But grimmest hinderers of all Dealing with women, be circumspect! If thou would'st bend her, then she breaks : Life is a sorry jest and flat : In single file2 goes every soul: They think the geese are void of mind: From time to time one looks behind Far other is it in the world, Where each one forward prances, A trip, and to the ground you 're hurled, The years have robbed thee of so much, dost say? The dearest toys remembered of the past, Enough for me! Idea and Love remain ! On a time to Erfurt going, From the shops the ancient women Spent with every pretty sweeting. That was once the baker's daughter, Owls by no means either of them, So let us compete with Hafis, Near the sage preserve a place, Safe it is in every case! Canst not clear thy tangled mind, Straight the knotted place he 'll find: Dost thou hit a matter true, He will give the praise that's due. The generous is cheated, He will praise who doth employ thee, Art thou true, 'twill not annoy thee, Say he praises what is slightest, So your Highness like your subject TO SCHAH SEDSCHAN AND HIS PEER.3 HROUGH all the clash and throng THR Of tribes of Iran, Undaunted goes our song Thee to environ ! Our life is glad and strong In thee, and able, Thy life continue long, Thy kingdom stable. BEST OF LUCK.4 LAWLESS as I was did I Master and my match discover, And thus tamed as years went by, Mistress too did I discover. Nor of testing did they spare As the prize they did discover : And his luck in it discover: Lord and mistress do not swerve, Glad that they did me discover, Therefore shines my lucky star That I did them both discover. Through many countries have I been, All sorts of men in crowds have seen, In every nook and corner sought, Each bush to me a nut has brought ; Such blessed towns none e'er espied, Houris on Houris, bride on bride. |