into a law the bill now under your lordships' considera tion. I come now to speak, upon what, indeed, I would have gladly avoided, had I not been particular pointed at, for the part I have en in this bill. It has been said, by a noble lord on my left hand, that I likewise am running the ace of popularity. If the noble lord means by popularity, hat applause estowed by after-ages on good and virtuous etions, I have long been struggling in that race: to what urpose, all-trying time can alone determine. But if the oble lord means that musliroom popularity, which is raised without merit, and lost without a crime, he is much mistasen in his opinion. I defy the noble lord to point out a single etion of my life, in which the popularity of the times ever ad the smallest influence on my determinations. I thank od I have a more permanent and steady rule for my coninct, the dictates of my own breast. Those who have forgone that pleasing adviser, and given up their mind to be the slave of every popular impulse, I sincerely pity: I pity them still more, if their vanity leads them to mistake the shouts f a mob for the trumpet of fame. Experience might inform hem, that many who have been saluted with the huzzas of crowd one day, have received their execrations the next; and many, who by the popularity of their times, have been eld up as spotless patriots, have, nevertheless, appeared ap-on the historian's page, when truth has triumphed over deusion, the assassins of liberty. Why then the noble lord an think I am ambitious of present popularity, that echo of olly, and shadow of renown, I am at a loss to determine. Besides, I do not know that the bill now before your lordhips will be popular: it depends much upon the caprice f the day. It may not be popular to compel people to pay beir debts; and, in that case, the present must be a very npopular bill. It may not be popular neither to take away ny of the privileges of parliament; for I very well rememer, and many of your lordships may remember, that, not ong ago, the popular cry was for the extention of privilege; nd so far did they carry it at that time, that it was said, he privilege protected members even in criminal actions: ay, such was the power of popular prejudices over weak inds, that the very decisions of some of the courts vere tinctured with that doctrine. It was undoubtedly an bominable doctrine. I thought so then, and I think so still: ut, nevertheless, it was a popular doctrine, and came imLediately from those who are called the friends of liberty: how deservedly time will show. True liberty, in my opin ion, can only exist when justice is equally administered all; to the king to the beggar. Where is the justic then, or where is law that protects a member of parli ment, more thany other man, from th punishment du to his crimes The laws of this countryw of no placa nor any employment, to be a sanctuary for cres: and wher I have the honour to sit as judge, neith royal favou nor popular applause shall protect the guilty I have now only to beg pardon for having employed much of your lordships' time; and I am sorry a bill, fraug with so many good consequences, has not met with an able advocate: but I doubt not your lordships' determination wi convince the world, that a bill, calculated to contribute much to the equal distribution of justice as the present, r quires with your lordships but very little support. SECTION v. An Address to Young Persons. I INTEND, in this address, to show you the importance a beginning early to give serious attention to your conductAs soon as you are capable of reflection, you must perce that there is a right and a wrong in human actions. T see, that those who are born with the same advantages d fortune, are not all equally prosperous in the course of lif While some of them, by wise and steady conduct, attain di tinction in the world, and pass their days with comfort ar honour; others, of the same rank, by mean and vicio behaviour, forfeit the advantages of their birth; involve the selves in much misery; and end in being a disgrace to the friends, and a burden on society.-Early, then, may yo learn, that it is not on the external condition in which yo find yourselves placed, but on the part which you are to a that your welfare or unhappiness, your honour or infa depends. Now, when beginning to act that part, what ca be of greater moment, than to regulate your plan of condu with the most serious attention, before you have yet committe any fatal or irretrievable errors ? If, instead of exerting r flection for this valuable purpose, you deliver yourselves up at so critical a time, to sloth and pleasures; if you refuse listen to any counsellor but humour, or to attend to any p suit except that of amusement; if you allow yourselves float loose and careless on the tide of life, ready to receiv any direction which the current of fashion may chance you give you; what can you expect to follow from such beginings? While so many around you are undergoing the sad consequences of a like indiscretion, for what reason shall not those consequences extend to you? Shall attain sucess without that preparation, and escape dangers without hat precaution, which are required of others? Shall happiess grow up to you, of its own accord, and solicit your aceptance, when, to the rest of mankind, it is the fruit of long altivation, and the acquisition of labour and care ?