SURFACE. This county occupies, for the most part, the second of those elevated tableaux, or plains, which stretch from Lake Ontario to the southern border of the state, and which are divided from each other by steep and almost perpendicular precipices. The table land on which most of Wyoming cou my lies, commences with the ledge, which runs through the southern towns of Genesee county, and over which the waters of Allen's creek are precipitated in Le Roy, and rises with an ascent not exceeding ten or twelve feet to the mile, to the ledge over which the Genesee river falls, at Portageville. There are no mountain ridges in the county, and the declivity of the land is but just sufficient to drain it. RIVERS. The Genesee river forms the southeastern boundary of the county, for a distance of nearly twenty miles, and in its fall over the ledge, at Genesee falls, furnishes a valuable hydraulic power. The other principal streams of the county are Allen's creek, (named from the ferocious villain known, for many years, in this region, as Indian Allen,) Tonawanda, Cayuga, Seneca, Wiskoy, and Nunskoy creeks. LAKE. Silver lake, lying partly in Perry and partly in Castile, is a beautiful little sheet of water, five eighths of a mile wide, and three miles long, elevated several hundred feet above the Genesee river. The CLIMATE is generally salubrious. The prevailing diseases are of a bilious type. GEOLOGY AND MINERALS. The county lies almost entirely within the bounds of the Erie group. In the north the Ludlowville shales predominate. In the south the Chemung sandstone is the prevailing rock. Carbonate of lime, crystallized in fantastic and sometimes beautiful forms,* sulphate of lime, or gypsum, and iron pyrites are abundant. There is some sulphate of barytes, and small seams of anthracite, but, as might be expected in the geological formation of this section, in too small quantities to be of any practical value. The fossils are mainly vegetable, consisting mostly of fucoides, or mosses. There are also, in some portions of the county, fossil shells, but not in great variety. SOIL AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. The soil is generally fertile, particularly along the Genesee valley. The forest trees of this county are, in the north part, the beech, maple, hemlock and elm, with some oak. In the southern portion, pine, basswood and ash. The principal crops are oats, wheat, potatoes, corn, flax, barley, peas and buckwheat. * Among the most singular of these forms are masses, weighing from ten to three hundred pounds, bearing a striking resemblance, in form, to the turtle. Their homogeneous structure, and some peculiarities in their form, preclude the supposition that they are fossil animal remains. PURSUITS. Agriculture is the principal pursuit. The eastern and northern towns are largely engaged in the culture of grain, particularly wheat and oats. The southern towns are better adapted to grazing. Manufactures are increasing in the county, but as yet are in their infancy. Flour, leather, lumber, pot and pearl ashes, and woollen goods are the principal articles. The entire value of the goods manufactured in the county, in 1845, was estimated at $412,000. There are no mines or quarries, of importance, in the county. The Genesee river canal, affords a convenient mode of transportation for the produce of the eastern towns of the county. STAPLE PRODUCTIONS. Oats, wheat, potatoes, butter, cheese, wool, beef, pork and lumber. SCHOOLS. There were, in 1846, 198 district schools, in this county. The average amount of instruction given in these was eight months. 20,479 volumes were reported in the district school libraries; and $12,946 was the amount paid for the instruction of 11,517 children. There were also eight private and select schools, with 220 pupils, in the county, and three incorporated seminaries, with 132 students. