What highest thanks to Allah should repair? Each one is fool enough to praise His own opinion, and promote it: New-comers build anew, the old house scout; My house who enters may upbraid But he must pass before the gate If I decline his estimate. May this little house Thy approval win, One might build a greater And nothing more within. Let the house, its fame extending, Through the sons the sire descending In perpetual entail. Thou always art secure, At large from people's mercies: Two friends, sorrowless and sure, A cup for wine, and book of verses. "What yield that Lokmann 5 had, indeed, Splendid has the Orient Across the Middle-Ocean sprung: Who loves Hafis's intent 6 Knows what Calderon has sung. "One hand why dost thou garnish so, More than its dues allow it? What then would the left hand do If toward Mecca one should drive Loose stuff flattened out Grows only broad, not stout. But when with stress in rigid mould Good souls, be not disturbed at evil! "Unthanked by thee what numbers still Preserve thyself in good repute The tide of passion sends its futile strife Gainst the unfounder'd, constant land: It throws poetic pearls upon the strand, And these are clear receipts of life. Let no one commend a fetter, Save he who knows that unconstraint is better: THE FAMILIAR. `HOU hast granted many a prayer, THO Though looking for some ill to fall: Little asks the good man there, So the danger is but small. VIZIER. Little asks the good man there : Pity that Truth so oft is fated And often thus subserves her aim: But who cares question the fair dame? For Madam Truth would show a flat defiance If Master Error proffered flat alliance. To sing and talk so many strive, That my discontent will show it! BOOK OF TIMUR. WHAT the hammer, what the chain, When the stars threw down their spears, Did He who made the lamb make thee? THE TIGER: WILLIAM BLAKE. |