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This abbreviation is not only unnecessary, but unjuftifiable in profe; because as we have happily two methods of expreffing the fame idea, we can either say, Achilles's wrath, or the wrath of Achilles.

3. The pronoun whose, which is usually appropriated to perfons, is generally applied by the poets to inanimate objects.

[blocks in formation]

Be his this sword, whose blade of brass displays
A ruddy gleam; whose hilt, a filver blaze.

Ib. viii. 437.

Bishop Lowth accounts for this use of the word, by observing, that " the higher poetry loves to confider every thing, as bearing a perfonal


sonal character." But this remark is not applicable in the present instance. There can be no shadow of a personal character, or any perfonification, in the foregoing passages *. Whose is used by a poetic licence, instead of of which; merely because the latter expression is prosaic, and cannot easily be admitted into elevated poetry.

4. Adjectives are frequently used instead of adverbs.


Fierce as he mov'd †, his silver shafts resound.

Slow ‡ from his feat arose the Pylian sage.

Il. i. 64.

Ib. 330.

Ib. iv. 486.

Sedate and filent move the num'rous bands.

* See Personification in the Appendix.

+ The variation of the tenses, in the words mou'd and refound, is a poetic licence, or rather, a grammatical impropriety.

‡ In this line Mr. Pope has not preserved the idea, which Homer gives us of Nester. When that old experienced war. rior foresaw the fatal effects of the contention between Aga. memnon and Achilles, he forgot his infirmities, and rofe up in bafte to pacify them, ανορουσε.

Il. i. 248.

Silent the warrior smil'd, and pleas'd resign'd.

Il. vi. 504.

Swift down the steep of heav'n the chariot rolls.

Il. v. 958.

Smooth glides the chariot thro' the liquid sky.

Ib. viii. 477.

5. Adverbs are sometimes compared by er and

eft, instead of the adverbs more and most.

Sceptre and pow'r-I gladlier shall resign.

Plainlier shall be reveal'd.

P. L. vi. 730.

Ib. xii. 151.

This is to be confidered as a grammatical impropriety, rather than a poetic licence: so is the word either, which frequently occurs, instead of each.

Here in the midst, in either army's fight.

Il. iii. 127.

And next the troops of either Ajax views.

Fast by our side, let either faithful swain

II. iv. 311.

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In arms attend us, and their part sustain.

Odyf. xxii. 120.

These are the words of Ulyffes; and the two

swains, whose assistance he required, were Eumæus and Philætius. Either is used for each, and their,

[blocks in formation]

improperly, instead of his. The pronominal adjective each fignifies both of them, taken separately; either means only the one, or the other; which is contrary to the sense of the original.

A previous knowledge of Accentuation, or the measure of an English verse, will enable the young reader to pronounce the ancient Greek and Roman names of gods, goddesses, heroes, countries, cities, &c. in a proper manner.



A chief stood nigh, who from Abydas came.

[blocks in formation]

Agricola * with prudence rul'd the land.
Then from his glitt'ring throne Alcinous rose.

From his proud pyramid Amasis † torn.

Odyf. viii.

Lucan ix.

Inquire of Amathus, whose wealthy ground.

Ov. Met. x.

Il. xiii,

Deplor'd Amphimacus, fad object, lies.
When to his harp divine Amphion fung.
Pope, Statius.
Of Amphitrite and her tending nymphs.
Thom. Sum.
But fierce Andronicus would not relent.

Shak. And. ii. 5.

These Andronicus † and Eubulus bring.


* A Roman governor in Britain, from the year 78 to 84. About this time many of the Britons began to wear the drefs, imitate the manners, learn the arts, and speak the language of the Romans.

† Non mihi pyramidum tumulis evulfus Amasis.

Luc. ix. 155.

‡ The first syllable in vien, victoria, from which the latter part of the word Andronicus is derived, is a long fyllableβουλετο νικην. Il. vii. 21. For this reason, Andronicus, Cleonicus, Stratonicus, Polynices, Thesalonica, &c. have the penultima always long. Shakespeare, supposing him to have been the author of the tragedy of Andronicus, is not to be vindicated

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