The Odyssey of Homer, Volume 3F.J. Du Roveray, 1806 - Greek poetry |
From inside the book
Page 102
... R. Smirke RA . Engraved by Ja ! Ston Then sudden whirling , like a waving flame , My beamy falchion . I assault the dame . Book X. Published 15 October 1806 , by F. J. Du Roveray London . BOOK X. Ar length we reach'd Æolia's sea - girt ...
... R. Smirke RA . Engraved by Ja ! Ston Then sudden whirling , like a waving flame , My beamy falchion . I assault the dame . Book X. Published 15 October 1806 , by F. J. Du Roveray London . BOOK X. Ar length we reach'd Æolia's sea - girt ...
Page 119
... Then sudden whirling , like a waving flame , My beamy falchion , I assault the dame . Struck with unusual fear , she trembling cries , 385 She faints , she falls ; she lifts her weeping eyes . What art thou ? say ! from whence , from ...
... Then sudden whirling , like a waving flame , My beamy falchion , I assault the dame . Struck with unusual fear , she trembling cries , 385 She faints , she falls ; she lifts her weeping eyes . What art thou ? say ! from whence , from ...
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Common terms and phrases
Achilles Æneid Æolus Alcinous ancients Anticlea appear arms beauty behold beneath blood breast Caïcus called Cicons Cimmerians Circe coast companions cries crown'd Cyclops Dacier darkness dead death deity Demodocus descends dire divine E'en Elpenor Enipeus epic poetry Euryalus Eurylochus Eurypylus Eurytus Eustathius Eustathius observes ev'ry eyes fable falchion fame fate feast flies flock friends ghost giants gives goddess gods ground haste heav'n hell herald Hercules hero Homer honour Iliad infernal island Ithaca Jove Jupiter king land Laodamas Lipara Lotophagi Lotos mountain Neptune night nymph o'er ocean Odyssey opinion Orchomenos passage person Phæacians Plutarch poet poetry Polypheme pow'r race realms relation rise rock sails says shade shews ship shore skies soul speaks stern story Strabo stranger Swift sword tears Telegonus thee thou Tiresias toils tow'rs Troy Ulysses verse vessel Virgil winds wine wisdom wond'rous words τε
Popular passages
Page 153 - The sun ne'er views the uncomfortable seats, When radiant he advances, or retreats: Unhappy race! whom endless night invades, Clouds the dull air, and wraps them round in shades.
Page 176 - To thy imperial race from woman rose! By woman here thou tread'st this mournful strand, And Greece by woman lies a desert land." " Warn'd by my ills beware (the shade replies), Nor trust the sex that is so rarely wise; When earnest to explore thy secret breast, Unfold some trifle, but conceal the rest. But in thy consort cease to fear a foe, For thee she feels sincerity of woe...
Page 114 - What voice celestial, chanting to the loom (Or nymph, or goddess), echoes from the room? Say, shall we seek access?' With that they call; And wide unfold the portals of the hall. "The goddess, rising, asks her guests to stay, Who blindly follow where she leads the way. Eurylochus alone of all the band, Suspecting fraud, more prudently remain'd. On thrones around with downy coverings graced, With semblance fair, the unhappy men she placed.
Page 76 - Twas for our lives my labouring bosom wrought ; Each scheme I turn'd, and sharpen'd every thought ; This way and that I cast to save my friends, Till one resolve my varying counsel ends. " Strong were the rams, with native purple fair, Well fed, and largest of the fleecy care.
Page 122 - Fall off, miraculous effect of art ! Till all the form in full proportion rise, More young, more large, more graceful to my eyes. They saw, they knew me, and with eager pace Clung to their master in a long embrace...
Page 184 - With many a weary step, and many a groan, Up the high hill he heaves a huge round stone ; The huge round stone, resulting with a bound, Thunders impetuous down, and smokes along the ground.
Page 110 - As down the hill I solitary go, Some power divine, who pities human woe, Sent a tall stag, descending from the wood, To cool his fervour in the crystal flood; Luxuriant on the wave-worn bank he lay, Stretch'd forth and panting in the sunny ray.
Page 175 - The bleeding innocent Cassandra dies ! Then though pale death froze cold in every vein, My sword I strive to wield, but strive in vain ; Nor did my traitress wife these eyelids close, Or decently in death my limbs compose. O woman, woman, when to ill thy mind Is bent, all hell contains no fouler fiend...
Page 75 - Friends, Noman kills me; Noman in the hour Of sleep, oppresses me with fraudful power.' 'If no man hurt thee, but the hand divine Inflict disease, it fits thee to resign: To Jove or to thy father Neptune pray.
Page 32 - Floating in air, invite th' impelling gales : His are the gifts of love : The wise and good Receive the stranger as a brother's blood. But, friend, discover faithful what I crave...