Wake you with her solemn strain, With you roses brighter bloom, Let those toil for gold who please, Or, for fame renounce their ease. What is fame? An empty bubble; Gold a shining, constant trouble. Let them for their country bleed! What was Sidney's, Raleigh's meed ? Man's not worth a moment's pain; Base, ungrateful, fickle, vain. Then let me, sequester'd fair, To your sibyl grot repair; On yon hanging cliff it stands, Scoop'd by nature's plastic hands, Bosom'd in the gloomy shade Of cypress not with age decad Where the owl still hooting sits, Where the bat incessant its; There in loftier strain I'll sing Whence the changing seasons spng; Tell how storms deform the skie Whence the waves subside and ie, Trace the comet's blazing tai!, Weigh the planets in a scale; Bend, great God, before thy shr; The bournless macrocosm's thine Since in each scheme of life 1 fail❜ð,. And disappointment seems ental; Since all on earth I valued mos My guide, my stay, my friend ist; O Solitude, now give me rest, And hush the tempest in my but. O gently deign to guide my fee To your hermit-trodden seat; Where I may live at last my Where I at last may die na I spoke she turn'd her magi And thus she said, or seem'da Youth, you're mistaken, if you think to find God never made an independent man; Though nature's works the ruling mind declare, And well deserve inquiry's serious care, What boots through space's furthest bourns to roam ?> Nor study only, practise what you know; Your life, your knowledge, to mankind you owe. With Plato's oli wreath the bays entwine; Those who in sy, should in practice shine. Say, does the learned lord of Hagley's shade, Charm mayo much by mossy fountains laid, As when ager d he stems corruption's course, And shakes the senate with a Tully's force? When freedom gasp'd beneath a Caesar's feet, Then public virtue might to shades retreat : But where she breaths, the least may useful be, And freedom, Britain, still belongs to thee. Though man's ungrateful, or though fortune frown; Is the reward of worth a song, or crown ? Nor yet unrecompens'd are virtue's pains; Good Allen lives, and bounteous Brunswick reigns. On each condition disappointments wai, Enter the hut, and force the guarded gate. Nor dare repine, through early friendship seed; From love. the world, and all its cares he's freed. But know, adversity's the child of God Whom heaven approves of most, must feel h rod. But when old age has silver'd o'er thy head, CRAINGER * One of the accusers of Socrates. FINIS. |