A CONSIDERABLE number of words have come into English from Greek, either in their original form or with modifications imposed upon them in their passage through other languages. A few have also been formed on Greek models. Many of them are technical terms. The following are some of the more common examples: A'chor-a disease of the skin of the head Ac'me-the highest point; the crisis Ac'ne-a small hard pimple (on 'gis-shield; protection Al'pha and O'mega-the first and the last (letters of the Greek alphabet); the beginning and the end Amauro'sis-loss of sight, without visible defect in the eye (except immovable pupil) Am'azon-a female warrior Ambro'sia-the food of the gods (conferring immortality); anything pleasing to the taste or smell Aphe'lion-the point of the orbit of a planet or comet most distant from the sun Aph'thæ-small white ulcers in the mouth Apnoe'a -loss of breath; breathlessness Apoc'ope the cutting off or omission of the last letter or syllable of a word Apocrypha-lit. hidden or secret things; a name for certain books of the Old Testament not usually included in the received canon Apod'osis-the principal clause of a conditional sentence, "If it rain, I shall stay at home"; "I shall stay at home" is the apodosis, containing the conditioned or resulting fact Apollyon-lit. the Destroyer; Beelzebub Apostrophe-a figure of speech; also, a mark (') to indicate the omission of a letter, used especially in the possessive form of nouns (as John's) Apothe'osis, or Apotheo'sis-deï fication; the placing of a distinguished person among the (heathen) deities Areopagus-a famous court of justice held on Mars (Ares) Hill, at Athens Aro'ma fragrance; agreeable odour Asbes'tos an incombustible mineral with flax-like fibres Asphyx'ia-apparent death, from interrupted respiration, especially as by drowning or hanging, or inhalation of unbreathable gases As'ter-a plant with star-like arrangement of flowers Asth'ma-a chest disease (difficult breathing, shortness of breath) As'trolabe-an instrument formerly used for taking the altitude of the sun or stars Atlas-a giant who was fabled by the Greeks to have borne the earth on his shoulders, as a punishment for attempting to storm heaven; a collection of maps Autom'aton-a self-acting machine Basil'icon-an ointment, so called from its " royal" or "sovereign" qualities Basil'icon Doron-("royal gift") a celebrated prose work by James VI. of Scotland Ba'thos-a sinking; ludicrous descent from the elevated to the mean in speech or writing Be'ma-a chancel; a bishop's throne Biblioma'nia-book-madness; a rage for the possession of books, especially rare and curi ous ones Bronchi'tis-inflammation of the bronchia or air-tubes leading from the windpipe to the lungs. Caryat'ides-in architecture, | Dias'tole, or Dias'tole-the dila female figures supporting entablatures Catas'trophe calamity; final (tragic) event Cha'os-vacant space; a con fused or disordered mass Char'acter mark or figure; manner of acting; personal qualities Cha'ron-the ferryman who conducted the dead in his boat across the river Styx Clem'atis-" virgin's bower," a climbing plant Collo'dion-a solution of guncotton in ether Col'ophon-the device formerly placed at the conclusion of a book, and containing the printer's name, and the place and date of publication Co'ma-dozing, stupor Com'ma-a stop (in punctuation) making the shortest pause in reading Cosmora'ma-a series of views of different parts of the world Cos'mos-order, harmony; the universe (an embodiment of order and harmony) Cotyle'don-the cup-shaped leaf that nourishes the seed of a plant Cri'sis-the decisive or turning point Crite'rion-a standard of judging Diabe'tes--a disease Diæ'resis-separation; especially the mark over the second of two vowels occurring together, to show that the latter is to be pronounced separately, as naïve, aërial Diagno'sis-scientific discrimination; especially of the symptoms of disease Diapa'son-the octave, the concord of the first and last notes of the scale tation of the heart, auricles and arteries Diath'ĕsis-a state of the body predisposing to certain diseases Dilem'ma-a state of difficulty or doubt Diora'ma—an exhibition of pictures on movable screens, seen through a large aperture, under various special effects of light Diphthe'ria-a disease, in which a leathery membrane (Greek diphthera, leather) is formed in the throat Diplo'ma-a formal document (parchment), sealed and signed by officials, conferring some privilege, honour, or power Dipsoma'nia-drink-madness, a rage for drinking Dog'ma-settled opinion, doctrine, tenet Dra'ma-lit. a deed, something done; a play Ech'o-a reverberated flected sound Ec'zema-an eruption of the skin, discharging a thin watery fluid Ei'kōn Basil'ike-("The Royal Likeness," or portraiture of the king's position, character, and mind), a work commonly (but probably not correctly) attributed to Charles I. during his confinement Eleë'son me-pity me Em'bryo(n)-the first state or or re crude beginning of an animal or plant; hence, of anything else Em'phasis-stress or force of voice Enceph'alon, or Enceph'alosthe brain Enig'ma-a riddle; anything obscure or difficult to find out Ephem'era-that which lasts but for a day; a kind of fly Epiglot'tis-a cartilaginous plate the windpipe that covers during the act of swallowing Epit'ome-a summary, abstract, or abridgment Erysip'elas-St. Anthony's fire, an inflammatory eruption Et'ymon-an original or primitive word; a root Eure'kalit. "I have found (it)" a discovery, especially after long and difficult research Euthana'sia-an easy, happy death Exege'sis-a critical explanation, especially of Scripture Gang'lion-a knot or enlargement in the course of a nerve Gen'esis-(an explanation of) the origin or formation of anything: the first book of the Old Testament Glot'tis the opening at the upper part of the windpipe Ha'des (among the ancients), the abode of the dead, the world of spirits Hagiog'rapha-"sacred writings, the Holy Scriptures;" the last of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, containing Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Esther, Chronicles, Canticles, Lamentations, and Ecclesi astes. In the Roman Catholic Church it means the Lives of the Saints He'be the goddess of youth Hec'tor-a bully, a blustering fellow Hex-a prefix meaning "six' "an other, different, or wrong" Hori'zon-the circular line that forms the apparent boundary of earth and sky Hy'dra-a fabulous many-headed monster serpent, slain by Hcr. cules Hydropho'bia-disease resulting from the bite of a dog; a morbid dread of water Hygei'a-the goddess of health Hy'men-the god of marriage Hyper'bolē exaggeration; a fi gure of speech Hy'phen-a short line or mark connecting two words or parts of words, showing that they are to be taken as one Hypochon'dria-low spirits Hypoth'esis-an assumption or supposition; a provisional theory accounting for something unexplained I'chor-anciently, the fluid that supplied the place of blood in the veins of the gods; a thin watery acid discharge from an ulcer or a wound I'kon-an image or representation I'ris the rainbow; an appearance resembling the rainbow; the coloured circle surrounding the pupil of the eye Kleptomania-a morbid impuls3 to steal |