JEWSBURY & BROWN'S (MANCHESTER) Sparkling Table Waters, UNRIVALLED FOR PURITY AND QUALITY. SODA WATER, SELTZER WATER, POTASH WATER, LITHIA WATER, SIMPLE AERATED WATER, LEMONADE, GINGER ALE, QUININE TONIC, GINGER BEER, HOREHOUND BEER. EXTRACTS FROM ANALYTICAL REPORTS. "The examination of the Waters which I have made has satisfied me that they have been prepared with the greatest care, and are of excellent quality." FRANCIS JONES, F.R.S.E., F.C.S. "On the whole, I have no hesitation in stating that your Aërated Waters are of the highest standard of purity which is practically attainable." LOUIS SIEBOLD, F.İ.C., F.C.S. "The Lemonade is, for flavour and general excellence, superior to any similar compound which I have examined, and contains no acid but Citric Acid. "I took a sample of the water used in your manufactory, in the preparation of the Aerated Waters, and found it, as was the case with the completed compounds, entirely free from lead, copper, or any injurious matter whatever." O. ESTCOURT, F.C.S., F.C.I. SYPHONS, ORDINARY BOTTLES, AND HALF BOTTLES. J. and B.'s Syphons are mounted with PURE BLOCK TIN, thus ensuring absolute immunity from dangerous metallic contamination. NOTE.-All Corks are branded with name. Each Bottle and Syphon bears Jewsbury & Brown's Trade Mark in the glass, also their label, without which none is genuine. CARRIAGE PAID, AND ON RETURNS. Price Lists and Analytical Reports sent to any address, or may be had from agents. 113, MARKET STREET, AND 44, DOWNING STREET, MANCHESTER. MANLOVE, ALLIOTT & CO., LIMITED, ENGINEERS, NOTTINGHAM. LONDON, GLASGOW, MANCHESTER. SOLE MAKERS OF LYON'S PATENT STEAM DISINFECTOR For purifying clothes, bedding, mattrasses, bales of rags, furniture, documents, &c. Disinfects any articles placed within it by subjecting them to dry superheated steam under regulated pressure. It is made in two forms-one for fixing in a building, and the other portable. It has been subjected to the most severe practical tests and has been found to insure absolute disinfection, it saves time, does not affect the colours of the goods, makes no offensive smell, and avoids all risk of burning. The exhaustive series of trials conducted by Dr. Parsons, of the Local Government Board, show clearly that of the various classes of Disinfectors used, Steam Disinfectors are the best, and Lyon's is the best Steam Disinfector. This Apparatus is now adopted by H. M. Government and the leading Medical Institutions, and its use is rapidly extending everywhere. "THE DESTRUCTOR (FRYER'S PATENT) For the reduction and purification of the waste products of towns by fire. Involves no expense for fuel, yet the heat of the furnaces is utilizable for raising steam for manufacturing purposes, and the ashes (hard clinkers) are saleable. This is the most satisfactory, and, in many cases, the only method of safely disposing of town's refuse. It is now adopted with uniform success in the principal cities and towns in the country. THE FUME CREMATOR" (JONES' PATENT) For burning the gases from "The Destructor" and other furnaces, and rendering them inoffensive as well as innocuous. THE INCINERATOR" (DR. SARGEANT'S PATENT) For burning the refuse of Hospitals, Asylums, Prisons, Workhouses, and similar Institutions where the quantity of material is too small for the adoption of “The Destructor." FRYER'S CARBONISER For converting vegetable refuse into charcoal. FIRMAN'S DRYING AND RENDERING APPARATUS AND JOHNSTONE'S DRYER For drying fish, offal, blood, waste animal matters, excreta, &c., and reducing them into saleable products. FOR FULL INFORMATION, APPLY TO THE MAKERS. Telegraphic Address:-" Manloves," Nottingham. Appendix, pages 538, 550. THE INCANDESCENT GAS-LIGHT COMPANY, LIMITED. (WELSBACH SYSTEM.) A Medal was Awarded to the Exhibit of the Company's Light at the Bolton Exhibition, 1888. 50 to 70 per Cent. Saving of Gas. Soft, Steady, Brilliant Light. 