with all the carefulness required. From a hasty glance it appears to us well adapted to lead young persons to contemplate with suitable feelings and reverence the stupendous works of nature. In fact, it is a really popular introduction to Natural History; and comprising the essence of many elaborate works, it may be correctly defined a "Bridgewater Treatise" for the young and thoughtful inquirer. A Selection of British Birds, from Drawings by C. L. E. Perrott, Honorary Corresponding Member of the Worcestershire Natural History Society; and dedicated, by permission, to Her Royal Highness the Landgravine of Hesse Hombourg. Folio, No. I. Robert Havell, Zoological Gallery, London. This selection comprises all the birds which are known in the county of Worcester, either as perpetual or only transitory residents, and of many others peculiar to neighbouring counties, faithfully copied from nature by the talented author, Mrs. C. L. E. Perrott, of The Chantry, Fladbury, Worcestershire, so well known and appreciated for her intellectual pursuits and her varied accomplishments. Many hundreds of the feathered tribe, accurately copied from nature, the work of her own experimental skill, will, we understand, ultimately appear in this work, of which five are comprised in the number before us. The engraver, Robert Havell, duly and justly estimated as the celebrated graver of the birds of America, is the artist by whom the birds in this number have been engraved and coloured; and had he not previously earned a well-merited fame in this beautiful branch of the art, this publication would have stamped him as a leading member of his difficult profession. Nor is the accompanying letter-press, so full of information, practical and lucid information, to be passed over with an ordinary comment. The diligence and keen observation of an enthusiast devoted to the soul-absorbing subject, is perceptible in every page, and Mudie himself might pick up scraps of accumulated knowledge by a diligent perusal. The five birds comprised in this number, are the common fowl, or domestic cock; the ring-dove, wood pigeon, quest, or cushat doo; the raven; the whin-chat; and the blue titmouse. Of these, if a preference can be given, we think it leans a little in favour of the domestic cock -but they are all executed with remarkable fidelity and skilfulness, without the least stiffness of position or unnatural contortion. This publication was put into our hands a few hours only previously to the present number of "The Analyst" being completed. To this cause must be attributed the concise form which this critical notice assumes. As the numbers continue to be issued, however, we shall again draw attention to their merits. The plan seems to be so well arranged, that we have no doubt it will continue to display throughout the same taste and research, and charm of execution, which distinguish the first number; in that case, no ornithologist ought to be without a work so useful for study and reference. We now conclude our brief observations, by again promising some further comments in a succeeding publication. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC. MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, BIRMINGHAM. MR. Wallace commenced his third Lecture at this Institution, "On the Mental Faculties of Man," by passing a ray of light through a glass cube filled with water. The light was directed at an angle of about twenty-seven degrees, with a perpendicular falling upon the centre of the bottom plate of the cube, at which point a wafer was placed, that intercepted the light when the cube was empty. After entering the medium through a hole in a board, placed upon the upper surface, it was found to proceed in a vertical direction, and, by the action of the upper and under surfaces, to be suspended in the central plane. From this plane, when the eye was directed underneath, it was clearly seen to issue; thus shewing that light is not bent, or refracted, in one continued line through any transparent medium, but that its direction is solely influenced by the nature of the surfaces employed. To this peculiar modification in the operation of light, the lecturer referred all those phenomena which are witnessed in the Polar and Torrid regions, and sometimes in more temperate