king and best of rulers, Parakkama Báhu, of dreadful might, thought 88 thus within himself, saying, "To the king Máṇábharana, who hath been utterly defeated in the war here, shall I not give a resting place even 89 in the Róhana." And so the warlike king, strong in his purpose, 90 commanded Devila and Lóka, both of whom held the rank of Késadhátu, and dwelt the one in the Mahániyáma country and the other in 91 the Pañcayójana country, and Árakkhakamma Nátha and Kañcukináyaka also, to proceed to the Róhana. And these skilful men departed thence in obedience to his command, like as the four great kings1 departed in obedience to the command of king Sakka. 92 2 And they came to the country Navayójana, and played the great 93 game of war twenty times with the mighty army of the king, his adversary, that was left there. And they destroyed that great army and 94 took Navayójana. And from thence they departed and came to the 95 borders of Kálagiri,3 and fought twenty battles with the army that was there, and took that place also. And they advanced yet further 96 and, in like manner, took possession of Díghálika Mahákhetta. And when the king Mánábharana heard of these things, he divided his army in two parts and hastened one part to that place. 97 And it came to pass that on one occasion a certain great officer named 98 Nárayana, a captain of the army, who had been charged to defend Anuradhapura, bethought himself foolishly that he could subdue the country and raise a fortress therein, and free himself from subjection 99 to kings. But when king Parakkama Báhu had been informed of this matter, he thought thus within himself, saying, "Him will I root 100 up before that he take root himself "; and the valiant king made great haste and sent Chattagáhakanáyaka against him. And that great captain was moved with an ardour that durst not be compared with any man's, even like the ardour of a lion pursuing after deer or young 101 elephants; and he went up and waged a dreadful war with him, and destroyed him and his army, and freed the country of its enemies that were like thorns unto it. 102 Now at this time when all the public fords round about were guarded 103 by the great officers of the king, as if by evil spirits, so that the king Mánábharana could not cross them, they that dwelt in the king's country, who were faithful to him, showed a certain secret ford, 104 whereby he crossed over at last to this side; and when king Parakkama Báhu heard of these things he resolved to root him up with his host 105 on the borders of the river, and chose him a spot for a stronghold at a place called Mayúrapásána1 and sent thither that man of exceeding 106 great valour, the chief captain Rakkhádhikári, with a great body of soldiers and many men and chariots. 107 But Rakkhádhikári was displeased with the king, because that by 1 The gods of the lowest dévalókas and guardians of the world of men under Şakra's command. 2 Navadun kóralé. 3 Kalupahana. 4 Monaragala. reason of his envy it vexed him of the great favours that the grateful 108 king Parakkama had bestowed on his adversary Déva Sénápati, in that he had given pleasure to the king mightily in a great battle that 109 was fought by him. So he (Rakkhádhikári) showed not any zeal for the war. And because the fever of envy was on him he was languid and indifferent, and cared not to exert himself. And at this time a 110 certain evil-disposed chief of the king Gaja Báhu, whom the king 111 Parakkama had saved, accompanied the general and learned how he was really disposed towards him. And because that he had a secret understanding aforetime with the king Máṇábharaṇa, he made haste 112 and sent a message to that king, asking him to come thither with all speed before that they began with the fortifications. And the king 113 Máṇábharana gave heed to this request, and commanded his forces to carry on the war (with zeal) in divers sides. Whereupon the prince 114 Mahinda came up and fought at Vallitittha with the captains of the general Déva Sénápati. But they slew many mighty men in the 115 terrible fight, and soon disabled that prince and routed his army. And the king Mánábharana himself fought a great battle with Rakkhá- 116 dhikari, which was fought fiercely, insomuch that sparks of fire were 117 sent forth by the clashing of the swords, and many great and mighty men fell on both sides; nevertheless, Rakkhádhikári's forces were utterly routed. Whereupon he fought alone with his sword in hand, 118 and slew many brave men, and himself fell dead in the field of battle. And when the mighty and terrible king Parakkama Báhu heard of 119 this event, his lotus-face beamed with a smile, and he communed with himself, saying, "While I live, what profiteth me the living or the 120 dead? The lion seeketh not a companion to rend him an elephant. Now, therefore, shall I in every war fulfil the desire of my arms which 121 have, for a long time, longed fondly for battle? And soon shall I take 122 to myself, as a man doth a wife, this kingdom which hath been defiled 123 by its connection with many kings whose ways were evil, after that I have cleansed it with a stream of blood from the bodies of the enemy and purified it in war. Verily it shall become a glorious hall wherein heroes like unto me might display their skill. As the sun needeth not a 124 firebrand, so also to me, who am the destroyer of the enemies who surround me like a thick darkness, what profiteth it the help of another power?" And when he had pondered with himself in this wise, he 125 appeared on the field of battle like a fifth sun2 over the great sea of the hosts of the king his enemy. And this chief among the judges of 126 harmony went thither and tarried there and gave ear to the songs of the singing women, enjoying the delightful strains of their sweet melody. 