and unbent from the fatigues of study in their improving converfation. The next event which it is necessary to notice, is the death of his parents; an incident differently related by different authors. All agree that it was to him fudden and unexpected. But fome fay it was during his refidence at Tivoli, and prior to his appointment to the fee of Alba; while others inform us, that having attained the prelacy, he went in the ensigns of his new dignity, to pay them a visit; and that instead of the happiness he had promised himself in presenting to them a fon raised by his merit to so high a distinction, he learnt that they had both expired but a few days before. In either cafe, it may be supposed that this double catastrophe must have affected him with extreme regret. Of his sensibility on this occafion, we may form the best conception, from the pathetic effusion he has confecrated to their memory. His grief on so melancholy a privation was not lessened by the decease of his patron Leo, who died about the fame time: an event which at once clouded the profpects of our poet, and diverted the course of his studies from their former channel. It happened, however, that in about two years, on the decease of Adrian VI. his old friend and fellow ftudent Clement afcended the papal throne. On this occafion, his Christiad, at the recommendation of the new pontiff, was refumed, and received when completed, with fingular approbation. On the 6th of February, 1532, as a recompence of his ingenious labours, he was presented to the bishoprick of Alba in Monferrat, vacant by the demise of his predeceffor Antonius Molus. The two years subsequent to this promotion, were paffed with Clement at Rome. But at the end of that period, he grew weary of the city, where he was unwilling to remain in indolence and inactivity; and feeling no difpofition to aspire after farther dignities, he betook himself to his diocese, and discharged, like an exemplary prelate, the duties of his office. No man ever less difappointed the public expectation. The virtues he had cherished in private, he brought forth into the world, and displayed them without oftentation, to his own honour, and to the public utility. His manners were fimple; his piety genuine and unaffected. He was no less a pattern than a teacher, and as careful to fet a good example in A his own conduct, as he was zealous to discourage vice in that of others. Some of the churches in his diocese he raised from the foundation; others he repaired and embellished. His utmost efforts were exerted for the profperity of his flock; and it might justly be faid of him, that he devoted both himself and his poffeffions to the interests of chriftianity and the glory of God. Our prelate was no less a patriot than a christian. Though gentle and full of goodness; of the mildest temper and the most amiable manners, he was by no means deficent in spirit; and he proved himself, on a trying occafion, a most active and intrepid citizen. When Alba was befieged, during the war between Francis and the Emperor, the foldiers having deferted their station, and the enemy preparing to enter, Vida took upon him the office of general, rallied his fellow citizens; attacked the besiegers in turn; drove them from the walls, and saved the city. - What is no less to his honour, he for fome time supplied the public with provisions at his own expence. Distinguished as our author was by the rareft qualifications; so benevolent in his temper, and so attentive during a residence of thirty-five years to the interests of his people, it is no wonder he was universally honoured and esteemed, and that his death, which happened on the 27th of Sept. 1566, and at the advanced age of ninety-fix, was generally and fincerely regretted. His remains, attended by an immenfe concourse of spectators, especially by the poor, whom he had constantly fed at his own table, were deposited with great folemnity in the cathedral of Alba. Some time after, his fellow citizens at Cremona, to which fee he had been elected just before his death, erected a handfome monument to his memory. As the most trifling circumstances feem important that relate to men of eminence, it may per. haps be not improper to add, that he was of a noble stature and countenance; and that in his aspect sweetness was tempered with gravity.In Italy, medals were struck to his honour, having his head and name on one fide; on the reverse a Pegafus, with the inscription, Quos amarunt Dii : on other medals, non stemma fed virtus. His portrait is to be found in many public repofitories; particularly in the library of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. The poetical works of our author, fuch at leaft as he chose to acknowledge, were collected in 1556, and accurately printed at Cremona, in two volumes. The first contains Hymns on divine Subjects, and the Chriftiad, in fix books. In the second are the Poetics, in three books; the Bombyces, in two books; three Eclogues, and other detached pieces. His prose writings are Three Dialogues De Reipublicæ Dignitate, one book of Synodical Constitutions, and an Epistle to Bartholomeus Botta, prefixed to his commentary on the Christiad. Several other pieces have been ascribed to him, but as he did not chuse to acknowledge them, they need not now be enumerated, SOME there are who deny any merit to modern latinity; while others with more justice contend, that both here and on the continent, many pieces have been produced, that Virgil or Horace might have owned without a blufsh. It is notorious, that modern compositions have been imposed on the first scholars in Europe, as fragments of the most celebrated ancients. The estimation in which the classics were held at the revival of letters, was followed by the b |