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nizes his DAILY EXPERIENCE with a SCIENTIFIC EYE, not to make some useful discovery. And there is fcarcely any man of common understanding, who has carefully attended to the results of his prefent management, in order to regulate the proceffes of his future; and who has chronologically memorized, and annually registered, thefe refults, fy flematically; who must not in a few years have produced a work of PUBLIC UTILITY,'

That our Readers may have fome idea of the Author's plan, we give the following fection entire, as it contains a general view of the whole operations of the farm:

In AUTUMN,-prior to Wheat Seed time, the Writer has made it a Rule to sketch out the Plan of his next Year's Management, by delineating an INTENDED ARRANGEMENT. This theoretic Plan, however, he has never confidered as perfect and inviclable; but has continued altering and improving it, as Circumstances pointed out in the Course of his Management. He, nevertheless, has always found it of very great fervice in proportioning his work to his teams;-the number of acres to be plowed, to the number of beafts of labour he has had to plow them with: befides having a more distinct view of the business of the coming year, than he could have had without fuch a Sketch. The utility of this intended Arrangement will appear more fully when the REAL ARRANGEMENT and its Uses are pointed


In SEED-TIME,-the following has been his constant practice: As foon as the fowing of any particular field is finished, he first adjufls and clofes the Labour Account of that field; (See DIGEST, p. 145.) and, having previously opened a Seed Account * for each of the Crops intended to be fown next year, he registers in one line (as in the following Arrangement) the Time of Sowing, the Number of Acres, and Name of the Field; with the Quantity and Quality of Seed which has been fown in it. As foon as the whole of a crop, as Wheat, for inftance, is fown, he adds up the quantity of acres and the quantity of feed fown over them; and thus fixes the real Arrangement with refpect to Wheat.

These feveral Operations, and this Arrangement, fet the Soil and Seed Proceffes in a clear and interefting point of view; much ufeful information neceffarily arifes; and many incidents now require to be retained, until Harvest, by rough Memorandums.

In MAY,-or as foon as the Seed is all in, he takes a general View of the whole Farm; correcting fuch departments of the intended arrangement as have not fallen under the Seed-Procefs;-as Meadow, Pafture, Fallow, &c. and thus afcertains, precifely, the REAL AR


*The References to thefe Seed-Accounts were omitted (by a ty pographical error) in the Index which was given in page 145 of the DIGEST.'


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The time of fowing L 1 and 2 was from the 29th of the Ninth month (September) to the 30th of the Tenth month (October) 1776. † Of Wheat which grew in the divifion M.


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269 Acres in all, excluding hedge, ditch, &c.
218 of hedge, ditch, roads, &c.

291 including wafte.

Thus every rod of the Farm is arranged under the head to which it immediately appertained in the Year 1777. By this mode of Arrangement, every patch and every corner is brought into view; no part, be it ever fo minute, can efcape notice; no straggling acre of fallow can be left unftirred; no ley forgot to be rolled; nor corn omitted to be difweeded: the eye, at one glance, takes in the whole œconomy of that year's management.

In HARVEST, he opens an Account, or Head, for every particular crop, or vegetable, to be harvested. And as the hay or corn is carried, he registers, in the evening, the number of loads which have been carried during the courfe of the day; mentioning in one line, the month and day, the field, the number of Harvest loads; and, of Hay, the estimated number of Sale-loads; and guesses at the number of Quarters the Corn crops will yield. When the whole of any particular crop is carried, he adds up the real number of harvelt jags, and the fuppofed number of fale-loads of hay, and quarters of corn; and thus afcertains the gross Produce of that crop.

Thefe Crop Accounts, or Accounts of Produce, he either keeps mifcellaneoufly, and afterwards digefts them agreeable to the repofito

ries, whether barns or ftacks, to which the loads have been carried; or, which is more expeditious, he fubdivides the heads according to the ftacks he means to make, or the barns he intends to fill, with the refpective crops, and carries with his pen the number of loads immediately to the Barn or Stack to which the Hay or Corn had been carried by the waggons. But ufeful as thefe accounts of Produce are in the Barn and Farm-yard Management, they do not give a diftinct idea of the produce of each field; he therefore re claffes them, fo as to ascertain, precifely, the number of loads produced by each field or divifion; in order to form a comparative judgment of the various fpecies of management which have attended the different departments of the Farm; and from thence to draw LESSONS OF FUTURE MANAGEMENT.'