1 In the original the words are combined in the form of a metaphor, in which the author alludes to Lanká as a female that had been defiled by contact with wicked sovereigns, and whom the king intends to wed after having washed her in the blood of her enemies. 2 Alluding to the seven suns that are said to rise in succession at the destruction of the world, the fifth drying up the waters of the deep. 127 At that time the chief officers of Parakkama Báhu, as they pursued 128 after the hosts of the enemy, met with the king (Máṇábharana) 129 as he returned from pursuing after the great army (of Parakkama) 130 that was routed, and fought a terrible battle at the village Badaravalli, and defeated the victorious army of Mánábharana, and hotly pursued after them. But their army was greatly diminished by reason of the losses they had suffered from the attacks; and although they killed also a great number of the enemy they dispersed themselves and turned their faces backwards with the intent to return to their own country; whereupon the great army of the enemy took heart, and increased 131 their efforts two-fold. Then the commanders of Parakkama left them that were wounded to the care of physicians, and began to retreat with the army; but Parakkama met the host as it retreated and looked at 132 it with a scornful smile on his face. And then he frowned on the 133 officers who commanded his bearers not to advance, and commanded his officers to stand still, and sent the bearers away, and turned his 134 face towards the enemy. And that so he might commemorate the 135 happy union of valour and good fortune, and send forth his sword like a messenger into the field of battle, the mighty hero bethought him that he would hold the festival of war, and shouted to his armourbearer, saying, "Bring hither to me a Sinhalese sword." And the armour-bearer understood it not, but brought the Indian sword called 136 Páṭava, saying it was a Sinhalese sword. But he cried out saying, Say not to me that this is a sword of Sinhalese handiwork; it is one that hath power (in my hands) to put an end to all the kings of India. 137 Lay this apart and bring me quickly a sword of Sinhalese handiwork." And when he had thus spoken, lo! a fearful sword of Sinhalese handi138 work was forthwith brought unto him; and the king, who was like 139 unto a haughty elephant when he subdueth his foes, considered in his heart that there was not a man in all the island who could even place in his hand a (proper) weapon, and looked at the faces of Rakkha 140 Késadhátu and Nátha Nagaragiri who stood nigh unto him. Thereupon 141 they twain understood what the king's gesture meant, and, like unto lions in courage, they rushed into the midst of the host of the enemy. And these men, whose courage was to be compared to no man, entered the field of battle and seemed to the enemy as if they numbered thou142 sands; and from noon till the darkness came on did they continue the fierce strife that was horrible to behold because of the bodies of the enemy that were hewn in twain by the blows with the sword-cuts. 143 Then the great officers joined hands together and raised them to their 144 foreheads, and saluting the king spake unto him, saying, "O lord of 145 men, the great host is broken! We were indeed only a few who fought against it; but nevertheless that we were few in number, we allowed not the goddess of fortune to turn her face away from us as we engaged in this great fight. It seemed also that the sun had hid himself behind 146 the western mountain as if terrified at the sight of the battle. Let us, therefore, go back to the city of Pulatthi and vanquish the enemy in the morning. This is not the time for fighting." But as soon as the 147 king heard this counsel he rejected it, as he longed to pass the night in that very place and renew the fight in the morning. Then the brave king laid him down to sleep for a moment; and in 148 that moment (while he yet slept) the officers began to bear him to the city of Pulatthi. But in the middle of the night, when they arrived 149 at the Pañca Vihára, the king awoke and enquired saying, "What place is this?" And when they told him that it was the Pañca Vihára, 150 the chief of men waxed wroth, and said, "You have surely done a 151 wrong thing in that you have brought me hither while I lay asleep "; and, as he wished to take all his retinue with him so that no man should be left behind, he tarried there a short time (to make ready), and caused the village to resound with the blast of chanks and the 152 sound of the five kinds of instruments of music; and when he had 153 himself examined the retinue that had come with him, he sent them forward, and himself followed behind, and reached the