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On that day Habab B. Almundhar represented to his lordship that the camp of the army, being exposed to the arrows from the fort, was in an unsuitable locality; further, that it was in a date-grove, on an unhealthy spot, and exposed to the sorties of the enemy. His advice having been accepted, Muhammad B. Moslamah was ordered to select a proper locality. He accordingly examined the environs, and found the place Rajya' to be a locality fit for the camp. His holy and prophetic lordship having approved of the spot, said: 'We shall go there to-night.' Accordingly he went there with his companions after sunset, and appointed O'thmân B. O'ffan to attend to the pitching and the arrangements of the camp, from which the Musalmans then sallied forth day by day to attack the stronghold.


It is related that one night, when O'mar B. Alkhattâb was on guard over the army of Islâm, a Jew was captured and brought to him. He ordered him to be killed; but the man said: Take me to your prophet, because I have something to tell him.' O'mar complied with the request, and his lordship asked: 'What hast thou to say?' The Jew said I came from the fort of Natzârah, the garrison whereof is extremely distressed to-day, on account of the fierceness of the battle, and dreads the bravery of the champions of this army. This evening they intend to remove to the fort Shaq. They have concealed their provisions and appliances of war in a place known to me, and I can point it out to-morrow when the fort is conquered.' His lordship said: 'If it pleaseth Allah the Most High.' The Jew continued: My wife and family are in the fort; grant them to me.' The apostle of God said: 'I shall do so.' The following day Natzârah was conquered, and Fort Shaq likewise, whereon the said Jew, with his adherents, made profession of the Faith.

It is related that one day the Musalmâns were engaged in attacking and besieging the fort of Ssa'b, when the Jew Marahab sallied out, and, capering into the lists of championship, encountered A'amer with reference to whom his lordship had uttered an invocation for mercy on

the occasion when he was reciting verses to speed the camels-whose head he struck with his sabre. A'amer aimed a blow at Marahab, but accidentally wounded his own knee, and died from that wound.

When marching back from Khayber his holy and prophetic lordship observed during the journey that Solmah Bin Alakwa', the cousin of A'amer, manifested signs of distress and melancholy, and asked him for the reason thereof. According to one tradition, Solmah B. Alakwa' came weeping to his lordship, and said: 'O apostle of God, some of thy companions are telling me that the [good] works of A'amer are useless, because he has perished by his own sword.' But his lordship, uniting [the tips] of his fingers [and holding them up], said: 'Verily he has fought for the religion.' It is related that during the siege of Khayber the Musalmâns suffered from want of provisions, but that one day twenty sheep had come from the fort of Ssa'b, and were browsing in the vicinity, whereon his lordship exclaimed Is there anyone who can take one of these sheep to feed us?' Accordingly Abu-l-yasyr B. A'mru the Anssâri stepped forward, saying: 'O prophet of God, I shall go on that service.' Then he gathered up his skirts, and when the apostle of God saw him running like a fawn, he said: O God, cause him to provide for us.' When Abu-l-yasyr arrived with two sheep, which he had taken under his two arms, his lordship the refuge of termination ordered them to be slaughtered and prepared for a repast; nor was there a man in the camp who did not partake thereof. By the life-preserving benediction of his lordship the best of men-u. w. b.-Abu-l-yasyr lived for many years, doing much good to the pious and the righteousA. h. m. o. h.

It is related that during the siege of the fort of Ssa'b a number of Musalmâns had become very weak from want of food, and were on the brink of starvation. They complained to him who will be the intercessor on the day of rosurrection, and requested him to pray that their want might be changed to plenty, and their misery to comfort.

His lordship accordingly addressed a petition to the Courts of Monotheism that the fort containing the greatest quantity of provisions be allowed to fall into the possession of the Musalmâns. He then gave the banner to -Habâb B. Almundhar, and ordered the victory-boding army to make a unanimous onslaught. The company which had complained of famine was the first to reach the gate of Fort Ssa'b, and to fight till it had been conquered. The Musalmâns obtained possession of great quantities of clothes with property of all kinds, which they brought out of the fort, as well as of much wine; but, by Divine command, they poured it all on the ground. One Musalmân, however, A'bdullah B. Kumâr by name, being very fond of wine, had taken several draughts thereof. This culprit was accordingly taken by the companions to the apostle of God, and the august mind of that legislator was highly displeased with the act of the transgressor, whom he chastised with his own august shoe, and by order of the apostle of men and demons all who were present in the assembly likewise struck A'bdullah with their sandals, and among the companions O'mar exclaimed: By Allah! curse him, that all of us may not be punished for his transgression.' But his holy and prophetic lordship replied O'mar, do not say that, for he loves Allah and His apostle.'



