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The first volume ends at page 400, and the second volume begins at page 401.
Throughout this Index M. represents Muhammad, the Apost e.


A'aishah or A'ayshah, third wife
of M., xvii., xviii., xx. A tradi-
tion of hers about the first vision
of M., 134, note 135. Describes
how the revelations affected him,
148. Betrothed to M., 205.
Her tradition about the depar-
ture of M. and Abu Bakr from
Mekkah, 236, 237. What hap-
pened to her afterwards, 238.
Goes to Madinah, 252. Marriage
with M. consummated, 259. The
slander about her, 435-442. Her
innocence declared, 440. Her
remarks about the Coptic con-
cubine Mâryah, 647, 649.
traditions about the last illness,
death, and burial of M., 703-705,
707, 708, 711, 718, 720, 728, 729,
734, 739. Stories about her, 764,
765. Details about her and her
family, 767-770


A'ashura, a Jewish fast, 259. The
Ramadzan fast founded on and
after it, 260

A'atikah, daughter of


Muttalleb, 51. Her dream, 285 ;
frequently mentioned, 286, 291,


Ababil birds who destroyed Abra-
bah's army, 36-38, note 48
Abbas, tenth son of A'bd ul-
Muttalleb, surnamed Abu-1-Fazl,
51. Left six children, 51. Adopts
Ja'fer, son of Ali B. Abu Taleb,
151. His speeches at Aq'abah,
226, 227, 230. His sister A'ati-
kah tells him her dream, 285,

What happened to him at
Bedr, 326-329. His conversion,
337. Sends intelligence to M.

about the Qoraish preparations
for war, 368. His conduct at
Mekkah after the Khayber
victory, 550, 551. What he does
during the expedition against
Mekkah, 583, 586-592. His
doings during M.'s last illness,
707, 713, 731; and after his
death, 731-736

A'bd Munâf, ancestor of M., 19.
Description of him and his four
sons, 55. Made Governor of
Mekkah, 57. His family tree,
A'bdullah B. Abbâs, generally
called Ebn Abbâs, 51, 723, 733,

A'bdullah, eighth son of Abd-ul-
Muttalleb and father of M., 19,
50. His good looks, 21, 51.
Conspiracy against him, 21.
Arrangements to marry Aminah,
22. The story of Fattimah of
Syria coming after him, 22-25.
Marries Aminah, 25. His early
death, 26. His father proposed
to sacrifice him, 32, 33. Men-
tioned him to Saif Zu Yazan, 44,
Abdullah B. Anys murders Sofian
B. Khâled, 413, 414
A'bdullah B. Abu Salûl the hypo-
crite, 354, 355, 429-434, 653.
His death, 671, 672

A'bdullah B. Hudaqah Sahmy, the
envoy to Khosru Parviz of
Persia, 517, 524, 525

A'bdullah B. Juda'an, a prince of
A'bdullah, son of M., 778
the Qoraish, 42, 118, 124
A'bdullah B. Ruâhah, killed at
Mowtah, 567-570

A'bdullah B. Sullâm, one of the

Jewish U'lâma, asks questions
and becomes a convert, 253, 254
A'bdullah B. Qossai entrusted with

duties in the Ka'bah, 57, note 64
A'bdullah Dhu Abajâdyn, Story of,
662, 663

A'bd-ul-Muttalleb, grandfather of
M., xiv., 19. Arranges his son
A'bdullah's marriage with Ami-
nah, 22, 25. Marries Hailah, 26.
The story of his birth and
bringing up, 26. His good
qualities, 27. Digs up the well
Zamzam, 27-30. Disputes about
it, and what was found there, 30-
32. His meeting with Abrahah,
35, 36. Securing the valuables
after Abrahah's flight, 38. His
visit to Saif Zu Yazan, 41, 42;
who foretells the advent of M.,
43.45. His dream, 48. His good
qualities and family, 49-51. His
love for M., 52. Hands him
over to Abu Taleb, 53; and
dies, 53, 119. What he did at
M.'s birth, 95-98. Arranges with
Halimah about the suckling of
M., 108. Takes charge of him
on Aminah's death, 117, 118
A'bd-ul-Uzza B. Qossai appointed

to duties in the Ka'bah, 57; note

A'bdu-r-rahman B. Awuf, his early
conversion, xvi., 150. His story
of Bedr, 315, 324. His generosity,
653. Commands the left wing
of the army in the Tabuk cam-
paign, 655

A'bd-ush-Shams, ancestor of the
Ommayides, 5, 797

See Ebrahim

Abrahah, King of Yaman, invades
the Hajaz, and the result, 33-38
Abraham, xii., 19. His epithet
'Friend of God,' xii., notes 44,
Abu A'ameer, the monk, 77. His
story about the genii, 78. The
prophecy about M., 79. Joined
the Mekkans before Bedr, 368.
At Ohod, 374

