Satellites, the plural of fatelles, is a Latin word of four fyllables, and must be pronounced as fuch, in the foregoing verfe. Satellite, in the plural fatellites, confidered as an English word, is only a trifyllable. CAPRICE. That counterworks each folly and caprice, Ib. ii. 239. Eff. on Crit. 285. Dr. Young lays the accent on the first syllable. For caprice is the daughter of fuccefs. Sat. vii. Swift, more agreeably to the common pronunciation, fays: How have you torn my heart in pieces, TEA. Love-poem. Can vent her thunders; and her lightnings play, Young, Sat. v. Here thou, great Anna, whom three realms obey, Soft, yielding minds in water glide away,. Ib. i. 6r. By By thefe and other paffages it appears very probable, that formerly the word tea was generally pronounced as a rhime to day, play, ftay, &c. However, in the last line of the Eclogue, called the Baffet-table, the author gives it the modern pronunciation. The fnuff-box to Cardelia I decree ; Now leave complaining, and begin your tea. In his Effay on Man, he lays the accent on the latter fyllable in BARRIER. 'Twixt that and reason, what a nice barrier, For ever fep'rate, yet for ever near! Eff. i. 228. In the Odyffey it is placed on the first fyllable, as it is now generally pronounced. Safe in the love of heav'n an ocean flows, Odyf. vi. 243. Mr. Pope lays the accent improperly on the first fyllable of mathesis. MATHESIS. Mad mathefis alone was unconfin'd. Dunc. iv. 31. In the following couplet the real quantity is preferved: Or from mathefis' lines their minds produce BIGOTTED. Pye, P. Laur. Bigotted to this idol we disclaim Reft, health, and ease, for nothing but a name. In the more ufual, and the more agreeable, pronunciation, the firft word in this couplet is accented on the first fyllable, and is more pro perly written with one t, bigoted. MAGAZINES. Thus a weak state, by wise distrust inclines Magazines is now univerfally pronounced, as if written magazeens. GALLANTS. Faith, gallants, board with faints, and bed with finners. Pope, Ep. to J. Shore, v. 24. Gallants, when it fignifies lovers, is now conftantly accented on the second fyllable. RECORY. RECORD. Shall stand for ages on record. Swift, Market-hill Thorn. The accent is more properly placed on the first fyllable: It stands on record, that in Richard's times. EFFORTS. Pope, Imit. Sat. i. 145. Here, at our gates, your brave efforts unite. ASSASSIN. Nor thou, Lord Arthur, fhalt escape, To thee I often call'd in vain, Against that affalin in crape. Il. vi. 99. Swift, Market-hill Thorn. In this paffage, Swift has laid the accent on the first fyllable of the word assassin. It is now, I believe, univerfally laid on the second. This word is supposed to have been originally brought from Afia. Abbé Vertot thinks, that it took its rife from the poniard used in private murders, -called, in the Perfian language; hafifin. Mr. Pope lays the accent on the second] fyllable, in conformity to the ufual pronuncia tion. But dreadful too, the dark assassin hires. Mor. Eff. iii. 28. POETIC LICENCES. § XVII. 1. SOME words are abbreviated by the omiffion of one or more letters: as, 'tis for it is, th' for the, tho' for though, I'll for I will, e'en for even.. Can't, won't, fhan't, don't, mayn't, an't, 'em, let's, to't, by't, &c. are abfolute barbarisms, and fhould never be admitted either into poetry or profe. 2. The poets generally omit the letter s, denoting the poffeffive cafe, after proper names ending in s or x: as, Achilles' wrath. Il. i. r. Alcides' power. Ib. v. 485. Thetis' arms. Ib. vi. 168. Tydeus' fon. Ib. 180. Argos' fceptre. Ib. 197. Ajax' board. Ib. xv. 502. Phoenix' daughter. Ib. xiv. 36. This |