One to comprehend the rightness, Sorry business seems to me. Oh, Sirs Splinterer and Crumpler, That Sir Weather-Blotcher shows us Only be there for revival Daily dram of something new, Each pursuing his distraction Be distracted through and through. This our Native loves to weeping, Medschnun means 4 I will not claim It means Madman altogether; When the breast sincerely teeming Tie him! these your cries and cavils. When at length you see in fetters THUS I DO. AS it ever of WAS my leading That you made a war so rude? Did I scold your whole proceeding, So I look on without passion As his net the fisher throws, And watch the smart joiner fashion, But ye, what I know would know better! I, who pondered all alone How prompt Nature made me debtor, Do you feel a fellow-vigor, Further, then, your own concern! Would you judge my works with rigor, Thus he does-is first to learn. WANDERER'S COMPOSURE. T the shabby spirit AT No one need complain : It has a mighty merit Whatever folks maintain. Upon Evil thriving Reaches high report, With the Right contriving What to Wanderer would inure Leave the wind and the manure EACH FOR HIMSELF. HO would of the world require WHO What its dreams cannot procure it? Ever from the day's real day Backward, sideward looks allure it. Your endeavor, your good will Limps behind the others' living; Praise that thou hast sought for years, When thou dost need it less, they're giving. SELF-PRAISE NO FLATTERY. To praise one's self is a defect, But no one whose desert it is refrains ; Then leave, ye simpletons, the pleasure They let waste, fools as ye are, without measure, TRADITION. F the lips take ears to school, IF Thinkest thou there's solid gain? This transmitting, O thou fool, Is a cobweb of the brain! Only by the living mind Thou already hast forsaken For dead lips, canst thou be shaken British phlegm or Gallic prattle, Their own selfishness prefer. For there is no recognition Let the Bad but steal or borrow He who knows not how to render Once, when they the holy Koran cited, Old things and new they chatter to their best: More bewildering each day it grows. O holy Koran! O eternal rest! |