climates; such as the appearance of objects above the horizon, when they are really beneath it; the multiplication and inversion of the images of objects; and the distortion of these images, either by elongation or contraction. To this peculiar modification was also referred the nature of our sensations within the eye, which, of necessity afforded us perceptions derived in all cases from the images of objects suspended within the various mediums communicating them, and not from the objects themselves. The next subject alluded to was the origin of our conceptions of number, proportion, and magnitude, illustrated by drawings; and of relation and comparison, as derived from the peculiar conformation of the eye itself; out of all which the principles of perspective were stated to arise, and from which it was intimated that we had derived the sciences of arithmetic, geometry, and trigonometry. The various scales made use of for measuring palpable distances, in order to correct and assist the eye, were then alluded to, and explained to be necessary, in consequence of the physical properties of transparent bodies, which cause the images of objects to be presented at apparent, instead of at real distances, in every instance. The fourth, and concluding lecture, treated of man in reference to the material world. In the course of the lecture, man was considered as a recent inhabitant of this planet; and the particular localities which he had inhabited as they are described in ancient history were stated to be still open to the inspection of the traveller, with very few exceptions. At the same time, it was maintained that the crust of the earth bore evident marks of distinct epochs, having long intervals of time between them-the various strata containing organic remains peculiar to each; but that the ruins of the abodes of mankind were visible only upon the exterior part of this crust; and that no true organic remains of the human race had ever been discovered within it. The diminution of the major axis of the ellipse described by the orbits of comets, was alluded to as an argument that these bodies were incipient worlds, similar to what the earth bore evident marks of having originally been; as was stated to be manifest from an examination of the various regular strata of which its crust is composed. The deposition of these various strata were considered as the result of animal architecture, and the assimilating powers of organized bodies; and a conclusion was drawn that inorganic matter was the result of these various operations, aided by subsequent crystallization, fermentation, or (its consequence) fusion by volcanic agency. The position which man holds in the scale of creation was inferred from all these considerations; and the gift of speech-which he only enjoyswas viewed as a means imparted to him of arriving at a comparatively perfect knowledge of the constitution of matter, by the aid of reason and future inquiry. L July, 1835.--VOL. II. NO. XII. 3 м NEW PUBLICATIONS, From May 8, to June 8. Abdy's (E. S.) Residence and Tour in the United States, 3 vol. sm. 8vo, 30s. Acret's (G. S.) Treatise on Hernia, 8vo, 58. Allen's (Lt. Wm.) Views in the Island of Ascension, imp. 4to, 24s. Bellchambers' Biographical Dictionary, 4 v. 32mo, 16s. 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Mary and Florence; or Grave and Gay, fcap. 5s, Milton's Poetical Works, by Sir E Brydges, Vol. I., (Life,) fcap. 5s. -Paradise Lost, first four Books, with Notes by Major, 12mo, 4s. 6d. Morren's (N.) Rule of Faith, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Mosheim's Commentaries, by Vidal, Vol. III., 8vo, 10s. 6d. Napier (C.) on Colonization in Southern Australia, &c., 8vo, 98. Oliver's (S. Jun.) Rambles in Northumberland, &c., 12mo. 9s. 6d. Pacha of Many Tales, by Author of "Peter Simple," &c., 3 vols. small 8vo. 31s. 6d. Pitkin's (T.) View of the Commerce of the United States, royal 8vo. 21s. Plato's Apology of Socrates, &c., with Notes by C. S. Stanford, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Pringle's Residence in South Africa, small 8vo. 10s. 6d. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Part 2, 1834, 8vo. 4s. Report on Municipal Corporations, Part 3, fol. 25s. Retzsch's Illustrations of Shakspeare, Goethe, and Schiller, oblong, 10s. 6d. Robinson's Vitruvius Brittannicus, (Hard wicke Hall,) fol. 31. 