When the army of the professors of Islâm was engaged in beleaguering the fort of Qumûss, his holy and prophetic lordship was suffering from headache, and could therefore not be present in the fights, but gave every day audience— in conformity with the inspirations of his luminous mind and the dictates of his sunlike intellect to the Mohajer and Anssâr nobles, handing the victorious standard to one

of the companions, and sending him to the battle. As the just-mentioned fortress was extremely strong and well protected, it could not be taken. Therefore Fârûq the greater, having one day received the banner, advanced with a number of the defenders of the glory of Islâm to the base of the fort of the benighted idolaters; but the reflection of victory failed, despite his great efforts, to manifest itself on the speculum of his mind. The next day Sзiddyq the greater took the standard, and hastened with a number of warriors and heroes to fight the professors of aberration. Both parties fought obstinately: he was, however, doomed to return unsuccessfully. The third time O'mar B. Alkhattab again attacked the garrison of Qumûss with great impetuosity, but was disappointed; and when the [sun] the sovereign of luminaries advanced with his golden banner to subdue the regions of the west, the prince of Batthâ and Yathrab [i.e., of Mekkah and Madinah] uttered with his pearl-dropping and miracle-working lips the following words: To-morrow I shall give the standard to no one but to the hero of attack who never flees, who loves God and the apostle, and whom God and the apostle love. Allah will give us the victory through him.'

It is said that A'li-may Allah ennoble his countenance! -was in the beginning of this Ghazâ prevented from taking part therein by ophthalmia, and had remained in Madinah; but his luminous mind could not bear to be separated from his lordship, and therefore he went, in spite of his malady, to kiss the head of the apostle of God, whom he met on the road, but according to another tradition after his arrival in Khayber.

Sahal B. Sa'd Saa'dy says that during that night, when the lord of apostleship had uttered the above-mentioned words, a discussion took place among the companions to which of them he would give the standard [of command]. Burydah Alhassyb narrates that everyone who was related to the apostle imagined he would obtain the banner; and the Qoraish thought that the person alluded to [in the above words] would not be A'li E. Abu Ttâleb, because his eyes were

so affected that he could not see his own footsteps. When, however, the ears of the Commander of the Faithful were loaded with the bright pearls of the words of his lordship the prince of the righteous, he said: 'O God, no one can take what Thou refusest to give, and no one can refuse to accept what Thou choosest to bestow.' Next day, when the eyes of mankind were brightened by the light of the worldilluminating sun, the lucky mortals who were able to clench the sides of tigers in the fire of battle, and to place in the height of the fight their hands into the throats of whales, made their appearance at the holy tent-door of his lordship. the refuge of apostleship, and every one thought that this great felicity and excellent gift would fall to his own lot. Sa'd B. Woqqâss says: I knelt down opposite to the apostle of Allah, and then rose, hoping to obtain the flag.' It is related of Fârûq the greater that he said: 'I never wished to be commander except on that day.' When his lordship the Mussttafa-u. w. b.-came out of the tent, he asked, Where is A'li E. Abu Ttâleb?' and on all sides vociferations arose to the effect of his eyes being sore, and that he could not distinguish his own feet. He, however, commanded: Bring him here.' Accordingly A'li was produced, whereon his lordship placed his head upon his own blessed thigh, and threw a little saliva from his blessed mouth into the eyes of A'li. According to another tradition, however, he first poured the saliva on his own hand, then smeared it on A'li's eyes, and said: O God, protect him from heat and cold.' A'li Mortadza-u. w. b.-says: By the blessing of the apostle of God, after that I no longer felt either cold or hot.' Ebn Abu Layly says: During the greatest heat A'li-u. w. b.-used to wear a robe stuffed with cotton, experiencing no inconvenience; and during the most inclement weather a thin garment, without the least injury.' It is related that A'li, having been immediately relieved of his ophthalmia [by the above operation], the prophet handed him the flag, saying: 'Do not look at it until God the Most High and Glorious causes thee to conquer Khayber.' After A'li had advanced a short dis

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