Abu Bakr, surnamed Siddiq or Ssid-
diq, xvi., 79; notes 90, 156. Pro-
fesses Islam, 154. His bet about
the Byzantines and Persians, 191.
Believes the story of the night
journey to Jerusalem and heaven,

216. Accompanies M. in his flight
from Mekkah to the cave Thor,
233, 237-240. Proceeds with M.
en route to Madinah, and their
adventures, 240-247. Wants to
marry Fattimah, the daughter of
M., but offer declined, 269.
Proposes to fight at Bedr, 296.
His opinion about the treatment
of the captives after Bedr, 333-
336. His opinion of the treaty
of peace at Hadaybiah, 510, 511.
Fights at Khayber, 541. Goes
with M. on the expedition against
Mekkah, 592. Visits M. when
he quarrelled with his wives
about Maryah the Copt, 647, 648.
His generosity to the Tabuk
campaign funds, 652. Goes on
that expedition, 653, 654. De-
feated at Wâdy-urraml Sariah,
664. Goes to Mekkah on pil-
grimage with Ali, xxii., 672-675.
Ordered to go on the second
Syrian expedition, 702. Ordered
to hold the prayers in M.'s place
in the mosque, xxiii., 720, 721.
Rebukes O'mar for saying that
M. was not dead, 730, 731
Abu Bassyr, The story of, 514-516
Abu Dhar Ghuffâry, The story of,

Abu Dujjanah the Anssari at Bedr,
325. At Ohod, 377-379, 382,
384, 387, 393. Attained martyr-
dom, 401

Abu Haryrah at Bedr, 321. A
tradition of his, 348. At Mow-
tah, 569; note 358
Abu Jahl or Abu-l-Hukm, notes
167, 254.
Persecutes and insults
M., 162. Interrogates Wolid B.
Moghairah about M., 166. Again
insults M., 178. Chastised by
Hamzah for it, 179. Does not
believe the story of the night
journey, 216. Strikes A'aishah,
238. Insults Abbâs and his sister
A'atikah about her dream, 286.
Insults Ommyah B. Khuluf, 289.
Is all for fighting M. at Bedr,
293, 309; where he is killed,

Abu Jundal, son of Sohayl B.
Amru, his story, 506, 507. Joins
Abu Bassyr at A'yss, 516

Abu Kabshah, notes 232, 256, 344 ;
301, 523

Abu Khodhayfah B. O'tbah, 326,329
Abu-l-A'ass B. Rabyi', husband of

Zaynab, one of M.'s daughters,
346, 347, 779, 780

Abu Lahab, also called Abu Ot'bah,.
second son of Abd-ul-Muttalleb,
steals the golden fawns of the
Ka'bah, 50. Cursed in the
Qurân, 50, note 57. Remained
an infidel, 51. Offered to take
charge of M. when he was a
boy, 52. His slave girl Nubiah
suckled him, 104. On this ac-
count his torment in hell relieved
every Monday, 105. Scoffs at
M., 158, 159; to whom is
revealed on the spot ch. cxi. of
the Quran about his uncle, 158.
Still persecutes and insults M.,
161. Refuses to go out from
Mekkah with the others to
protect the expected caravan,
285. Receives the news about
Bedr, 342. His death and burial,

Abul Feda, the historian, ix.
Abu-l-Uzza, the poet, 336, 337.
Is killed, 408

Abu Muhammad B. Ala'zyz, 383
Abu Sofiân B. Harb, the father of
Moa'viah, the first Ommayad
Khalifah, 50, 56, 281, 285, 368,
403, 421-423, 442-444, 446, 453,
458, 464, 480-482, 521-523, 575,
577-579, 585-597, 632

Abu Sofiân B. Hareth B. A'bd-ul-
Mut alleb, 49, 50, 342, 584
Abu Taleb, seventh son of Abd-ul-
Muttalleb, xiv., xv., xvi., xvii.,
50, 51. Takes charge of M., 52,
53. Very fond of him, 119.
Takes him to Syria, 119-123.
Takes him to a doctor on account
of his dreams, 125. Recommends
him to trade for Khodaijah, 126.
Settles M.'s marriage with her,
129, 130. His two sons A'li and
Ja'fer adopted by M. and Abbâs,
151. Does not object to A'li's
conversion, 152. Tells Ja'fer
also to join A'li, 153. Protects
M. from the persecution and
insults of the Qoraish, 164, 169,
170. Refuses to surrender M.