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Universalists, Episcopalians, Roman Catholics and Dutch Reformed. There are in the county fiftyfour churches and sixty-four clergymen, of all denominations. HISTORY. The first settler in this county was Mr. Elizur Webster, who removed from New England, and settled in the present town of Warsaw, in 1803. His daughter, (now the wife of Hon. A. W. Young of this county,) was the first child born in the county. Many of the early settlers were from Washington and the adjacent counties in Vermont. These generally settled in the vicinity of Warsaw. As a part of the Genesee valley, its fertility attracted a host of emigrants to its borders, and though the youngest county in the state in its organization, it occupies a middle rank in population. Much of the land was formerly owned by the Holland Land Company, but it has, within a few years been very generally purchased by actual settlers. The Gardeau tract, or flats, was a tract of about 10,000 acres, lying on the Genesee river, partly in the town of Castile, which the Indians reserved in a treaty with Robert Morris, in 1797, as a gift to the Seneca white woman, Mary Jemison.* * This extraordinary woman was a native of Ireland, and was taken prisoner by the Indians, when a child twelve or thirteen years of age. She was adopted by an Indian family, and embraced the Indian faith, habits and customs. She was married twice to Indian chiefs, and died in September, 1833, at the age of ninety or ninety-one years. Since her death, most of her extensive property has been sold by her heirs. Wyoming county formed part of Genesee county, till 1841, when it was organized as a separate county, and, in 1846, the towns of Eagle and Pike, and that portion of Portage lying west of Genesee river, wer taken from Allegany county and annexed to it. The last town received the name of Genesee Falls. VILLAGES, &C. WARSAW, the county seat, in the town of the same name, was settled by emigrants from New England, who were highly intelligent and religious, and to this day it is characterized by the intelligence and morality of its inhabitants. It is situated in the midst of a fine agricultural district, and has some manufactures. The first church edifice erected west of the Genesee river, was standing in Warsaw a few years since. Popu a ion 200. Perry is a thriving and busy town, considerably engaged in manufactures. Tere ar two villages in the town, Perry and Perry Centre. 'I here is an academy at Perry, of some note, and a number of manufacturing establishments. Population 1200. At Perry Centre a literary institution, called the Perry Centre Institute, has recently been established. Middlebury has a flourishing academy, incorporated in 1817, located in the village of Wyoming, which is situate in a pleasant valley, and has a population of about 600. Genesee Falls, in the town of the same name, formerly called Por geville, is situated at the falls of the Genesee river, one of the ost romantic and interesting locations in western New York. In the space of two niles there are three distinct falls, of 60, 90, and 110 feet, each possessing beauties of a character peculiar to itself. The banks of the river tower up in stupendous perpendicular walls, more than 400 feet in height, and are crowned with gigantic evergreens, which, from their venerable appearance, seem to have maintained their position for ages. Notwithstanding the immense depth to which the bed of the river has been worn, its turns are short and graceful, giving the admiring visitor new, though limited views, at every stage of his progress. In June, 1817, a land slide of about fifteen acres took place from the side of a hill in this town, into the river, which for some time completely dammed it, leaving a perpendicular bank more than 100 feet in height. The hydraulic power furnished by the falls of the Genesee, is improved to a considerable extent. Population 800. STATISTICAL TABLES. The