EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT. This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in conformity with the analysis of the water of the celebrated Seltzer Spring in Germany, in a most convenient and portable form, bas universally received the most favorable recommendations of the medical profession and a discerning public, as the Most Efficient and Agreeable Saline Aperient in use, and as being entitled to special preference over the many Mineral Spring Waters, Seidlitz Powders, and other similar articles, both from its compactness and greater efficacy. It may be used with the best effect in all Bilious and Febrile Diseases; Sick Headache; Loss of Appetite; Indigestion, and all Similar Complaints, Peculiarly incident to the Spring and Summer Seasons. It is particularly adapted to the wants of Travellers by sea and land, Residents in Hot Climates, Persons of Sedentary Habits, Invalids, and Convalescents. With those who have used it, it has high favor, and is deemed indispensable. In a Torpid State of the Liver, it renders great service in restoring healthy action. In Gout and Rheumatism, it gives the best satisfaction, allaying all inflammatory symptoms, and in many cases effectually curing those afflicted. Its Success in Cases of Gravel, Indigestion, Heartburn, and Costiveness, proves it to be a Medicine of the greatest utility. Acidity of the Stomach, and the Distressing Sickness so usual during Pregnancy, yields speedily, and with marked success, under its healthful influence. It affords the Greatest Relief to those afflicted with, or subject to, the Piles, acting gently on the bowels, neutralizing all irritating secretions, and thereby removing all inflammatory tendencies. In fact, it is invaluable in all cases where a gentle Aperient is required. It is in the form of a powder, carefully put up in bottles, to keep in any climate; and merely requires water poured upon it, to produce a deliglitful efferverscent bever age. Taken in the morning, it never interferes with the avocations of the day, acting gently on the system, restoring the digestive powers, exciting a healthy and vigorous tone of the stomach, and creating an elasticity of mind and flow of spirits which give zest to every enjoyment. It also enables the invalid to enjoy many luxuries with impunity, from which he must otherwise be debarred, and without which life is irksome and distressing. Numerous testimonials from professional and other gentlemen of the highest standing throughout the country, and its steadily increasing popularity for a series of years, strongly guarantee its efficacy and valuable character, and commend it to the favorable notice of an intelligent public. Manufactured only by TARRANT & COMPANY, For sale by all Druggists. 278, Greenwich Street, New York. THE CHRISTIAN EXAMINER. MARCH, 1867. ART. I. -CHRISTIANITY AND PSEUDO-CHRISTIANITY. In his volume entitled "Reason in Religion," Dr. Hedge opens his discussion of the position of Christ in the Christian Church with the following significant passage: "In the various attempts which, during the last half-century, have been made to construe the veritable image of Jesus from the illdigested and often conflicting accounts of the four evangelists, no result is so conspicuous as the impossibility of any valid and final solution of that problem. The historical and legendary are so confused in these narratives, the genuine sayings of Jesus are often so undistinguishably blended with the comments and interpolations of his reporters, that criticism, incompetent to the work of elimination, can do no more than furnish an approximate and conjectural reconstruction. It comes to this at last, that every reader must construct his own Christ from the fourfold record, according to his own impression of the verisimilitudes of the case. And, on the whole, the impression derived immediately from the record by a thoughtful reader, with no theory to support and no case to make out, is quite as likely to be correct as any obtained through a foreign medium. ... "Were it possible to reproduce, with exactitude beyond dispute, the portrait of the true historical Jesus, the image, I suppose, would be found to differ widely from the Christ of the Church, or the Christ received by the great majority of Christians." - Reason in Religion, pp. 227, 228. VOL. LXXXII. -NEW SERIES, VOL. III. NO. II. 12 |