S. Beat Joseph & Bail HOLY BIBLE, CONTAINING THE 1827 BOSTON: PAINTED FOR THOMAS AND ANDREWS, WEST AND RICHARDSON, AND WEST AND BLAKE. W. Greenough Printers. 1813; Joseph gruph. & Beals The Names and Order of all the Books of the Old and New Teflaments, with the Number of their Chapters. Exodus Enefis bath Chapters 50 II. Chronicka 36 Daniel 12 40 Ezra 14 Leviticus 3 Numbers 36 Either Deuteronomy Tehua 24 Pfalms Judges 31 Micah Ecclefiaftes The Song of Solomon 8 11. Samue 24 Ifaiah 66 1. Kings 11. Kings $2 Habakkuk 25 Lamentations 1. Chronicles 29 Ezekiel Account of the Dates or Time of writing the Books of the Do. two Epistles to the Corinthians, and that to the Romans, Do. to the Philippians, to Philemon, Coloffians, Acts of the Apostles by Luke, - Paul's two Epiftles to Timothy, and the one to Do. three Epiftles near the end of his life, N.B. The times of writingthe Epiftleof James, and 63 |