Spake the lofty judge: 'Tis thus I show it- UNBOUNDED. HOW great it makes thee that thou endest not, And never to begin — that is thy lot. Thy song is circling like the vault of flame, True poet-fountain of delight thou art, And waves on waves unnumber'd from thee start. A heart that pours itself along. And though the whole world sink to night, Hafis, with thee, alone with thee Will I compete! Let both delight And pain to us twin-brothers be! Breathe out, my song, thy spirit pure, ΜΑ IMITATION. AY I grow wonted in thy art of rhyming, But let to each a special sense be chiming; And as a spark is able to set blazing Imperial towns, set flames in wildness roaring To make a German kindle freshly hearted. When the thoughts with rhythms fit are gifted, Yet how quickly they repel if lifted There's no sense beneath the hollow mask : Out of its glad mood the soul has drifted Hafis, what most rash of fancies Yet the ship on ocean dances, Feels the wind its sail enhances ; In thy song the light, swift fancies Yet a lucky notion chances To embolden me; I have too 'neath sun-land's glances OPEN SECRET. HEY have called thee, holy Hafis, TH Poet of the mystic tongue, But not one of these word-scholars From that word its sense hath wrung. Thou dost pass with them for mystic, As they cannot understand thee Thou, the blest, and yet not pious! YET HINT. ET they are right whom I upbraid; There need no argument be made That just the word alone is stale. Speech is a fan; the sticks between, A pair of glances must be seen; The fan is but a handsome veil, Behind it is the face concealed, And yet the maiden is revealed, Since, chiefest grace she has, her eye Lightens to mine a clear reply. TO HAFIS. O thee what all would have is shown; For longing holds, from clod to throne, Such joy succeeds the early ache, Who ever can resist it? And though his neck one man may break, The rest have still persisted. So pardon, since thou know'st the cause 4 Like rootlet slips her foot so whist There seizes us a soft surmise From curls on curls grown crisper Till they to fullest chestnut rise, Then in the breezes whisper. And now her face is dawning clear And when her daintier lips would frame At once thy freedom they proclaim |