| Alexander Pope - Criticism - 1717 - 468 pages
...'billows lam the founding Ihore, «''»" The hoarfe, rough verfe fhould like the torrent roar.' Wheay^;^^ ftrives, fome rock's vaft weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move flow ; Not fo, when fwift Camilla fcours the plain, Flies o'er th'unbending corn, and skims along the maia... | |
 | English poetry - 1720 - 302 pages
...lafti the founding ftiore, The-hoarfe rough verfe ftiould like the torrent roar. When jf/4xftrives,fome rock's vaft weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move flow; Not fo when fwift Camilla fcours the plain, 3'ff' Plies o'erth'unbending corn,and flcims along the... | |
 | Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1722 - 294 pages
...billows lafli the founding fliore, The hoarfe rough verfe fliould like the torrent roar. When A]ax ftrives, fome rock's vaft weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move flow; Not fo when fwift Camilla fcours the plain, Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and (kims along the main.... | |
 | English essays - 1729 - 310 pages
...la/b the founding Shore, The hoarfe, rough Verfejhou'd like the Torrent roar. When A.}axftrives,fjme Rock's vaft Weight to throw, The Line too labours, and the Words move flow; Het fo, when fwift Camilla fcours the Plain, flies o'er th' unbending Corn, and skims along the Main.... | |
 | 1738 - 310 pages
...founding Shore, The hoarfe rough Verfe^oaV like the Torrent rare. When Ajax ftri<ves fame Rock's waft Weight to throw, The Line too labours, and the Words move flow ; Not fo, luhenf'wift Camilla fcottrs the Plain, Flies o'erth'' unbending Corn, and skims alongtheMain]... | |
 | Anthony Blackwall - Classical education - 1737 - 298 pages
...the founding Shore, The hoarfe rough Verfe IhouJd like the Torrent roir. When When Ajax ftrives fame Rock's vaft Weight to throw, The Line too labours, and the Words move flow: Not To, when fwift Camilla fcours the Plain, Flies o'er th'unbending Corn, and skims along the Main*.... | |
 | William Ayre, Edmund Curll - Poets, English - 1745 - 392 pages
...fmooth Stream in fmoother Numbers flows ; But when loud Surges lafti the founding Shore, Thehoarfe, rough Verfe mould like the Torrent roar. When Ajax...throw, The Line too labours, and the Words move flow ; F 3 Not Not fo, when fwift Camilla fcours the Plain, [Main. Flies o'er th' unbending Corn, and fkims... | |
 | Alexander Pope - Criticism - 1749 - 110 pages
...fmoother numbers flows ; But when loud furges lafli the founding (hoar, The hoarfe, rough verfe (hould like the torrent roar. ,. . ' ..;.... ...„ .;. .»'....When Ajax ftrives, fome rock's vaft weight to throw, 3 jo The line too labours, and the words move flow ; NOTEs. tying a particular precept of the art into... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 236 pages
...fmoother numbers flows ; But when loud furges lam the founding {hoar, The hoarfe, rough verfe fhouid like the torrent roar : When Ajax ftrives fome rock's...throw, The line too labours, and the words move flow ; Not VE 5 . 364. '"tis not enough no barJhaefs giiiu tffenrt ; The found muji feem an Etho to the... | |
 | Alexander Pope - English literature - 1751 - 244 pages
...fmoother numbers flows ; But when loud furges lafh the founding fhoar, The hoarfe, rough verfe fhould like the torrent roar : When Ajax ftrives fome rock's...throw, The line too labours, and the words move flow ; Not VIR. 364. 'Tis not enough no tiarjhnefs gives offence ; The found mufl feem an Echo to the fenfe... | |
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