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3. Кіттім peopled Macedonia, called in Scripture the Land of Chettim. His pofterity migrated into Cyprus and Italy.

4. DODANIM sent colonies into Rhodes.

5. & 6. TUBAL and MESHECH planted the country lying contiguous to Magog.

7. TIRAS led his colony into Thrace.

These are the plantations of the fons of Noab; and after this manner were the nations divided in the earth after the flood, and dispersion of mankind.

By this account, it does not appear that they migrated eastward beyond Media, northward beyond the mountains of Caucasus, fouthward beyond Ethiopia or Habashia, or westward beyond a part of Lybia and Greece, including Macedonia; though it is most probable, the more distant parts were not planted immediately by these first colonies, but by their posterity afterwards.


The EARTH in general, so far as known to the Ancients.

THE knowledge the Ancients had of the Earth was very confused!-All they knew of it lay within a line supposed to be drawn from the island Thule, or the modern Iceland, eastward through the middle of Norway and Sweden, round Scythia, including India, and from thence paffing round the island Argyre, now denominated Sumatra, to the island of the Hannoni, or Menuthias, the modern Madagafthen passing up within the eastern coast of Africa, excluding Ethiopia, with all the middle and lower parts of Africa, which are fouth of mount Atlas, taking in only Egypt, the coast of Barbary, Mauritania, and Guinea; crossing the Equinoctial, and passing upwards again, round the Fortunate



or Canary Islands, through the Atlantic, to Thule again *.

The Earth, thus circumscribed, received many divisions; but the most common one, and which was generally received by all, was into three parts, EUROPE, ASIA, and AFRICA.

These parts, taken together, the Heathen writers termed the WORLD; a fuccinct account of which, including the most remarkable cities, towns, rivers, mountains, promontories, and bays, cannot but be a valuable present to the young classical scholar.

* See map of the world at the beginning of the book.


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Ancient EUROPE in general.


UROPE derived its name, according to the old historians and geographers, from EUROPA, the daughter of Egenor, king of the Phoenicians, who was stolen by Jupiter, transformed into a bull; that is, in a ship named the Bull, or bearing the figure of a bull in her stern; and carried into Crete.

Its ancient boundaries were, on the south, the Mediterranean fea; on the west, the western or Atlantic ocean; and, on the east, by the Mare Ageum, the Hellespont, Propontis, the Thracian Bosphorus, and the Euxine sea; but on the north its boundary was unknown to the Ancients.

This tract of land, thus extended, was about 24,000 stadia, or 30,000 English miles in length, and 14,000 stadia, or 1750 miles in breadth.

EUROPE was divided by the Ancients into west, south, and north.

The western parts contained the countries of Iberia or Spain, including Lufitania or Portugal, and Gaul, with the British Islands.

The fouthern parts contained Dacia, Illyricum, Grecia, and Italia.

The northern parts contained Germania, Sarmatia, and Scandinavia or Scandai.



THE ancient geographers gave the name of Ιβηρια,
Iberia, to that tract of land now called Spain and
Portugal, from a colony of Iberians, a people bor-


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