And when the gods our arms with conquest crown'd, When Troy's proud bulwarks smok'd upon the ground, Greece to reward her soldier's gallant toils Thus While yet I spoke, the shade with transport glow'd, Rose in his majesty, and nobler trod; 660 With haughty stalk he sought the distant glades - All wailing with unutterable woes. 665 A gloomy shade, the sullen Ajax stood; O dear-bought honour with so brave a life! With him the strength of war, the soldiers' pride, Our second hope to great Achilles died! Touch'd at the sight from tears I scarce refrain, And tender sorrow thrills in ev'ry vein; 676 Pensive and sad I stand, at length accost With accents mild th' inexorable ghost: Still burns thy rage? and can brave souls re sent 679 E'en after death? Relent, great shade, relent! Jove hated Greece, and punish'd Greece in thee! 690 While yet I speak, the shade disdains to stay, In silence turns, and sullen stalks away. Touch'd at his sour retreat, through deepest night, Through hell's black bounds I had pursu'd his flight, 695 And forc'd the stubborn spectre to reply; 701 There huge Orion of portentous size, Swift through the gloom a giant-hunter flies; A pond'rous mace of brass with direful sway 705 Aloft he whirls, to crush the savage prey; Stern beasts in trains that by his truncheon fell, Now grisly forms, shoot o'er the lawns of hell. There Tityus large and long, in fetters bound, O'erspreads nine acres of infernal ground; 710 Two rav'nous vultures, furious for their food, Scream o'er the fiend, and riot in his blood, Th' immortal liver grows, and gives th' immortal feast: For as o'er Panopé's enamell'd plains Latona journey'd to the Pythian fanes, 715 With haughty love th' audacious monster strove To force the goddess, and to rival Jove. There Tantalus along the Stygian bounds Pours out deep groans; (with groans all hell re sounds) 720 725 E'en in the circling floods refreshment craves, The fruit he strives to seize: but blasts arise, 730 I turn'd my eye, and as I turn'd survey'd A mournful vision! the Sisyphian shade; With many a weary step, and many a groan, 735 Up the high hill he heaves a huge round stone; The huge round stone, resulting with a bound, Thunders impetuous down, and smokes along the ground. Again the restless orb his toil renews, Dust mounts in clouds, and sweat descends in dews. Now I the strength of Hercules behold, 741 A tow'ring spectre of gigantic mould, A shadowy form! for high in heav'n's abodes 745 There in the bright assemblies of the skies, And clang their pinions with terrific sound; 750 Around his breast a wond'rous zone is roll'd, Where woodland monsters grin in fretted gold: There sullen lions sternly seem to roar, The bear to growl, to foam the tusky boar; There war and havoc and destruction stood, 755 The mighty ghost advanc'd with awful look, O taught to bear the wrongs of base mankind! |