city of Pulatthi at dawn. And afterwards Parakkama Báhu, who by his unsurpassing courage 154 had subdued the earth, heard (the following tidings) when the sun, who was the first born of his race, arose (in the morning), to wit: That at the ford called Billa the chief captains of his army Déva 155 Sénápati and Kitti Adhikári with their great hosts had encountered Náthádhikári, prince Mahinda, Sukha Sénápati, Nátha Lankágiri, 156 and others (the chief captains of Mánábharana), and had with their 157 armies crossed that ford and given battle; that they (his chief captains) had maintained showers of arrows without ceasing, and, after that 158 they had killed Sukha Sénápati and Nátha Lankágiri with many of their strong men, they pursued after Náthádhikári and prince Mahinda, 159 as they retreated with their hosts; but when they entered into the midst of the enemy's country, the whole army of the enemy and the 160 inhabitants of the country made the roads so that no man could pass by them, and surrounded them on all sides. And when the great 161 conqueror heard these tidings he prepared to go thither that he might rescue them, because that he was always intent on brave deeds. Thereupon the great officers who were with him raised up their hands 162 in supplication to hinder the king who was so eager for the strife. (And they spake to him, saying), "O Ruler of men! Except in thy 163 exceeding glory that cannot easily be surpassed, verily have we no other help whatsoever. The inhabitants of the country, yea, even all of them, 164 have gone over to the enemy. It is meet, therefore, that we should go hence to Nandamúla and begin the fight from that place." With 165 such and other deceitful sayings of the kind did they hinder the ruler of men from going forward. And they departed thence and set out on their journey with the king. But the inhabitants in the neighbour- 166 hood of Nandamúla (who were armed), seeing that the king came attended only with a few followers, began to pour showers of arrows 167 upon them from every side; whereupon the king stopped at a place 168 called Karaválagiri and sent unto them a few of his valiant officers in whom he trusted, and caused that armed body of men to turn 169 from their resolve, and make not further resistance to him. And then, commanding his followers to advance, and himself proceeding 170 behind them, this great and wise king reached Jambukóla. And setting out from thence he went forward with the intent to rescue 171 Déva Sénápati, and entered into a place called Navagámapura. Now at this time Déva Sénápati and Kitti Adhikári, because that they had 172 followed not the counsel of the king, endured much privation with their armies, and abandoned the struggle, and gave themselves up to the 173 enemy at the village Surulla. And as they knew that the king had set out to rescue them, and wishing to hinder him from so doing, 174 they sent messengers to him saying, "Here are we in the midst of this great country, fallen into the hands of the enemy; and none help 175 have we save in our lord's exceeding great valour. The inhabitants of the country also have set their faces against us and are on the side 176 of the enemy. Nevertheless, we doubt not that if our lord's exceeding great glory should continue he will bring this land that the sea surroundeth under one canopy of dominion, and ensure the prosperity of the 177 kingdom and the religion thereof. And if there be such good fortune for us that we may have the comfort of beholding again thy lotus-like 178 feet, then indeed shall we escape. But O ye who are the defenders of the four tribes and of the sacred Orders! abandon your resolve to 179 come hither, and turn back." And when the wise and prudent king heard this message, he perceived that evil would befall them even 180 before he could accomplish his journey thither; and being moreover entreated thereto by all his ministers with uplifted hands, he wisely refrained from going, and went to the city called Vikkama. 181 Now, at this time, when it had come to the ears of the great officers that king Mánábharana had joined his forces together and had come to the city of Pulatthi, and setting out from thence had arrived at a 182 place called Giritața, and when they had heard also other tidings of 183 this kind, they told them, every word, even as they had heard them, to the king, and also how that the army had been utterly destroyed in the divers great battles that they had fought with the enemy ; 184 and then they declared that it was prudent to go to the city of Parakkama or to the village of Kalyáni, and to begin the war again after that they had got together an army. 185 And when the king had heard this counsel, like unto a lion he displayed the fire of his anger that could be discerned by the frown which like unto smoke gathered on his brow; and he spake thus: 186 Let them that fear go whithersoever they choose we need them not. To such as I am, there are even great hosts in the strength of 187 our arms. While I live, it seemeth to me that there is not one in the three worlds, even to the chief of the gods, who will venture to cross 188 the bounds of my dominion. No king who is an enemy unto me will dare to set foot in the kingdom wherein I am established, even as an |