to them, 169, 184, 185. Goes to
the Shi'b, 185; which he had
fortified, 187. And watches over
M. 187. How the Qoraish cove-
nant was annulled, 187-189. His
address to the Bani Hâshem on
his death-bed, 193. Commends
M. to them, 193, 194. M. comes
to see him, 195. Tries to con-
vert him, but fails, 195. Prays
for him, 196; till verse revealed
not to pray for idolaters, 196.
His interview with the Qoraish
about M., 196, 197. His death,
198. Doubts about his con-
version, 197, 198

Abyssinia, Emigration to, xvi., 11,
170. Return, 12, 172. Flight
of Abrahah to
38. Arrival
of Saif and Hormuzd there, 39,
40. Embassy of Qoraish to
172-177. M. sends envoy there,
517, 518

Adam, the first prophet, 14.
Father of mankind, 19. His
portrait, 82. His purity, 93.
His interview with M. on the
night of the Ascension, or night
journey, 208

Adhân, or call to prayers, 697,
note 408

Adâs, the Christian boy from
Nineveh meets M. at Tâif, 202.
His opinion about M., 290
Adâs, the monk consulted by
Khodaijah about M.'s first revela-
tions, 145. Acknowledges M. as
a prophet, 146

A'dy B. Hâttim Ttây and his sister,
their affairs with M., 643-646
Ahmed, a designation of M., 12;
note 22; 65, 99
A'kâbah [A'qâbah], xvii. First

homage at, 222. Second 226,
227. Terms arranged, 227-230
Akramah B. Abu Jahl, a Qoraish
chief, 453, 596, 609-613
Akydar B. A'bd-ul-malik, his story,
656, 657
Al-Amin, the Trustworthy


Faithful, a title of M., xv., 132.
A'li B. Abu Tâleb or Ttâleb, xv.,
xix., xxiv., 50, 54. The second
convert to Islâm, 85, 149.
Adopted by M., 151. Professes
Islâm, 151, 152. Sleeps in M.'s

bed on the night the Qoraish
went to kill the prophet, 235.
Joins M. at Qobba, 249. Marries
Fattimah, M.'s daughter, 269-273.
Sent to reconaoitre before Bedr,
298. What he does at the battle
of Bedr, 313, 314, 319. His
bravery at Ohod, 375, 379-384;
and at the siege of Madinah, 454-
456. Sent against the Bani
Qoryttah, 470. Writes the treaty
of peace at Hodaybiah, 507-509.
His bravery at Khayber, 542-545.
The sun turned back for him,
554. Goes on the expedition
against Mekkah, 583, 600. At
Honain, 620, 621, 625. At Tâif,
628, 629. Sent to destroy idols,
630. Again sent, 643. Left at
Madinah during Tabuk cam-
paign, 654. Victorious at Wâdy-
urraml, 665, 666. Goes on pil-
grimage to Mekkah by order of
M. to preach certain things, xxii.,
672-675. Sent by M. on an ex-
pedition to Yemen, xxiii., 679-
682. Advises the Najrân Chris-
tians how to act, 688. With M.
on the pilgrimage of valediction,
695, 698-700. Ordered to go on
the second Syrian expedition,
702. His doings during M.'s last
illness, 707, 713, 716, 717, 720,
726; and after M.'s death, 729,

Ali Shir Amir of Hirat, 19, note

Allah [God], His various designa-
tions, xii., 16, 17
Alms-gatherers of M., 792
Amanuenses of M., 791, 792
Aminah, mother of M., xiv.



betrothal to A'bdullah,
Her marriage, 25. Events and
signs before the birth of M., 85,
86; and on his birth, 87-92.
Halimah engaged as wet-nurse,
109. The child returned to his
mother, 116, 117. Her death,

A'mmar or O'mmar Yâser, 251, 252,

A'mru A'ass or Amru B. Al A'ass,
his mission to Abyssinia to
demand the surrender of the
refugees, 172. His quarrel with


his colleague, 173. His inter-
view with the Najjâshi and his
arguments, 173-177. His con-
version, xxi., 561, 563. Com-
mands an expedition, 564-566.
Defeated at Wady-urraml, 664-

A'mru B. A'bdud, his fight with
A'li at Madinah and death, 452-

A'mru B. Asad; uncle of Khodaijab,
129, 130

A'mru B. Hâreth, the Jorhamite,
29, 31

A'mru B. Heshâm (see Abu Jahl
or Abu-l-Hukm), note 254
A'mru B. Ma'dy, Story of, 682-684
A'mru B. Ommyah, Story of, 415-

