The Story of the Great March." Illustrated. 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. BAKER'S ISMAILIA. Ismailia: a Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave-trade, organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. By Sir SAMUEL WHITE BAKER, PASHA,... The Christian Examiner - Page 1321867Full view - About this book
| Education - 1858 - 734 pages
...heartily welcome our good-looking contemporary, and wish it all pos?ible success in its good work. TH K SANCTUARY. — A story of the Civil War : by George Ward Nichols, author ot the story of the Great March: with illustrations. 12mo, pp. 286. New York : Harper & Brothers. The... | |
| Bibliography, National - 1866 - 718 pages
..." Who Breaks, Pays. " pp. 269. From Leypoldt & Holt, New York. Ли Sanctuary; a Story of the Ciril War. By George Ward Nichols, author of " The Story of the Great March." With illustrations, pp. x., 286. Kissing the Rod. By Edmund Yates, pp. 160. The Race for Wealth. By Mrs. JH Riddell. pp.... | |
| Bibliography, National - 1866 - 742 pages
...Pilot and his Lessons. By Rev. R. Newton, DD 16mo. pp. 309. NY : S. Carter 4 Brat. Cl. tl 25. NICHOLI. The Sanctuary: a Story of the Civil War. By George Ward Nichols. With Illustrations. 12mo. pp. 2S6. SY: Harper 4 Brot. Cl. J2. ONE, Two, BUCKLE MY SHOE. With Ten Illustrations,... | |
| Charles Francis Hall - Arctic regions - 1865 - 624 pages
...University of Oxford. 12mo, Cloth, $1 25. NICHOLS'S ART EDUCATION. Art Education applied to Industry. By GEORGE WARD NICHOLS, Author of "The Story of the Great March." Illustrated. 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. BAKER'S ISMAILYA. Ismailia: a Narrative of the Expedition to Central... | |
| Liberalism (Religion) - 1867 - 414 pages
...Mode of Learning to Read. Part Second. Sqr. 18mo. pp. 292. New York : Harper & Brothers. Red-Letter Days in Applethorpe. By Gail Hamilton, pp. 141 ; Stories...Recollections of Distinguished Generals. By William FG Shanks. 12mo. pp.347. Illustrated. New York : Harper & Brothers. The Life and Light of Men. An Essay. By John... | |
| Methodist Church - 1867 - 656 pages
...Independence, and the Hundred and first of American Methodism. 12mo., pp. 58. New York: Caclton & Porter. The Sanctuary: A Story of the Civil War. By GEORGE...Illustrations. 12mo., pp. 286. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1866. PLAN OF EPISCOPAL VISITATION— 1867. • To be flxed by the presiding eldera. t Thursday. Conference.... | |
| Edward Isidore Sears - 1867 - 450 pages
...little if anything besides. NOTICES AND CRITICISMS. FICTION. The Sanctuary : A Story of the Civil Wai: By GEORGE WARD NICHOLS, author of "The Story of the...Illustrations. 12mo, pp. 286. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1866. SunnylianTc. Bv MARION HAELAND, author of " Alone," •' Hidden Path," &c. 12mo, pp. 416. New... | |
| Methodist Church - 1867 - 650 pages
...Independence, and the Hundred and first of American Methodism. 12mo., pp. 53. New York: Carlton & Porter. The Sanctuary : A Story of the Civil War. By GEORGE...NICHOLS, Author of "The Story of the Great March." With Elustrations. 12mo., pp. 386. New York : Harper & Brothers. 1866. PLAN OP EPISCOPAL VISITATION— 1867.... | |
| 1867 - 678 pages
...Chapman Colemau and her daughters. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 1866. 12mo. pp. 434. THB SANCTOARY : A Story of the Civil War. By George Ward Nichols,...The Story of the Great March." With Illustrations. New York : Harper * Brothers. 1866. 12mo. pp. 286. BOUND TO THE WHEEL. A Novel. By John Saunders, Author... | |
| 1867 - 916 pages the department of '' fairv literature." Of course it will l»e popular. " The Sanctuary " is я story of the civil war, by George Ward Nichols, author of " The Story of the Great March," a 12mo of 286 pages, amply illustrated. Of the next work from the Harpers we give the full title as... | |
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