8vo. Orig. printed boards. Printed in P. Rusher's Patent Type without descending letters. Until the discovery of this book it was believed that the 1804 edition of Rasselas was the only book in which the type was used. 767 Wilson (A., and Sons) A Specimen of Printing Types. Glasgow, 1783 35s 1 Folio. Broadside. Includes Roman, Italic, Black Letter, Hebrew and Greek. 768 Wilson (John) A Treatise of Grammatical Punctuation, designed for Letter-Writers, Authors Printers, and Correctors of the Press, Graftos +Co., (Frank Hamel), 7+8 Coptic Sheet, new Oxford Street, London.. 21 March 1923. CITY, WESTCENT, London. NEW MODE OF PRINTING. RASSELAS, PRINCE OF ABISSINIA. BY DR. JOHNSON. PRINTED WITH PATENT TYPES, IN A MANNER NEVER BEFORE ATTEMPTED. Rusher's Edition. BANBURY: PRINTED FOR P. RUSHER; AND SOLD BY MR. BUDD, AT THE CROWN AND BEMARLE-STREET; MR.TEGG, III CHEAPSIDE, LONDON; AND BY MR. J. RUSHER, READING. 1804. CHENEY, PRINTER, HIGH-STREET, BANBURY. |