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the barracks, is a monument to the brave and lamented General Pike, and others, who fell on the nor hern frontier, during the late war with Great Britain.

The government has also a ship yard, and ship houses, in one of which is the frame of a ship of the line, commenced during the war of 1812.

During the war, Sacketts Harbor increased with great rapidity; but at its close, it experienced a decline, from which, however, it has revived, amid the general prosperity of the county. Population 2000.

Brownville, in the town of the same name, is a thriving manufacturing village, situated on the Black river, four miles below Watertown. Population 1000.

Dexter, in the town of Brownville, is a growing and important village. Its harbor has been improved by the United States government, and it has now considerable commerce and some manufactures. Population 1000.

Adams, in the town of Adams, is situated on both sides of Sandy creek, which here affords a good water power. It has a young ladies seminary, in a flourishing condition. Population


Carthage, in the town of Wilna, is a village of considerable importance. A large quantity of iron is annually manufactured here. Population 600.

In the same town is a natural bridge, twelve feet in width, and six feet above the water, extending over the Indian river. There is a small settlement near it.

Cape Vincent, at the head of the St. Lawrence, is a lake port of some importance.

Belleville and Ellisburgh, both in the town of Ellisburgh, are thriving villages.

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1. Angelica, 1805.

2. Alfred, 1808.

3. Caneadea, 1808.

4. Ossian, 1808,


5. Friendship, 1815.

6. Centreville, 1819.

7. Independence, 1821.

S. Cuba, 1822.

[blocks in formation]

Rivers. N. Genesee River. e. Angelica Creek. i. Black. j. Cold. o. Canascraga. p. Little Genesee.

Villages. ANGELICA. Friendship. Cuba. Rushford.

BOUNDARIES. North by Wyoming and Livingston; East by Steuben; South by the state of Pennsylvania, and West by Cattaraugus county.

SURFACE. This county forms a portion of the elevated table land which extends through the southern tier of counties, but the deep channels, worn in the rocks which underlie the county, by the Genesee and other streams, and the long narrow valleys thus formed, give its otherwise level surface, a broken appearance. The height of the table land is from 1200 to 2000 feet above tide water. It declines gradually toward the north.

RIVERS. The principal streams are the Genesee river, An gelica, Black, Cold, Canascraga and Little Genesee creeks.

CANAL. The Genesee valley canal has been commenced, but is not yet completed.

RAILROAD. The line of the New York and Erie Railroad has been laid out across its southern portion.

CLIMATE. The elevation of the surface produces a low temperature. The winters are long, and the snows heavy. The county is generally healthy.

GEOLOGY AND MINERALS. This county lies wholly within the Chemung sandstone formation, though the tops of some of the highest hills are capped with the old red sandstone, and conglomerate of the Catskill groups.

Like the rest of this formation, it possesses few minerals of interest. There is, however, some bog iron ore and hydrate of manganese, associated with calcareous tufa. At Cuba is a petroleum, or Seneca oil spring, which has attracted considerable attention. The shales of this vicinity are all bituminous.

SOIL AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. Much of the soil of the county is fertile, consisting of a clayey and sandy loam; but it is generally moist, and better adapted to grass than grain. The forests are quite dense, and the timber is of large size, consisting of oak, maple, beech, basswood, ash, elm, hemlock, white and yellow pine.

PURSUITS. The people are mainly devoted to Agricultural pursuits, particularly to raising cattle and sheep. The products of the dairy are quite large.

Manufactures are principally confined to lumber, flour, fulled cloths, leather, oil and potash.

Commerce. The county has little commerce.

STAPLE PRODUCTIONS. Butter, cheese, oats, potatoes, wheat and wool.

SCHOOLS. In 1846, there were in the county, 234 district schools, averaging seven months' instruction each, expending for tuition, $13,979, and attended by 13,946 children. The libra ries contained 20,595 volumes.

The number of private schools was eight, with 142 scholars; of academies two, with 229 pupils.

RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Episcopalians and Unitarians. Total number of churches sixty, of clergymen, eighty-seven.

HISTORY. Allegany county was taken from Genesee, April seventh, 1806. The two western tier of towns are within the Holland Land Company's purchase. The interest of that company has been purchased by another, since formed. The rest of the county is comprised in the tract constituting the Morris


It was first settled by Philip Church, in 1804. In 1838 a remarkable tornado passed over the western section; of a dense forest of 400 or 500 acres, scarcely a single tree escaped uninjured. The wind for the space of twenty miles left traces of its devastation, yet, strange to tell, though several individuals were buried under the ruins of their houses, none lost their lives.

In 1846, the towns of Eagle, Pike, Portage and Nunda, were taken from this county and added to Wyoming and Livingston counties.

VILLAGES. ANGELICA, located in the town of the same name, is the county seat. It is a pleasant village and has some manufactures. Population 1000.

Cuba is a flourishing village. In this place is a spring, from the surface of which is collected the famed Seneca oil, so much used for rheumatism and sprains. It was highly valued by the Indians, and a square mile around the spring has been set apart for the Senecas. Population 800.

Friendship is a village of considerable importance, on the proposed route of the Erie railroad. Population 800.

Rushford is a thriving and important village. It is increasing in population quite raipidly. Population 1000.

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Mountains. e. Oquaga. f. Binghamton. g. Randolph.

Rivers. CC. Chenango River. G. Susquehanna River. Q. Tioughnioga River. a. Nanticoke Creek. h. Otselic.


BOUNDARIES. Bounded North by Cortland and Chenango; East by Delaware; South by the state of Pennsylvania, and West by Tioga county.

SURFACE. This county forms the eastern termination of the great table land of the southern tier of counties. Like the other portions of this elevated plain, its surface is much broken by numerous streams, which have worn deep valleys through the soft and perishable sandstones which underlie it. The general ele

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