Then too, Apollo, from thy Delphic shrine, Refponfive flow'd the oracle divine: Nor, Faunus, lefs our Latian grandfires own Thy fong prophetic, and thy rural throne. But chief, O Salem, of illuftrious name, Thy fainted bards th' infpiring pow'r proclaim; 825 In the full impulse of the present God. Then, what the fates of old prophetic fung, 830 Caught and re-ecchoed from each tuneful tongue, Men firft begin the mimic strain to raise, And wake the ftrings to panegyric lays; Where flow'd the bowl, fome hero's praise went round And thro'the dome the thund'ring plaudits found. 835 Sweet Poefy! with thee what art can vie! Thou first, and faireft daughter of the sky! Thy pow'er divine what mortal but muft know? What less than God the tranfport can beftow, When themes celeftial the rapt poet bear Beyond the stars, to breath empyreal air? Unchear'd by thee, the changing season lours; Where'er the warblers of the feather'd choir Attune the lay, thy genial rays infpire. 840 845 By numbers charm'd, the monsters cease t' engage, In mortal conflict, and forget their rage. When founds in Orpheus' hand the vocal shell The finny nations round their tranfports tell; Draw the tall groves their waving spires along, 850 And leap the mountains at th' enchanting fong. Nor lefs when mighty love the poet led To seek the shadowy regions of the dead, His melting strains the hovering fhades entrance; Mov'd at the found fee fpectred forms advance! 855 Then first the tuneful charm fierce Cerb'rus found, And dire Erynne felt the foothing found. By thee, O Mufe, the bard, a mortal gueft, Delighted fits at Jove's ambrofial feast : Thou, gentle foother of each anxious care, Canft foften anguish, and difarm despair. All hail! whofe aid from mortals can remove Far from the giddy tumults of the throng, Thy vot❜ry I, the ftudious youth among, Approach the precincts of thy hallow'd fane; Poet and priest, the facred tribute bear, And offer at thy fhrine the vow fincere. 860 865 And ope each fecret fource of Helicon, The bard inspire, as to your aweful shrine And leads thro' arduous and unbeaten ways, Whose brow fhall one day grace the poet's lays. 10 Since but to you each secret path is known, Propitious now your faithful vot'ry own, H And point the way; and lo! where thronging stand, Th' afpiring youth our counfels fhall prepare, of art, Studious to teach, unwearied we purfue 15 20 25 He who prefumes the poet's fate to try, 30 |