417. Sent as envoy to the
Najâshi, 517, 518

Anssår, The, i.e., helpers or auxili.
aries, xviii., 218, note 207.
Blessed by M., 251. The knot
of fraternity tied with the
Mobâjer, 260. Wish to fight
before Bedr, 297. Their banners
at Bedr, 310. Assist with money
the Tabuk campaign, 653. Or-
dered to go on second expedition
to Syria, 702. M.'s last words
to them, 714, 718. Claim admis-
sion to see M.'s body after his
death, 732. Pray by it, 735,
note 478

Appendix A.: Details about the
family of M. and his dependents,

Appendix B.: List of Muhamma-
dan months, 796

Appendix C.: Genealogical table
of M.'s ancestors, 797
Arafat, near Mekkah, 695, 698
Asaa'd B. Zarârah, a chief of the
Khazraj tribe from Madinah,
who greatly assisted M., 220-225.
Speaks at A'qâbah, 227, 228.
His death, 252

Asâmah B. Zaid ordered to com-
mand the second Syrian expedi-
tion, his father having been killed
in the first, 702. Is starting,
when he hears of M.'s illness,
703. Helps to wash and shroud
M.'s body, 732, 733
Ascension, The, or night journey,
xvii., 206-216


Asmâ, the foster-sister of M., well
treated after Honain, 627, 628
Astrology, 100, 101
Aswad B. I'sa, the false prophet,
679, 701, 702

Asyd B. Khadzyr, 379, 592
A'zrayil, the angel of death, 710,
723, 724, 727, 728, 745, 746


Bâdân, Governor of Yemen, 525-
528, 679

Bahira, the Christian hermit in
Syria, his interview with M.,
and prophecies about him, 120-
123, note 122

Bani Awus, The, xvii., 220.
Three men selected from this
tribe to carry out the A'qâbah
covenant, 230

Bani Bakr, The, 28, 29. Join the
Qoraish after the treaty of Ho-
daybiah, xx., 508. Attack the
Bani Khozaah, 574-576. Assisted
by the Qoraish, who thus broke
the treaty, which brought about
M.'s expedition against Mekkah,


Bani Ghuttfân, The, 255, 450, 452,

Bani Hoâzân, The, xxii., 619, 620,
628, 638

Bani Hozaymah, The, massacred,

Bani Khazraj, The, xvii., 219-222.

Nine men selected from them to
carry out the A'qâbah covenant,

Banio Khozaa'h, The, join M. after
the treaty of Hodaybiah, xx.,
508. Attacked by the Bani Bakr
and others, which led to the ex-
pedition against Mekkah, 573-

Bani Mossttalaq, The expedition
against, xx., 426-429

Bani Natzyr, The, xix. Their treaty
with M., 255, 256. Expedition
against them, xix., 417-421. Stir
up the Qoraish against M., 442;
and agree to fight with them,
443. Send envoy to the Bani
Qoryttah, 447

Bani Qaynuqaa', The, xix. Their

covenant with M., 255.
expedition against them, 353-356
Bani Qoryttah, The, xx.
covenant with M., 255. Consent
to fight with the Qoraish against
M., 447, 448. M. sends envoys to
them, 448. Na'ym B. Masu'd
intrigues with them, 458-461.
Are attacked by M., 470-474 ;
defeated, 474; and massacred,

Bani Qurdah, The, expedition
against, 488-490

Bani Sa'ad, The, xiv. The tribe
among whom M. was brought up,

Bani Solym, or Salym, The, 582,
583, 591, 616, 621
Bani Tamym, The,
against them, 641.
come to M., 641.
settled, 642, 643

Their chiefs
Their case

Bani Thaqif, The, xxii., 617, 618,

Bara Moa'wiah calamity, 414-416
Baqyi' cemetery, 704, 705, 735, 770-
772, 774, 776

Bedr, Battle of, xix., 281. The
march there, 282-285. Arrival,
302, 303. Account of it, 312-
330. The wonderful events
which happened during it, 320-
322. Number of slain, 323
Bellâl or Ballâl, the first Mued-
dhin, or caller to prayers, 256,
note 229; 560, 589, 699, 719, 793;
note 477

Berât, The Surah, chapter ix. of
the Quran, 673-675

Betûl [the Virgin], name


plied to Fattimah Zohrâ, daughter
of M., 784, 785, note 469
Biographies of M., ix., notes 5, 10,
12, 13, 15, 19, 21

Birth of M., Events before and
after, 85-100

Bokhari, the traditionist, x., 573
Borâq, the steed of all the pro-
phets, 207

Borydah B. Alhassyb goes with

A'li to Yemen, 681. A tradition
of his, 682. Sent to M., 684, 685
Brotherhood at Madinah, 260, 261
Buddha, x.

Burydah B. Alkhadzib, Story
about, 246, 247

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