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S. C. Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. On the Cult of the Godlings of
Disease in Eastern Bengal.

3. J. A. Saldanha, Esq., B.A., The Racial (foreign and indi


genous) origins of Indian

Statutory and Customary Laws.

4. John Munster, Esq.

The Native Craft of Western
India and Persian Gulf.

5. G. E. L. Carter, Esq., The Legend of the Amazons. I.C.S.


Rao Bahadur Dr. P. B. The full-moon festival of the Joshi.

[blocks in formation]

Tripuris or the three flying
cities of the Asuras: A probable
relic of the struggle between the
Devas (Indo-Aryans) and the
Asuras (Iranian-Aryans).

The Idea of God in Jainism and

Brahmachariya as understood
by Gotama.

The nose-ring as an Indian


10. Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi.

(1) The Social Life of a Christian of Medieval England and the Social Life of a Parsee of modern India.

(2) The Owl in Folklore.

(3) Was there any institution in ancient Iran like that of Caste in India?

(4) Traces of the Evolution Theory in old Persian Lite


He also delivered a presidential address, on the subject of "Zest given to Life by the study of Cultural Anthropology."

Government Grant.-Owing to the increasing expenditure of the Society, an application, dated 2nd November 1921, was sent to the Government of Bombay for an increase in the Government Grant. The Council is pleased to announce that, with the sanction of the Legislative Council, the grant has been increased from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000.

New Members. By a resolution, dated 17th February 1922, it was resolved that an attempt may be made to increase the membership of the Society. Joint letters signed by the President and the Honorary Secretary were sent to a number of princes and gentlemen, and as the result of the movement, 28 Life Members and 7 Annual Members have been added during the year. The Council begs to thank the President, the Hon'ble Mr. Justice C. A. Kincaid, for the interest and trouble he took in the matter of the increase in membership.

Donations of Rs. 100 and Rs. 25 were received from Khan Bahadur Burjorji D. Patel and Mr. Nawroji S. Bengali, respectively.

Communications.-At the ten meetings the following 17 papers were read :—

1. Is the retention of the term Animism as a mainhead in the Religion-Table of the Census justified? By L. J. Sedgwick, Esq., I.C.S. (with a note communicated by Rev. Dr. Enok Hedberg, D. Litt.) (Read on 25th January 1922.)

2. Some Purification Rites of the Hindus at the time of marriage. By S. S. Mehta, Esq., B.A. (22nd February 1922). 3. Death Psychology of Historical Personages. By Arthur Macdonald, Esq., of Washington (29th March 1922).

4. The Headless Sacrifice. By G. E. L. Carter, Esq., I.C.S. (26th April 1922).

5. The Second Account of the worship of Goddess Andheswari. By Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (26th April 1922).

6. On the Cult of the Rain-god in Northern Bengal. By Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (28th June 1922).

7. The Phongys of Burmah. By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (28th June 1922).

8. Self-resuscitation and Magic Cannibalism. By G. E. L. Carter, Esq., I.C.S. (26th July 1922).

9. Ptolemy's Geography of Sind (with a map of Sind and Baluchistan according to Ptolemy prepared by the author). By G. E. L. Carter, Esq., I.C.S. (30th August 1922).

10. Some Nursery-rhymes from the District of Chittagong in Eastern Bengal, Part I. By Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (30th August 1922).

11. The Pilli Charm. A Study in Singhalese Magic. By Dr. O. Pertold, Ph.D. (27th September 1922).

12. Notes on a flying visit of Japan from an Anthropological point of view. By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (27th September 1922).

13. The Aghukhoh of Sema Nagas of the Assam Hills and the Chah (s) of the Kabulis according to the Shah-Nameh of Firdousi. By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (25th October 1922).

14. Notes on a flying visit of Japan from an Anthropological point of view (Part II). By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (25th October 1922).

15. A strange Folklore of Kathiawad regarding a Ghost marrying a living Bride. By S. S. Mehta, Esq., B.A. (29th November 1922).

16. The Tea-cult and the Flower-cult of the Japanese. By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (29th November 1922).

17. The Khutbah of the Mahomedans and the Dasturi of the Parsees. By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (29th November 1922).

Journal. The following numbers of the Journal were published during the year under report.

Journal Nos. 1 and 2, vol. XII.

Presents.-Journals and Reports of learned Societies and other publications were received in exchange for the Society's Journal and as presentations, as usual, during the year under report.

Finances.-The invested funds of the Society stood at Rs. 7,800 (Rs. 5,000 bearing 3 per cent. interest and Rs. 2,800 bearing 6 per cent. interest) and the cash balance at Rs. 28-8-2 on 31st December 1922.

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Members admitted during the year (28 Life
Members and 7 Annual Members)



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