Papers read : 'Drink in the Scriptures of the Nations." By "The Cult of the Lake Goddess of Orissa." By Mr. Sarat Chandra Mitra, M.A., B.L. Meeting of 27th April 1921, 6 p.m. Rao Bahadur P. B. Joshi in the Chair. Mr. Kanji Dwarkadas was duly elected a member of the Society. Papers read : "Folklore of North Kanara-Legend of Gopal Krishna of Gore in Kumta Taluka " (Part II). By Mr. J. A. Saldanha, B.A., LL.B. "Oaths among the ancient Iranians. The Persian SogandNameh or the Book of Oaths." By Shams-ul-Ulma Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D. Meeting of 29th June 1921, 6 p.m. Mr. Otto Rothfeld, I.C.S., in the Chair. Papers read : "Leprosy. The old Iranian View of it. Cow Urine suggested as its supposed preventive and remedy." By Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. "Notes on Ho Riddles, Part III." By Mr. Sarat Chandra Mitra, M.A., B.L. THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY (FROM 1ST JANUARY 1920 TO 31ST DECEMBER 1920.) The Council begs to submit the following report of the work of the Society during the year 1920:- Number of Members.-At the commencement of the year, there were 92 Life, Special and Ordinary Members. 7 Ordinary members were elected during the year. The name of 1 Ordinary member has been removed from the roll owing to his death. Thus 98 members were on the roll of the Society at the close of the year. New Members.-During the year under review, the following gentlemen were duly elected members of the Society : Principal Percy Anstey. Rev. Dr. George Dandey, S. J. Mr. Saiyad Haider Imam. Dr. James Cairns, O.B.E., M.A., M.B., C.H.B., D.P.H. Mr. S. P. Aiyer. Cap. H. G. Trenchall. Rev. W. B. Stover. Obituary.The Society has to record with regret the loss by the death of the following members :- Mr. Tribhovandas Mangaldas Nathoobhoy. Principal Percy Anstey. Mr. K. K. Desai. - Meeting. During the year under report, 10 meetings were held, out of which one was the Annual General Meeting, and 9 were Ordinary Meetings. Communications.-At the 10 Meetings, the following papers were read : 1. Tales of old Sind-Rajbala, by C. A. Kincaid, Esq., I.C.S. (Read on 28th January 1920). 2. Riddles current in the District of Murshidabad in North Western Bengal, Part. 1, by Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (Read on 28th January 1920). 3. The Culture of Civilization of Ancient India, the Presidential Address, by Rao Bahadur P. B. Joshi (Read on 25th February 1920). 4. Survival of Ancient Religion and usages among Catholics, especially in the Bombay Presidency, by J. A. Saldanha, Esq., B.A., LL.B. (Read on 31st March 1920). 5. Riddles current in the District of Chitagong in Eastern Bengal, Part II, by Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (Read on 31st March 1920). 6. A Bihari Folk Tale of the Wicked Queen's Type' and its Analogue from the District of Murshidabad in Bengal, by Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (Read on 28th April 1920). 7. The Liturgical Services of the Parsis-the Yaçna-Its Liturgical Apparatus, by Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (Read on 28th April 1920). 8. A Note on Marathas and Kunbis, by L. J. Sedgwick, Esq, 1.C.S., Provincial Superintendent of Census (Read on 30th June 1920). 9. Anthropometry of Soldiers, by Aurthur Macdonald, Esq.. of Washington, D.C. (Read on 30th June 1920). 10. The Survival of Ancient Religion and Usages among Catholics, especially in the Bombay Presidency, Part II, by J. A. Saldanha, Esq., B.A., LL.B. (Read on 28th July 1920). 11. Races and Places, by A. E. L. Emanuel, Esq., I.C.S. (Read on 27th August 1920). 12. A Visit to Nasik on the opening days of the Present Sinhasth Pilgrimage, by Dr. Jivanji Jameshedji Modi, B.A., Ph.D., C.I.E. (Read on 27th August 1920). 13. Some Hindi Folk-Songs from the District of Saran in North Bihar, Part I, by Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (Read on 27th August 1920). 14. The Curious Lore or Superstition about Precious Stones, by S. S. Mehta, Esq., B.A. (Read on 29th September 1920). 15. The Outer Liturgical Services of the Parsees, by Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, B.A. Ph.D., C.I.E. (Read on 29th September 1920). 16. Some Notes regarding the Village System of the Bombay Presidency, by R. G. Gorden, Esq., I.C.S., (Read on 27th October 1920). 17. A recent case of Witchcraft from Singbhum, by Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (Read on 27th October 1920). 18. The Results of the Ethnographical Survey of Bombay, by R. E. Enthoven, Esq., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Read on 23rd November 1920). 19. On Some Lullabies and Nursery-Rhymes from the District of Pabna in Eastern Bengal, by Sarat Chandra Mitra, Esq., M.A., B.L. (Read on 23rd November 1920). Museum of the Society.-The Museum of the B. B. R. A. Society to whom the Society had in 1895 handed over our Museum when it shifted its locale from Apollo Street to the rooms of the Asiatic Society was during the year under report handed over to the Prince of Wales Museum. The Asiatic Society in their letter dated 4th August 1920 inquired if our Society desired to similarly transfer the Museum Collection of our Society. We replied on the 9th August 1920 and consented. We wrote on 17th September 1920 to the Hon. Secretary of the Prince of Wales Museum Committee, requesting that the Committee may be good enough to see that our collection was located separately and formed, if convenient, a nucleus of an Anthropological Section of the Museum. Journal.-No. 6 of Vol. XI was published during the year. Presents. Journals and Reports of learned Societies and other publications have been received in exchange for the Society's Journal and otherwise as usual during the year under report. Securities of the Society.-The Securities of the Society stood on the names of Messrs. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, Tribhovandas Mangaldas Nathoobhoy and R. P. Masani. But Mr. Tribhovandas M. Nathoobhoy having died during the year under report, it was resolved to transfer the securities on the names of Dr. Jivanji Jamshedji Modi, Mr. R. P. Massni and Rev. Father R. Zimmermann. Finances.-The invested fund of the Society stood at Rs. 5,500 and the Cash Balance at Rs. 173-6-4 on the 31st December 1920. |