After having given this table of the general arrangement of his farm, he proceeds, in the following part of the work, to review every article in detail. The fcantinefs of our limits forbid us to enter into this detail-but we fhall give an abridged fpecimen of the article Wheat, from which fome idea of the whole may be obtained.

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'L, clayey Loam, with a retentive Subfoil. S, fandy Loam, with a retentive Subfoil.

'P, gravelly Lcam, with an abforbent Subfoil.

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The ftiff land produced the best Crop; but it was beft-tilled and beft manured: there was very good Wheat on fome of the lighter Soils; especially on the fandy Loam, which was in high Tilth and good heart. And

Perhaps ;-Wheat affects almost every Species of Soil.'

After this general divifion, he proceeds to take notice of fuch remarks as have been fuggefted by the experiments relating to Wheat under the articles-Soil-Manure-Seed-Weather. Succeffion-Soil Procefs-Manure Procefs-Seed Procefs

Began Reaping the 12th of Auguft, and finished the 2d of September: Began Carrying the 26th of August, and finished the 8th of September.'

Low as this eftimate may feem, it proved to be above the Truth; the whole Yield being only 903 Bufhels of Head, and 60 Bushels of Tail; amounting together to 120 Quarters and 3 Bufhels. Where the Crop was large and much lodged, I laid it at a Quarter each Jag; but I apprehend it did not yield fo much: whereas in a yield. ing Year, a Jag of equal fize to thofe alluded to will afford from two Quarters to twenty Bushels of Wheat. Such is the pernicious effect of a cold, wet Summer!'


Vegetating Procefs-Vegetable Procefs-the Crop-Quondals. We felect what occurs under the head Seed Procefs as a specimen of this department:

Time of Sowing.

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Began fowing the 29th of September, and finished the 7th of November.

One fide of L 1. was fown, from three weeks to a month, before the other fide.

The early fown was much the largest, rankeft Crop; but it was almoft wholly lodged, and the Grain very light in the ear: Whereas the late fown, in general, flood; the ears were large and well filled; and, although the Crop in the Field was not more than two-thirds fo bulky as that of the early fown, I am of opinion that in the Barn the late fown will prove the best Crop.

This equality, however, is merely a cafualty of the weather. Had the Summer proved moderately dry, the early fown would have been confiderably the best Crop; its plants in the Spring were far more numerous and healthy than thofe of the late-fown: and indeed, generally, the Time of Sovving is one of thofe mysteries of Agriculture, which being in fome degree dependant on Chance, cannot be nicely regulated by human forefight. There may, nevertheless, be one GENERAL RULE FOR THE TIME OF SOWING; which, taken in a general Senfe, may, perhaps, be applicable to every Crop, and to every Country,


Perhaps ;-Sow poor Land early; rich Land late.

For if the Summer prove wet, a field which is out of heart runs no rifque of being injured by Ranknefs, and the field which is full of Manure will be prevented from lodging.

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If the Summer prove dry, a field which is poor, and which does not get its furface fhaded before the drought fet in, is in danger of being finted, or wholly burnt up; while a field (of Wheat at leaft) which is in heart, will force its way, in defiance of the dryness of the weather.

Early and late, however, when applied to the Time of Sowing, may each of them have a diflinct meaning in different countries. And indeed not only every country, but every county, nay, every diftrict, may have, with ftrict propriety, its peculiar time of fowing. However, as a general regulation of the above maxim, we may venture to fay,

Perhaps ;-BEGIN with the Soil which is poor, and FINISH with that which is in heart.

Preparation of the Seed.

Part of it was prepared by steeping it in ftrong Lime-water, falted fufficiently to bear an egg; and afterwards limed.

• Part was fown without Preparation.

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By Experiment, No. 5;-Pickling the Seed feemed to be difadvantageous to the Crop.

By Experiments, No. 7 and 19;-There was not the leaft advantage arofe this year from Brining Wheat.

• This

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