THE TRANSLATION OF THE FIRST PART, AS PUBLISHED BY GEORGE TURNOUR, C.C.S., IN 1836. With Notes and Emendations BY L. C. WIJÉSINHA, MUDALIYÁR. THE MAHÁVANSA. CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS. CHAPTER I. Author's Introduction-The twenty-four Buddhas who preceded Gautama-Gautama Buddha's three visits to Lanka-Mahiyangana, Nágadípa, and Kalyáni. CHAPTER II. Genealogy of Buddha from Mahásammata-The Sákya kings, Bimbisára and Siddhattha. CHAPTER III. Buddha's parinirvana-First convocation for the settlement of the Buddhist Canon. CHAPTER IV. King Ajátasattu's sons-Susunága-Second convocation for the revision of the sacred canon. CHAPTER V. Schisms in the Buddhist Church-Asóka's inauguration-Nigródha Sámanéra Conversion of Asóka to Buddhism-Moggaliputta Tissa théra -Third convocation. CHAPTER VI. Vijaya-His landing in Laņká. CHAPTER VII. Conquest of Laņká by Vijaya-His inauguration-Embassy to Southern Madhura soliciting a princess of Pandu-The arrival of the princess and deposition of Kuvéni. CHAPTER VIII. Vijaya's death-Interregnum-Arrival of Vijaya's nephew Panduvásudéva from India-His installation in the sovereignty. CHAPTER IX. Panduvásudéva's death and election of his son Abhaya to succeed him Birth of Pandukábhaya, grandson of Panduvásudéva. CHAPTER X. Attempts to destroy Pandukabhaya-His escapes and romantic adventures-His revolt, and war with his uncles-His coronation-Great improvements made by him in Anuradhapura. CHAPTER XI. Reign of Mutasiva, son of Pandukabhaya-Installation of Dévánampiya Tissa, his son, in the sovereignty-Wonderful productions in Laņká at that period-His embassy to Asóka, who despatches a deputation to anoint him a second time as king of Laņká. CHAPTER XII. Account of Buddhist Missions to various countries - Mahinda's nomination as missionary to Lanká. CHAPTER ХІІІ. A brief account of Mahinda and his movements preparatory to his departure from India-His arrival in Laņká. CHAPTER XIV. Dévánampiya Tissa's first interview with Mahinda at Ambatthala-His visits to the city. CHAPTER XV. Mahinda's preaching-His acceptance of the king's pleasure gardenMarvellous incidents in connection therewith-Mahinda's account of the visits of former Buddhas to Lanká - Demarcation and consecration of the "símá "-Preaching and conversions-Buddhist edifices that were built at this period. CHAPTER XVI. Building and dedication of the Cétiyagiri (Ségiri) vihára. CHAPTER XVII. The acquisition of relics-Enshrinement of them in the Thúpáráma building of the Cétiya and Vihára of that name. CHAPTER XVIII. Mission to India for bringing over a branch of the great bó treeIncidents. CHAPTER XIX. Arrival of Sanghamittá with the bó branch-The planting of it-Building of nunneries. CHAPTER XX. A domestic incident in the life of Asóka-Enumeration of Buddhist edifices in the order they were built-The Mahápáli almonry-Death of Dévánampiya Tissa and succession of Uttiya, his brother-Death of Mahinda, of Sanghamittá, and of the other théras. CHAPTER XXI. Reigns of Mahásíva; Súratissa; Séna and Guttika; Elára. CHAPTER XXII. Duttha Gámaní-His ancestry, birth, and childhood. CHAPTER XXIII. An account of the ten strong men of Duttha Gámaní. CHAPTER XXIV. Duttha Gámaní's flight from his father's court-His assumption of sovereignty-War between him and Tissa, his brother-Their reconciliation through the intervention of the priesthood. 1 |