Now with peal of all the thunder, And the sky with lightning fretted, Will the dust-cloud wild and whirling Down to teeming soil be wetted. And at once there 's Life created, Over the dust a shadow black Then to dust I turned myself, But the shadow o'er me went its way. Why should I not use the figure That most suits my mind? We a type of life from Allah In the turban wind. Why should I not use a figure Allah speaks his mind. BLESSED LONGING. TEL ELL it not except to sages, I commend whatever rages Living for a death by flame. When to dusk love's day that makes thee Distant feeling overtakes thee Dost no longer stay belonging Not too nice about the distance, Coming winged as if bann'd, Lightward, with the moth's persistence, Art at length a sated brand. Dost thou shun the great behest, Thou art but a sorry guest 10 On this dull earth stying. M THE CANE. AKETH then a simple reed Down my quill may somewhat speed |