3, VICTORIA MANSIONS, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W. Testimonials and all information on application to the Secretary. THE PATENT VICTORIA STONE Co. LIMITED. INCORPORATED UNDER THE COMPANIES ACTS, 1862 to 1886. Directors: LEWIS H. ISAACS, Esq., M.P., Assoc.Inst.C. E., 3, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, W.C., Director of the Metropolitan District Railway Company (Chairman.) CHARLES HORSLEY, Esq., C.E., F.G.S., J.P., Highbury New Park, N., Chairman of the St. Albans Water Company (Deputy-Chairman.) T. G. H. GLYNN, Esq., 2, Templeton Place, South Kensington, W., Director of the Union Debenture Company, Limited. H. SEATON-KARR, Esq., M.P., 7, Suffolk Place, Pall-Mall, S.W., Director of the Economic Fire Insurance Company, Limited. JAMES GLAISHER, Esq., F.R.S., 1, Dartmouth Place, Blackheath, S.E., Chairman, of the Barnet District Gas and Water Company. JOHN JAMES GRIFFITHS, Esq., The Grange, Highbury. SECRETARY AND MANAGER-MR. HARRY ROGERS. In view of the extension of powers under Local Government Acts to comparatively rural districts, the Company manufacture, on a large scale, cheap and useful first-class Concrete Slab Paving, and lay" Granitine" Paving in situ, in order to meet the requirements of places where traffic is less severe, and where the first cost is of importance. In consequence of the recent rules imposed by the Local Government Board, this Company are prepared to make the necessary plans, and arrange for the loan of money to Local Bodies, for the purpose of paving, at 3 to 4 per cent., according to the work executed. The stone has been used as Paving to an enormous extent during the last 20 years, equal in length to 100 miles, mostly for 90 Vestries and Boards of Works. Its cost is 15 per cent. less than York Stone, and its durability has been proved to be 33 per cent. greater. It has two fair sides, and can be easily laid. TWENTY YEARS' evidence of wear in London. Laid on London Bridge, where the Foot Traffic exceeds 80,000 Passengers per day-the heaviest traffic in the world. This Pavement will last a Century in ordinary Suburban Roads. TENSILE STRAIN.-The average of 10 briquettes (vide "Reid on Concrete") was 794 lbs. per square inch in 1879, but has now reached 1,125 lbs. per square inch. CRUSHING STRAIN.-See Mr. Kirkcaldy's Certificate, May 28, 1887, 8,321 lbs. per cubic inch. ABSORPTION.-See "Wray on Stone." Bulk of water absorbed as compared with bulk of stone, per cent., 7.6. For Prices see LAXTON and other Price Books. Offices: 283a, KINGSLAND ROAD; Works: Stratford Bridge, Essex; and at Groby Quarries, Near Leicester. For the awards given by the Institute, see Lewis Haslam, Appendix, pages 539, 551. CELLULAR CLOTH & CLOTHING. AWARDED MEDAL 1887. The principle involved in this material, for both outer and under clothing, is that it is cellular in structure, so that advantage is taken of the non-conducting power of the air (one of the best non-conducting substances known) to make it a covering for the body equally fitted for the cold of winter and the warmth of summer. The cloth combines lightness and durability with the largest possible air surface. It has also the great advantages of being exceedingly cheap, and of washing without shrinking Exhalations from the body pass readily through this clothing, and cleanliness of the surface of the body is much promoted by its use. In this respect it is very superior to all substances, which, from closeness of texture, retain the cutaneous exhalations. The Cellular Cloth is well adapted to many medical and surgical purposes. It is already in use for bandages, and in some hospitals it is used for sheeting, pillows, and night garments. Several medical men who have used it have accorded a willing testimony to its value. List of Retail Agents, and Specimens of the Cloth, may be had on application by letter to THE CELLULAR CLOTHING Co., Ld., 75, Aldermanbury, London, E.C. Read "The Theory and Practice of Cellular Clothing," post-free. E. S. HINDLEY, London Offices, Show Rooms, & Stores: 11, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. Works: BOURTON, DORSET. GENERAL PURPOSE STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, For HEATING, BOILING, SCALDING, &c. THE COMBINED GENERAL PURPOSE ESTATE ENGINE Is adapted for the work of a Gentleman's Mansion, viz. : Pumping, Electric Lighting, Chaff Cutting, Grinding, and at small extra cost can be fitted with a Pump, rendering it useful as a Steam Fire Engine, and for Irrigation purposes. CIRCULAR AND BAND SAW BENCHES. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND FULL PARTICULARS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION. |