CONTENTS Sect. PART I. INTRODUCTION. Page Sect. I. The Antiquity of Earth, 3 II. The Figure of the IV. The Earth in ge Earth, III. The Peopling and Sect. 2 neral, fo far as known to the Ancients, Of EUROPE. Page I. Ancient Europe in III. Gallia or Gaul, 10 IV. Britannia, V. Ireland, VI. Dacia, IX. Thracia, Sect. 12 13 14 ibid. 15 ibid. 16 XI. Italia, 6 Page 18 CHA P. II. Of A S I Page | Sect. 27 I. Ancient Afia in ge neral, II. Syria, I the Propontis, &c. &c. A. 22 23 24 III. Babylonia or Chaldæa, 28 IV. Bithynia, Page 29 ibid. Sect. V. |