The Book of Bon-accord: Or, a Guide to the City of Aberdeen |
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Common terms and phrases
Aberd afterwards Alexander ancient Andrew Andrew Cant Anno appears arms army Arthur Johnstone Bailie Skene Bibl Bishop Bon-Accord Bridge of Dee building burgesses burgh called Castle Castlegate century chapel Charles Church citizens Coun Counc Council Register court Covenant Covenanters Cross deen Descript Diocese of Aberdeen Douglas Earl Marischal east Edin Edinburgh edit eminence erected feet Forbes Friars Futtie George Guild haill harbour Hill honour inhabitants Jaffray Jamesone Kennedy Kennedy's Annals King Kirk Session Laird land Lond Lord Magistrates March Marischal College Marquis of Huntly Memoirs merks minister Montrose night Old Aberdeen pairt Peter Williamson Peterhead Port prison Provost Queen quhilk Robert royal says Spalding Scot Scotland Scottish ships side Sir John stone streets thair ther Thom's Hist Thomas THOMAS MENZIES tion Tolbooth took toune town Troub tyme Vide supra William Wynd
Popular passages
Page 266 - That man is little to be envied, whose patriotism would not gain force upon the plain of Marathon, or whose piety would not grow • warmer among the ruins of lona.
Page 266 - To abstract the mind from all local emotion would be impossible if it were endeavoured, and would be foolish if it were possible. Whatever withdraws us from the power of our senses ; whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future predominate over the present, advances us in the dignity of thinking beings.
Page 373 - I remember that too ; out of a scruple he took that, in spiced conscience, those cakes he made, were served to bridales, maypoles, morrices, and such profane feasts and meetings. His Christian name is Zeal-of-the-land. Lit. Yes, sir ; Zeal-of-the-land Busy.
Page 262 - Wi' their fans into their hand, Before they see Sir Patrick Spens Come sailing to the strand ! And lang lang may the maidens sit, Wi' their goud kaims in their hair, A' waiting for their ain dear loves, For them they'll see nae mair.
Page 254 - And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man ; and he saw : and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
Page 168 - THERE was an ancient sage philosopher That had read Alexander Ross over, And swore the world, as he could prove, Was made of fighting and of love. Just so Romances are, for what else Is in them all but love and battles ? O' th' first of these w' have no great matter To treat of, but a world o' th' latter, In which to do the injured right We mean, in what concerns just fight.
Page 94 - My fine flitter-mouse, My bird o' the night ! we'll tickle it at the Pigeons, When we have all, and may unlock the trunks, And say, this's mine, and thine; and thine, and mine. [They kiss.
Page 89 - Session, complaining of the unjust treatment he had latterly experienced from the Aberdeen corporation, he obtained, January 1762, a decision awarding him damages to the amount of .£100, besides the expense of the litigation, about £80, ' for which the Lords declare the defenders to be personally liable, and that the same shall be no burden upon the town of Aberdeen.
Page 92 - I then desired," she continues "to have my tea; but the Major told me it was very good, and that tea was scarce in the army, so he did not believe I could have it. The same answer was made me when I asked for my chocolate. I mentioned several other things, particularly my china. That, he told me, there was a great deal of it very pretty, and that they were fond of China themselves; but, as they had no ladies travelling with them, I might, perhaps, have some of it.
Page 120 - Cantus Songs and Fancies To Three, Four, or Five Parts, both apt for Voices and Viols. With a brief introduction to Musick, as is taught in the Musick-school of Aberdeen. The Third Edition, much Enlarged and Corrected. Printed in ABERDEEN, by JOHN FORBES...