-Deeive not yourselves with those arrogant hopes. Whatever e your rank, Providence will not, for your sake, reverse its stablished order. The author of your being hath enjoined ou, to take heed to your ways; to ponder the paths of our feet; to remember yourCreator in the days of your youth." He hath decreed, that they only "who seek after wisdom, hall find it; that fools shall be afflicted, because of their ransgressions: and that whoever refuseth instruction, shall lestroy his own soul." By listening to these admonitions, and tempering the vivacity of youth with a proper mixture f serious thought, you may ensure cheerfulness for the rest f life; but by delivering yourselves up at present to giddiess and levity, you lay the foundation of lasting heaviness f heart. your When you look forward to those plans of life which ciher your circumstances have suggested, or your friends have proposed, you will not hesitate to acknowledge, that in orler to pursue them with advantage, some previous disciline is requisite. Be assured, that whatever is to be rofession, no education is more necessary to your success, han the acquirement of virtuous dispositions and habits. his is the universal preparation for every character, and very station in life. Bad as the world is, respect is, thou the T aid to virtue. In the usual course of human affairs, it wi e found, that a plain understanding, joined with acknowldged worth, contributes more to prosperity, than the brightst parts without probity or honour. Whether science, or usiness, or public life, be your aim, virtue still enters, for a rincipal share, into all these great departments of society. tis connected with eminence in every liberal art; with reptation in every branch of fair and useful business; with istinction in every public station. The vigour which it ives the mind, and the weight which it adds to character; he generous sentiments which it breathes; the undaunted pirit which it inspires; the ardor of diligence which it quickas; the freedom which it procures from pernicious and dis i honourable avocations; are the foundations of all that is highly honourable, or greatly successful among men. Whatever ornamental or engaging endowments you now possess, virtue is a necessary requisite, in order to their shining with proper lustre.. Feeble are the attractions of the fairest form, if it be suspected that nothing within cor responds to the pleasing appearanee without. Short are the triumphs of wit, when it is supposed to be the vehicle of malice. By whatever means you may at first attract the altention, you can hold the esteem, and secure the hearts of others, only by amiable dispositions, and the accomplish ments of the mind. These are the qualities whose influence will last, when the lustre of all that once sparkled and daz zled has passed away. Let not then the season of youth be barren of improvements, so essential to your future felicity and honour. Now is the seed-time of life; and according to "what you sow, you shall reap." Your character is now, under Divine assistance, of your own forming; your fate is, in some measure, put into your own hands. Your nature is as yet pliant and soft. Hab its have not established their dominion. Prejudices have not pre-occupied your understanding. The world has not had time to contract and debase your affections. All your powers are more vigorous, disembarrassed, and free than they will be at any future period. Whatever impulse you now give to your desires and passions, the direction is likely to continue. It will form the channel in which your life is to run; nay, it may determine its everlasting issue. Consider then the employ ment of this important period, as the highest trast which shall ever be committed to you; as in a great measure deci sive of your happiness, in time, and in eternity. As in the rienas, an of the seasons, each, by the invariable laws of t ture, affects the productions of what is next in course; in human life every period of our age, according as it is well or ill spent, influences the happiness of that which is to fol low. Virtuous youth gradually brings forward accomplish ed and flourishing manhood; and such manhood passes itself, without uneasiness, into respectable and tranquil old age. But when nature is turned out of its regular course disorder takes place in the- moral, just as in the vegetabl world. If the spring put forth no blossoms, in summer the will be no beauty, and in autumn, no fruit; so, if youth trifled away without improvement, manhood will probably be contemptible, and old age miserable. If the beginning of life have been "vanity," its latter end can scarcely be any other than vexation of spirit." I shall finish this address, with calling your attention to that dependence on the blessing of Heaven, which amidst all your endeavours after improvement, you ought continually to preserve. It is too common with the young, even when they resolve to tread the path of virtue and honour, to set out with presumptuous confidence in themselves. Trusting to their own abilities for carrying them successfully through life, they are careless of applying to God, or of deriving any assistance from what they are apt to reckon the gloomy discipline of religion. Alas! how little do they kuow the dangers which await them? Neither human wisdem, nor human virtue, unsupported by religion, is equal to the trying situations, which often occur in life. By the shock of temptation, how frequently have the most virtuous intentions been overthrown? Under the pressure of disaster, how often has the greatest constancy suuk? "Every good, and every perfect gift, is from above." Wisdom and virtue, as well as riches and honour, come from God." Destitute of his favour, you are in no better situation with all your boasted abilities, than orphans left to wander in a trackless desert without any guide to conduct them, or any shelter to cover them from the gathering storm. Correct, then, this ill-founded arrogance. Expect not, that your happiness can be independent of Him who made you. By faith and repentance, apply to the Redeemer of the world. By piety and prayer, seek the protection of the God of heaven. I conclude with the solemn words, in which a great prince delivered his dying charge to his son: words, which every young person ought to consider as addressed to himself, and to engrave deeply on his heart: "Solomon, my son, know thou the God of thy fathers; and serve him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind. For the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts. If thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever." M BLAIR. between 1 before, , noth CAS |