XXI. WONDERS OF ENGLISH SURGERY. "MOREOVER, I was in Mr. Thomsen's employment at that time, but was at the same time teaching many of the European merchants Malay; but owing to the great heat of Singapore town, I was taken ill with a complaint which gave me great pain, so I could not walk far. In a week I was two or three times unwell, and two or three times could not rise from my couch. And at that time. I was teaching a merchant who stopped at the house of Mr. Morgan, and I was ill for three days, so that I could not go out. But after this I was a little easy; so I went slowly to Mr. Morgan's house, and as I was ascending the stairs, I saw a white gentleman (i.e. European) reclining on a couch in the verandah, engaged in reading a book. He was a stranger, so as I entered I bowed to him. And when Mr. Morgan saw me, he asked what made me so lean, as if I was sick. So I told him of my complaint and its endurance; further, that many Malays, Chinese, and Klings, had doctored me with no effect; but that I only grew worse and worse. I told him how much I was pained by the complaint. And when he heard this, he went and spoke of it to the gentleman that was reclining, who called me forward and asked me if he could examine me. So he took me into his room, and when he had examined me, he told me that he could make me all right in a moment. My heart jumped at this; so I said, 'Very well, let me have the medicine to cure me.' To this he answered, with a smile, that he would not give me medicine, but that he would tap me, by which operation I would be well at once. To this I replied, that numbers had doctored me, but they told me I could not get well again, as there was slime in my body. He now felt me and asked, 'Who said there was slime,-fools! In Bengal, out of hundreds of people, and twenties of times, I have taken two or three bottlefuls, which cured them at once.' 'But,' said I, 'how do you take out the liquid?' He replied to this, that he pierced them a little, so as not to hurt them, when the liquid came out. But when I heard of his piercing them, I became afraid of dying. He now told me not to be afraid of dying, for he would place 1000 dollars in the court as an earnest of his promise. And when I heard this, it occurred to me that 100,000 dollars were not equal to my life. So I left him and went to Mr. Morgan. This gentleman asked me what the doctor said about it. I now understood for the first time that the gentleman was a doctor; so I told him all about it. When he asked me where I could have better luck, for he was the chief physician, travelling for his health; he was worth a thousand of those to be got here; adding, 'You had better trust him; he is very clever, he has worked miracles; so you would do well to listen to him.' And when I heard his advice, I faltered, half believing, half fearing. So I went back to the doctor, who asked me if he should perform the operation at once; but I told him to wait till I had spoken to Mr. Thomsen, as I knew him well. To this he replied, 'Very good; but be quick, as in three days I wish to sail.' To this I replied, "Very good; but let me go now.' He followed me to the stairs, when I perceived that he was a little lame, which made me look; and when he saw me scanning his feet, he smiled, asking me at the same time what I was looking at his feet for. I replied, for nothing. He then took off his stocking, when I saw that it was a timber foot, joined to his leg, but his knee was the same as ours. He then told me that his leg had been broken by a cannon ball in a battle in Bengal, and the part cut off had been replaced by a wooden model. This astonished me greatly, when I looked at the contrivances of Europeans. Life only they cannot restore, but all the rest. So I bade him good-bye, and went away to Mr. Thomsen, letting him know all the circumstances. He then told me, 'Where will you have such a chance again? How much would you not have to spend if you got others to do it? Further, he is eminent in all that relates to the bodies of men. So go quickly to him, whilst he is here.' I told him then that I was dreadfully afraid that some mischief might be done me. To this he replied, 'Don't be afraid. Don't you know he gets a salary from the Company of thousands a month? So you had better trust him.' I could not deny this; and it is true I heard his words, but yet I was afraid. So I returned home in great trouble about this, and brooded over the matter. And there was a countryman of mine living with me, to whom I related my difficulties. And when he had heard all, he advised me to have nothing to do with the business, as it was the custom with Europeans to kill one and cure another; and further, were my father, mother, and wife to get wind of it at Malacca, how grieved would they not be. In other modes he set to dissuade me, till I was half frantic at my having let him into my council. People had been attentive from their own good-will, and now he was frightening me. So I sat ruminating till midnight. Then there came a thought that my time was come; that I should die now or on the morrow. So I took a paper and made my will, and I appointed Mr. Thomsen as my trustee, making him executor over all my estate, for and on behalf of my wife and children at Malacca; and I did this entirely of my own free will. After this I sat awhile till it was daylight, when I asked my countryman to go along with me to Mr. Thomsen, to whom I showed and read the paper. He then said, 'Don't you think so much about this. The affair is a slight one. I will go with you.' We then went to the doctor, and found him walking up and down the verandah. And when he saw me, he stepped quickly to the head of the stair and waited for me. And directly we met, he asked me if I wished the operation to be performed, and I told him yes. He then went into his room, and opened a box, when I saw twenties of knives of various kinds and of great sharpness; some were crooked, others like lancets, others like saws. So he said to me, 'Sit there, and don't be afraid; it is only for a moment.' I then said to him, 'There is a countryman of mine outside; allow him to be with me, to see the affair.' To this he assented. his coming to me, and in the midst of our conversation, the doctor had got a thin pointed knife, which he held in his fingers. He then said, 'Let me see you;' and when he had seen me, he told me again not to be afraid, as my friend should see also. My body now trembled with fear. He then pressed the knife in slowly, creating a sensation as if I were bitten by ants. He then unscrewed the handle, so that the blade remained inside. On this the liquid gushed out, when the doctor placed a vessel to hold the contents. The draining continued about a quarter of an hour. He then told me to walk backwards and forwards, when the liquid still ran. At last it On stopped. He then took some cotton, and mixing it with medicine, I found that my complaint was gone; I felt as I used to be. The liquid taken from me was like drinking water, without smell and colourless. My pleasure was so great that I cannot describe it. I felt as one dead risen to life again. The doctor now told me to go and show the liquid to the Malays. He then told us to put the liquid into a skin, to hang up, and to let the skin be cleaned, so that he might see its power to take in water. Then he added, 'Take it to Mr. Thomsen.' He further inquired how I felt. I replied that I had no other feeling but a slight sensation. To this he said, 'No fear.' So I carried the liquid to Mr. Thomsen, and showed it, much to his astonishment, he telling me that he had never seen the like; but adding, 'How do you feel?' when I told him the illness had gone. I then carried the liquid home, and called twenties of Malays, Klings, and Chinese to show it to them and let them know of the whole circumstances. This astonished them greatly. I then filled two bottles full with the liquid, and sent them to my wife and mother, with an account of the whole affair. And when they knew of the miracle at Malacca, numbers came to see the bottles at my house in Malacca, saying, 'He has copied the knowingness of the European; but as for us, rather would we die of the complaint, for we dare not do such a thing.' On the morrow I went again to see the doctor, and when he saw me he laughed, saying, 'Is Abdulla not dead?' And he saw that I was better. And it was seen that near the spot where I was pierced there was a swelling. And, on the day before, he had pierced below this, and because of the little skin a sore had gathered. He then said that he was about to sail on the morrow, but that he would give me a note, as in three months the |