Enter DEMETRIUS, HELENA following him. Dem. I love thee not, therefore pursue me not. Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more. Hel. You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant; 2 Dem. Do I entice you? Do I speak you fair? Hel. And even for that do I love you the more. What worser place can I beg in your love, Dem. Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit; For I am sick when I do look on thee. Hel. And I am sick when I look not on you. Dem. You do impeach3 your modesty too much To leave the city, and commit yourself 1 Mad, raving. Wud is the synonymous Scotch term. 2 "There is now a dayes a kind of adamant which draweth unto it fleshe, and the same so strongly, that it hath power to knit and tie together two mouthes of contrary persons, and draw the heart of a man out of his bodie without offending any part of him." Certaine Secrete Wonders of Nature, by Edward Fenton, 1569. 3 i. e. bring it into question. And the ill counsel of a desert place, Dem. I'll run from thee, and hide me in the brakes, And leave thee to the mercy of wild beasts. Hel. The wildest hath not such a heart as you. Let me go; Dem. I will not stay thy questions. You do me mischief. Fie, Demetrius! Your wrongs do set a scandal on my sex. I'll follow thee, and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well. [Exeunt DEM. and HEL. Obe. Fare thee well, nymph. Ere he do leave this grove, Thou shalt fly him, and he shall seek thy love. Re-enter PUCK. Hast thou the flower there? Welcome, wanderer. I pray thee, give it me. I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows, grows; 1 The greater cowslip. Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, And with the juice of this I'll streak her eyes, Take thou some of it, and seek through this grove. Puck. Fear not, my lord, your servant shall do so. [Exeunt. SCENE III. Another Part of the Wood. Enter TITANIA, with her Train. Tita. Come, now a roundel, and a fairy song, Then, for the third part of a minute, hence; Some, to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds; Some, war with rear-mice for their leathern wings, To make my small elves coats; and some, keep back The clamorous owl, that nightly hoots, and wonders At our quaint spirits. Sing me now asleep; Then to your offices, and let me rest. SONG. 1 Fai. You spotted snakes, with double tongue, Come not near our fairy queen. 1 The roundel, or round, as its name implies, was a dance in a ring. 2 Bats. 5 Slow-worms. 3 Sports. 4 Efts. CHORUS. Philomel, with melody, Sing in our sweet lullaby; Lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby; Come our lovely lady nigh; So, good night, with lullaby. II. 2 Fai. Weaving spiders, come not here; Hence, you long-legg'd spinners, hence. Beetles black, approach not near ; CHORUS. Philomel, with melody, &c. 1 Fai. Hence, away; now all is well. One, aloof, stand sentinel. [Exeunt Fairies. TITANIA sleeps. Enter OBERON. Obe. What thou seest when thou dost wake, [Squeezes the flower on TITANIA's eyelids. Do it for thy true love take. Love, and languish for his sake. Be it ounce, or cat, or bear, Pard, or boar with bristled hair, In thy eye that shall appear When thou wak'st, it is thy dear. Wake, when some vile thing is near. [Exit. Enter LYSANDER and HERMIA. Lys. Fair love, you faint with wandering in the wood; And to speak troth, I have forgot our way; We'll rest us, Hermia, if you think it good, And tarry for the comfort of the day. Her. Be it so, Lysander; find you out a bed, For I upon this bank will rest my head. Lys. One turf shall serve as pillow for us both; One heart, one bed, two bosoms, and one troth. Her. Nay, good Lysander; for my sake, my dear, Lie farther off yet; do not lie so near. Lys. O, take the sense, sweet, of my innocence; 1 Her. Lysander riddles very prettily.- Lys. Amen, amen, to that fair prayer, say I; pressed! Enter PUCK. Puck. Through the forest have I gone, 1 i. e. "understand the meaning of my innocence, or my innocent meaning. Let no suspicion of ill enter thy mind." This word here means the same as if she had said, my manners," &c. "Now ill befall |