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that he is himself the identical "Sub," who, within the walls of Drury, returned me, as rejected, a Drama, which shall here be nameless, and who was in consequence led to honour me with his remembrance on our subsequent accidental meeting at the house of a knighted bookseller: furthermore, that, at the meeting last spoken of, he made me the munificent donation of a free admission to the Theatre of which he was then a co-proprietor; at the same time that he most politely offered those services in the production, at his House, of any dramatic effusion I might consign to him, which were the occasion of my placing in his hands the Farce alluded to.

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Leading Charitable Enstitutions


FOREIGNERS have remarked of our island, that its Hospitals are Palaces, and its Palaces Hospitals. Whatever may be the quantum of truth contained in the latter half of this observation, certain it is that very many of our charitable institutions make good the former. Indeed, the foundations for the relief of distress, or the recompence of sufferers in the public defence, in this country, are justly ranked among its proudest boasts: and of such, whether as regards external appearance, or the national honour and utility, none can be entitled to more worthy mention, than


This noble structure, as an Institution for Invalid Seamen, the purpose to which it is at present devoted, was founded by William and Mary; but a part of the buildings is of the age of Charles II. It stands on the south bank of the Thames, at the distance of about five miles from London Bridge; and, viewed from

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the river, presents as striking an assemblage of architectural beauty and grandeur, as the world perhaps can parallel. Its elevation on a fine terrace, near nine hundred feet in length, greatly contributes to this majesty of effect; but the disposition and general style of the buildings yet more. For though the edifice in fact consists of four completely insulated parts, each magnificent in itself, a general harmony and connexion are beautifully perspicuous in the river view: and the eye (when immediately in front) passing through the grand square to the Park in the back-ground, there happily rests upon a bold eminence crowned by the Royal Observatory, (a structure in the Vanburgh style commenced by Charles II.) which forms, by situation and general effect, an appropriate termination to the prospect.

The four distinct piles of building alluded to, are each quadrangular, and distinguished by the names of King Charles's, Queen Anne's, King William's, and Queen Mary's. The interval between the two first-mentioned, which are the most northern, or nearest the river, forms the grand square, and is about two hundred and seventy-three feet in width. In the centre of this area stands a well-executed statue of George II., by Rysbrach, chiselled from a single block of white marble which weighed

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