THE PROPHET. — TIMUR. 79 THE PROPHET SPEAKS. WHOS HOSO feels chagrin at God's bestowing Let him to his strongest timber going Put a stout noose over it to set His neck within and give himself a towing: WHAT TIMUR SPEAKS. WHAT? lying priests, my virile storm Had Allah meant me for a worm, As worm I should have been created. BOOK OF SAYINGS. WISDOM "knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and can expound dark sentences. Therefore I purposed to take her to me to live with me. I shall be found of a quick conceit in judgment, and shall be admired in the sight of great men. When I hold my tongue they shall bide my leisure, and when I speak, they shall give good ear unto me: if I talk much they shall lay their hands upon their mouth." BOOK OF SAYINGS. `ALISMANS I'll scatter through the book, TA They to keep the balance trim. Who pricks with Orthodox needle, him Shall an apt word hail in every nook.1 Nought of the present day require, Save what did yesterday transpire. Whoever is born in worst of days, How ease may be gained, He knows who discovered and he who attained. Ebbing, flowing, goes the ocean, The land cannot detain its motion. Fortune will test thee till thy measures suit: Would have thee self-contained! Then follow mute. |