| Virgil - Aeneas (Legendary character) - 1721 - 456 pages
...defcending down, j-8c Thick Swarms of Soldiers loadcn from the Town. Thus, in Battalia, march embody'd Ants, Fearful of Winter, and of future Wants, T' invade...convey The plunder'd Forage of their yellow Prey, f9f The fable Troops, ateng the narrow Tracks, Scarce bear the weighty -Burthen on their Backs i .... | |
| 1768 - 618 pages
...в ч lo 17 18 19 ID 20 8 21 6 22 3 23 I 23 59 24. 56 'S 5 14 47 H 29 14 to 13 S' 13 32 «3 J3 12 54 Fearful of Winter and of future Wants, T* invade the Corn ; and to their Cells convey Tbe plunder d forage of their уеШ-ш Prey. ^ i . Day I4h. 20m. long. Day decreafed 2h. 4m. Mercury... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 372 pages
...cover'd o'er With Trojan bands that blacken all the more : On every fide are feen, defeending down, 580 Thick fwarms of foldiers loaden from the town. Thus,...convey The plunder'd forage of their yellow prey. 585 in ; T rain ; > i. 590 3 The fable troops, along the narrow tracks, Scarce bear the weighty burden... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 1130 pages
...cover'd o'er \Vith Trojan bands that blacken all the more : On every fide are feen, defcending down, 580 Thick fwarms of foldiers loaden from the town. Thus,...T' invade the corn, and to their cells convey The plundcr'd forage of their yellow prey. 58^ The fable troops, along the narrow tracks, Scarce bear the... | |
| Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 902 pages
...march embodied ants, Fearful of winter, tad of future wants, T' invade the corn, and to th«ir cell* convey The plunder'd forage of their yellow prey....troops, along the narrow tracks. Scarce bear the weighty burden on their backs i Some fet their fliouldcrs on the ponderous graii Some guard the tpoil; fome... | |
| 1792 - 910 pages
...dcfcending dc»T Thick fwarms of foldiers loaden from '- • Thus, in battalia, march embodied uti, Fearful of winter, and of future wants. T' invade the corn, and to their cells The plunder'd forage of their yellow pitr The fable troops, along the narrow tri;a, Scarce bear the... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1800 - 658 pages
...beach is cover'd o'er With Trojan bards that blacken all the fhore: On every fide are fcen, defending down, Thick fwarms of foldiers loaden from the town....T' invade the corn, and to their cells convey The pluncier'd forage of their yellow prey. The fable troops, along the narrow tracks, Scarce bear the... | |
| Great Britain - 1804 - 658 pages
...are fe-en, defending down, Thick fwarms of foldiers loaden from the town. Thus, in battalia, mai cli embodied ants, Fearful of winter, and of future wants,...plunde-r'd forage of their yellow prey. The fable troops, a'ong the narrow tracks, Scarce hear the weighty burden on their backs: Some fet their fhouldcrs on... | |
| Publius Vergilius Maro - 1806 - 328 pages
...descending down, 580 Thiok swarms of soldiers, loaden from the town. Thus, in battalia, march embody'd ants. Fearful of winter, and of future wants, T' invade...convey The plunder'd forage of their yellow prey. 585 The sable troops/along the narrow tracks? * .. ' Scarce bear the weighty burden on their backs... | |
| Virgil - Aeneas (Legendary character) - 1806 - 414 pages
...descending down, 580 Thick swarms of soldiers, loaden from the town. Thus, in battalia, march embody'd ants, Fearful of winter, and of future wants, T' invade the corn, and to their cells convey , • The plunderM forage of their yellow prey. 585 <* The sable troops, along the narrow tracks, Scarce bear... | |
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