3s. Select Library, Vol. X., (Carne's Lives of Rom. Cath. Missionaries,) royal 18mo. 68. Sketches from Life, by a Physician, 12mo. 7s. Stanford's (J. K.) Lady's Gift, fcap., 5s. Stevens' (R.) Essay on Arbitration, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Stuart's (M.) Grammar of the New Testament Dialect, 8vo. 14s. Student (The); by Author of "Eugene Aram," &c., 2 vols. small 8vo. 21s. Symonds' (A.) Mechanics of Law-making, royal 18mo. 9s. 6d. Tales of my Neighbourhood, by Author of "The Collegians, " 3 vols. small 8vo. 31s. 6d. Taylor's (Emily) Boy and the Birds, 16mo. 5s. Thorburn's (Grant) Men and Manners in Britain, 18mo. 2s. Thucydides, Græce, cum Notis Goeller, 2 PREFERMENTS, MARRIAGES, &c. PREFERMENTS. The Rev. J. Garbett, Fellow and Tutor of Brasennose College, has been presented by the Principal and Fellows of that Society, to the valuable Rectory of Clayton, in the County of Sussex. -The Rev. Haddy Williams, M. A., has been instituted to the Vicarage of Avenbury, Herefordshire, void by the resignation of the Rev. John Durand Baker, on the presentation of the King.The Rev. Bryan Sneyd Broughton, В. А., has been presented to the Rectory of Elmley Lovett, in this county, void by the cession of the Rev. John Lynes, Clerk, LL. B. Patron the said Rev. John Lynes. The Rev. John Hardy, B. A., has been licensed by the Bishop of Gloucester, to the Perpetual Curacy of the Lea, vacant by the death of the Rev. Charles Whatley, on the nomination of the Rev. A. Matthews, M. A., Vicar of Linton, Herefordshire. At the recent examination for Scholarships at Trinity College, Dublin, Mr. Hamilton was one of the successful Candidates. We mention the name of this gentleman in particular, on account of the extraordinary fact of his having obtained this distinction although he has been blind from his infancy. MARRIAGES. At Shrewsbury, John Pryse Jones, Esq., of Coffronyd, Montgomeryshire, to Mary, second daughter of the late Rev. Herbert Oakeley, D. D., of Oakeley, Salop.-At Camberwell, George Jones, Esq., surgeon, late of Alcester, Warwickshire, to Anne, relict of Thomas Snepp, Esq. At Wickhamford, vols. 8vo. 248. Torrens (R.) on Colonization in South Australia, 8vo. 128. Transactions of the Linnæan Society, Vol. Tucker's (H. St. G.) Tragedies of Harold Villiers, a Tale of the last Century, 3 vols. small 8vo. 30s. Watson's Works, Vol. VI., Conversations, &c. 8vo. 8s. 6d. Webster's (Tho.) Principles of Hydrostatics, &c., 8vo. gs. Whishaw's Synopsis of the English Bar, 12mo. 9s. White's Belgic Revolution of 1830, 2 vols. small 8vo. 248. Wife (The); or, Women as they are, fscap. 5s. 6d. Worcestershire, Mr. Henry Cooper, B. А. late of Worcester College, Oxford, only sur viving son of the late Rev. H. P. Cooper, of Evesham, to Felicia, second daughter of Mrs. Sawyer, of Wickhamford. - Thomas Kidley, Esq. M. D., of Byford, to Mary, only daughter of the late J. L. Pateshall, Esq., of Hereford. At Edgbaston, near Birmingham, James Lang, Esq., of Hampstead, to Emma, daughter of William Wood, Esq. At Richmond, Surrey, by the Rev. J. Peel, Prebendary of Canterbury, Henry Brown, Esq., of the Bombay Civil Service, to Eliza Anne, youngest daughter of the late Sir Harry Verelst Darrell, Bart. - The Rev. Frank George Hopwood, A. M., second son of Robert Gregge Hopwood, Esq., of Hopwood Hall, and grandson of John, fifth Viscount Torrington, to the Lady Eleanor Mary Stanley, youngest daughter of the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby. At St. George's, Hanover Square, by the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, J. David Watts Russell, Esq., eldest son of J. Watts Russell, Esq., of Ham Hall, Staffordshire, and Biggin House, Northamptonshire, to Mary Neville, youngest daughter of John Smith Wright, Esq., of Rempstone Hall, Nottinghamshire. -At Bristol, William Spry Stock, Esq., nephew of the Rev. J. Hume Spry, D. D., late of Birmingham, to Anna Jane, eldest daughter of the late William Ravenhill, Esq., of Hereford. DEATHS. In Portland Place, after a few days' illness, of a boil in his throat, the Earl of Longford. His Lordship has left a widow and ten chil dren. He was 61 years of age. In his 88th Helen Maria, second daughter of the Rev. |