111 Udaya III. .. Not stated.. 1495! 952 300 Polonnaruwa : Brother 1498 955 .. 900 do. Not stated. .. 1507 964 800 do. : do. 1515 972 300 do. do. .. 1518 975 1600 do. 109 Udaya II. S. Udá. 110 Séna III. 112 Séna IV. 113 Mahinda IV. 114 Séna V. 115 Mahinda V. 116 Interregnum: while the heir to the throne, Prince Kásyapa, 1580 1037 1200 Polonnaruwa and Róhana 117 Kitti, the General Sk. Kírti. 118 Mahálána Kitti 119 Vikkama Pandu 121 Parakkama 123 Vijaya Báhu I., surnamed Siri- Grandson of Mahinda V.. 1608 1065 55 0 0 Polonnaruwa sanghabódhi and S. Sirisangabó Vijaya Bá or Mahalu Vijaya Bá. Anuradhapura 1707 1164 3300 do. 126 Gaja Báhu II. Nephew .. .. 1740 1197 100 do. .. Usurper .. 1741 1198 005 do. 127 Parakkama Báhu I., surnamed Cousin The Great" Sk. Parákrama Báhu. 128 Vijaya Báhu II. 129 Mahinda VI. S. Mihindu. Not exactly grandson by lineal descent from Mahinda V., but related to him as such collaterally. Mánábharana, Kittissiri mégha, and Sirivallabha, three brothers, cousins of Vikrama Báhu, held Róhana and the Southern country. .. A prince of the Kalinga 1741 Cakravarti race 1198 900 Polonnaruwa Son .. .. 1750 1207 001 do. Sk. Kírtí Nissanka Malla. .. Brother of Kírtí Nissanka 1750 1207 030 do. Sk. Vikrama Báhu. 133 Códaganga Nephew of Kírtí Nissanka 1750 1207 .. Chief queen of Kírtí Nis- 1745 1202 600 sanka do. 130 Kitti Nissanka 131 Víra Báhu I. 132 Vikkama Báhu II. 134 Lílávatí Widow of Parákrama 1751 1208 135 Sáhasamalla Half brother of Kírtí 1743 1200 136 Kalyanavatí 137 Dhammásóka Deposed and mutilated. Governed through her prime minister, Kírtí Sénápati. Deposed. Inscrip tion gives 1743 A.B. as his date of accession; error 11 years; adjusted accordingly. Governed through her prime minister, Áyasmanta Ábonávan. Deposed. Regent, Áyasmanta. or .. 139 Lókisfara Usurper .. .. 1753 1210 090 do. Sk. Lókésvara. Widow of Parákrama Báhu 1754 1211 S. Perakum Pandi. 141 Mágha or Kálinga Vijaya 070 do. Restored by the minister Parákrama. Deposed. 1755 1212 300 do. Deposed. .. 1758 1215 21 00 do. Báhu 142 Vijaya Báhu III. Took the title of Kalinga Vijaya Báhu after he had ascended the throne. (Sásanávatára.) Descendant of the Sirisan- 1779 1236 400 Jambuddóni or ghabódhi family 134 Lílávatí 134 Lílávatí 140 Parakkama Pandu 143 Parakkama Báhu II. Son Sk. Kalikála Sahitya Sarvajña Pandita Parákrama Báhu. |