But thou wouldst now long be warden For in this the time of Flora, So by Grecian people named, See, she comes! and quicker, nearer, Lightly sandall'd strays the blusher, Where she comes the love-wafts follow. Quick, O handsome boy, betake thee BOY, sleepily. I gather patiently thy intent- It is because thou lovest me. HATEM. He slumbers well and has a right to slumber. Lest waking he should freshen my delight. BOOK OF PARABLES. THE imagination's prey runs in forests and multiplies in all seas. The ocean is a saucer, and its bottom scarce skin-deep. And the distances which lie within the galaxy are sanded with the golddust of its imagery. The firmament is a solid floor on which this sense of unity can walk. There is not an object which is not a passion; not a passion which does not overtake itself in objects. What is my thought like? Whatever it be like, that is my thought, or else it could not be like it. How irrational and fantastic seems this conclusion to which the imagination leaps with the faith of a child in its "make-believe!" How futile this hysteric passion which mounts to the eyelid and inundates the cheek at the happy rashness of some image that abolishes time and space, and turns the dirty earth to a lens! We put our eye to it: thou Deity, our eyes have met ! K BOOK OF PARABLES.1 NTO the wild sea's shudder fell away INTO A drop from heaven; fiercely smote the flood. And vigor gave the drop and stay: A pearl beams on our Kaiser's crown Bulbul through the night sang mellow, That is man, whose limbs constrain, MIRACLE. A handsome cup one day I broke, |