following Tables compiled with great care, from the state census of 1845, and other authentic sources, present the principal agricultural and horticultural products of each county, and of the state, and the number of cattle, sheep, horses and swine, together with the amount of butter, cheese, and wool produced; the principal manufactures; and the commercial statistics of the different districts of the state. Agricultural and Horticultural Products, Peas. Beans. Potatoes. Turnips. Flax. Albany, Allegany. Broome, 4 Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chautauque, Chẹmung, Bush els, 44,149 163,894 260,190 31,144 81,388 37,049 208,254 624,039 183,274 120,978 51,252 4,487 404,594 12,220 lbs.34,985 503,134 61,995 38,132 48,250 2,378 575,196 32,197 95,268 172,713 331,425 75,019 1,032 2,929 1,458 182,461 13,349 32,144 177,927 934 96,540 459,770 24,026 13,671 18,370 1,830 506,919 20,813 42,886 652,896 4,415 479,151 652,281 94,067 143,516 56,755 3,524 536,933 22,567 139,126 268,261 3,158 313,121 448,834 20,000 32,833 28,746 3,183 686,969 22,143 129,749 180,095 10,780 177,965 287,146 104,567 25,265 5,069 1,148 146,901 4,957 27,163 Chenango, 104,562 40,148 241,205 597,508 70,803 20,147 5,845 1,897 396,096 22,464 114,911 Clinton, 114,570 37,998 21,018 25,823 6,601 620,028 29,246 4,266 2,653 1,092 415,035 12,812 32,182 12,237 1,276 259,364 25,075 101,344 3,783 550 467,582 30,152 30,110 TABLE I. Buck Oats. wheat. Barley. COUNTIES. Wheat. Rye. Corn. 104,831 268,258 51,564 Columbia, 75,065 302,508 526,629 1,093,850 129,001 9271 Cortland, 96,852 4,532 123,186 400,342 50,157 32,214 Delaware, 50,685 113,114 85,128 648,982 133,235 2,404 Dutchess, 86,264 165,782 814,153 1,283,718 89,199 Erie, 251,781 11,007 238,295 637,593 COUNTIES. Wheat, Rye. Corn. Oats. wheat. Barley. Peas. Beans. Potatoes. Turnips. Flax. 943 166,162 6,287 50,812 380,710 7,314 19,440 253 956 4,536 14,625 810 357 40 26,104 2,422 863 44,193 101 805 27,507 1,689 263,999 3.976 51,179 42,128 159,872 153,374 6,974 1,235,139 18,538 208,545 Buck- Essex, Bush els, 84,217 32,160 96,429 241,514 20,690 1,869 31,885 3,144 515,650 25,707 lbs. 7,385 Franklin, - 97,999 21,746 70,109 148,378 24,780 6,518 19,622 1,981 623,844 25,459 9,250 Fulton, 17,118 42,623 105,124 287,221 48,694 26,596 22,384 Genesee, 695,107 2,033 225,615 406,594 19,713 60,716 75,966 3,866 Greene, 19,713 84,380 178,027 347,891 106,524 11,209 8,467 3,503 265,978 13,932 14,647 Hamilton,- 5,058 Herkimer, 60,700 22,367 180,340 690,413 Jefferson, 421,819 55,457 467 230 709,232 Kings, 26,992 9,724 124,688 64,786 2,997 360 9,345 4,821 178,434 57,038 Lewis, 87,406 9,278 53,180 202,515 25,803 23,119 21,925 678 498,849 22,340 85,281 Livingston, 821,762 5,200 257,346 351,233 34,148 93,959 33,429 2,371 268,161 6,742 32,510 Madison, - 190,364 5,888 230,781 517,789 24,445 229,606 31,312 2,063 393,989 7,399 42,232 Monroe, 1,338,583 3,198 453,463 538,063 31,149 57,102 4,272 667,491 38,581 10,796 Montgomery, 69,589 Niagara, 713,318 26,464 Oneida, 115,927 19,676 Onondaga, 636,177 10,107 573,896 22,503 107,035 Ontario, 918,616 9.569 Orange, 82,881 191,864 Orleans, 692,127 45,589 Oswego, 98,880 1,594 285,366 359,767 57,926 16,130 30,648 3,497 541,737 25,529 57,034 Otsego,- 109,551 87,925 201,031 1,004,541 117,265 112,261 21,999 2,789 620,921 32,517 89,589 Putnam, 4,913 31,275 120,858 81,416 37,516 62 318 74,430 24,506 2,832 Queens, 99,374 61,680 438,661 324,218 67,571 2,600 38,219 20,299 229,876 90,710 Rensselaer, 75,708 201,314 403,548 763,844 64,362 12,382 9,985 4,552 604,025 Richmond, 10,337 7,501 66,421 27,704 3,016 3,231 269 272 44,230 7,559 Rockland, 1,705 26,283 95,698 45,120 37,289 Saratoga, 104,661 145,777 512,361 620,395 98,208 30,975 29,070 2,312 611,919 22,613 30,619 Schenectady, 19,754 56,205 103,729 254,455 54,682 91,451 16,351 1,432 112,842 5,342 19,840 Schoharie, 79,175 120,030 85,173 683,560 147,709 208,321 77,946 2,406 319,914 6,177 70,672 |