edinburgh printed for Creech. 8vo. 1 s. Murray. London. 1778.

Of the pieces in this collection, the principal is a philosophical poem, intitled Viciffitude, An Ode; 'the intention of which is to defcribe the variety and confillency of nature's plan both in the physical and moral world. The remaining pieces are, Malevolence, an Ode, Ode to Night, Ode to Hygeia, and Ode to Wisdom. They are none of them wholly destitute of merit. The verfification is eafy, and, if allowance be made for fome few defective rhymes, for the molt part harmonious.

Art. 57. The English Garden: A Poem. Book the THIRD, By W. Maton, A. M. 4to. 2 s. Dodfley. 1779. As only one book more is wanting to complete the whole of Mr. Mafon's plan, we shall wait till that is published, before we enter upon any further examination of his English Garden. For an account of the two former books, see MONTHLY REVIEW, Vol. xlvi. page 219, and Vol. Ivii. page 79.

Art. 58. A Faraphrase of Mr. Anstey's Paraphrase of the thirteenth Chapter of the first Book of St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians*: or, a Poetical Expofition repoetically expounded. By Archi Mac Sarcafm. Folio. IS. Almon.

Verfus addressed to Servility, in parody of Anstey's Poem on Charity, and intended as a compliment to Mr. Anttey: their merit is too inconfiderable to claim particular attention. Perhaps it was rather unfortunate for this little poem, that our expectations were raised too high, on feeing the name of Archi Mac Sarcasm, and recollecting the pleasure we had received from the perufal of two or three fpirited pieces, published under that defignation.

Art. 59. Edwy and Edilda. A Tale, in five Parts. 8vo. 3s..

Dodiley. 1779.

A natural and simple Tale, which might have been made extremely pleaing and pathetic in plain profe, is here drawn out through a thoryand ballad stanzas, perfectly uniform in their structure, and for the most part of very moderate poetical merit. Some

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For an account of Mr. Anfley's Paraphrafe, sce Review for last Monta, p. 469.

times, however, the writer discovers no inconsiderable powers of description, and by a tender stroke of fentiment, or a lively flight of fancy, repays the reader for many tedious lines. Of his ability for description the following is no unpleasing specimen:

In happier days, when halcyon peace
The gliding moments blest,
Nor EDWY kenn'd the lurking shaft
That rankled in his breait:

At times, beneath a blooming bow'r,
That hid the eye of day,
At sweet EDILDA's bidding he

His tuneful pipe wou'd play.
'Midst summer's heats EDILDA ftill
The paftime much approv'd;
And who can doubt that what she lik'd
Th' empaffion'd EDWY lov'd?

A winding row of fringed elms
Led to the cool retreat,
Whose rugged trunks were circled by
The pea and woodbine sweet.

The bow'r itself, a little heav'n
Of various sweets compose,
Where jasmines and the fragrant brier
Wou'd emulate the rose.

Nor eglantines were wanting there,
Nor myrtles odorous green,
Which form'd a seemly contraft to

The flow'rs that blush'd between.

Sweet flowrets of a thousand dyes,
Enamell'd o'er the ground,
And with the bower's soft perfume vy'd
To scent the air around.

Here each plum'd warbler of the grove,
With envy stretch'd his throat

To rival EDWY's dulcet strains,
With many a liquid note.

While the clear brook, that winding flow'd
Befide the calm retreat,
Its lulling gurgling's join'd to form
A music strangely sweet.
Not Eden's self a fairer spot

Could boaft 'midst all her bow'rs,

What time calm innocence slept foft
On beds of fragrant flow'rs.

Were it not that the piece is occasionally enriched with lines which indicate some exertion of poetical talents, one might fuppofe that the Author possessed Lucilius's envied facility of verfiying, and

in borá fæpe ducentos

-verfus dictabat ftans pede in uno.


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